Is there any way to put Titanium code into Eclipse? - titanium

If Ive developed an Android app in Titanium (Appcelerator), is it possible to change it to use in Eclipse?
Thank you

I use Eclipse, you can import your Titanium projects in eclipse but not with import but instead create a new web project and set the project location to the Titanium project you have created using Titanium developer.

Titanium Studio, the development environment for Titanium, is a branded and somewhat customized version of Eclipse.

Yes sure, you can put Titanium code within Eclipse:-
First be sure you have javascript Web development Eclipse version. You can download here:
After that you have to install plugin using Eclipse IDE.
Import Titanium’s mobile application into Eclipse for faste development.
For more information Check this link:


How to integrate an external app into IntelliJ plugin?

I want to build an Android Studio plugin (IntelliJ plugin) which can open an external app by pressing the button. The external app is developed by myself and is quite small. I hope to integrate it to the IntelliJ plugin so users only need to install the plugin instead of installing the app explicitly.
So is it possible for me to package the app into the plugin? I have tried putting the .app file under the resources folder but I don't know how to open the app programmatically. Or is there any other way to achieve my purpose?

Worklight: Any impact of google ending support for android eclipse tools

Dojo 1.9.4
Eclipse Juno
We have developed a hybrid mobile application using worklight 6.1. We use eclipse juno to develop the app. As Google has announced to end support for android eclipse tools, I would like to know, if there will be any impact on the way we develop the app. Will there be any problem while publishing the app (built using worklight) to Google Play store ?
I guess, we will not be able to use eclipse to run/debug the app now.
It should not be an issue as you can still run your Android app in Android Studio.
There will not be a problem with publishing applications to Google Play Store.
You can configure Eclipse > Preferences > MobileFirst (or Worklight) with the location of your Android Studio installation. This will enable you to right-click on the application folder and select Run As > Android Studio project, which will launch the project in Android Studio.
The only limitation is that Worklight-generated projects are not compatible with Gradle, so you should not migrate to Gradle (Android Studio will suggest this). If you do migrate, the next time you build the project in Worklight Studio in Eclipse the native project that will be generated will again be non-Gradle...

Worklight v6.2 - Android Cordova Plug-in

Has anyone tried the "Android - Adding native functionality to Hybrid Application using Apache Cordova plug-in" feature in v6.2 ?
I'm trying to use a 3rd party library on the client side and wanted to understand where to put the plug-in java class in the project. The documentation shows a java package (src) structure whereas the best I can find is normal folders in the android native folder.
The reason you see these as "regular" folders is likely because you are look at the Worklight project rather than the generated Android project.
Worklight project\apps\your_app\android\native\ ... will look as folders because they are indeed just folders.
Once you build your Worklight application (containing an Android environment), an Android project will be generated. In it, you will see the folders as packages, etc.
A Worklight project and application structure is explained in earlier training modules:
Creating your first Hybrid Worklight application
Previewing your application on Android
So, you should place your Java Class file in Worklight project\apps\your_app\android\native\src\com\package_name\ ...
Note about Cordova plug-ins in Worklight: depending on the plug-in this may not be possible to use as some plug-ins require using the Cordova plugman, which is not yet supported in Worklight.

Android Studio can't run my APP (<no module>)

I did import a Eclipse project to Android Studio.
However, I can't execute my APP because I have only in Android Application.
It appears in Android Test, but I am not able to select the module in Android Application.
Is this a bug?
Posting your update I removed from your question as an answer:
It was really a BUG solved in latest SDK Eclipse and AS updates.

Android apps developement using Eclipse

How to develop an android application in Eclipse? While updating eclipse there is some problems...
I would definitely start here:
That's a great beginning that covers downloading Eclipse, installing the SDK, downloading and installing required Android platforms, and has some how-to's and "Hello World" app tutorials.
If you're just looking to install the SDK for Eclipse and all of the steps involved with that, this link is what you'll need:
Good luck!