how do i create a dynamic view for data entry -

What i want in the view is to spit out the fields that are part of the Department and Employee models depending on whichever one gets mentioned in the URL.
say for example department model has 5 fields
How do i create a view (dynamic/not strongly typed) that automatically displays the fields based on the model and let the user enter the values?
public ActionResult Create(string process)
if (process.Equals("Department"))
var model = new Department();
return View(model);
else if (process.Equals("Employee"))
var model = new Employee();
return View(model);
return View();

You can pass it as an object. You could also pass it in the viewdata (or viewbag). For both of these ways you would also need to include a flag so you know which one you should cast to. Both of these ways in my opinion though are hokey and prone to problems.
Another way would be to create a view model that combines both models. I personally would try to keep them separate and use separate calls \ views for each, depending on the requirements.


Why is my record being deleted from the db when I attempt to update the record from entity framework MVC?

When I attempt to update a record from entity framework the record is being deleted from the table. There are no errors thrown so it really has me baffled what is happening.
I am fairly new to entity framework and I've been learning it for about a month now.
I can update the record without any issues from SQL Server but not from vs. Here is the code to update the db:
// GET: /Scorecard/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id, string EmployeeName)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
CRS_Monthly crs_monthly = GetAgentById(id);
crs_monthly.EmployeeName = EmployeeName;
if (crs_monthly == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(crs_monthly);
// POST: /Scorecard/Edit/5
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
// more details see
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include="REC_ID,Cur_Plan,Plan_Update,Comments,Areas_Improve,Strengths,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_TIME,Agent_Recognition")] CRS_Monthly crs_monthly)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
crs_monthly.UPDATED_TIME = DateTime.Now;
crs_monthly.UPDATED_BY = Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name.Split('\\')[1];
db.Entry(crs_monthly).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(crs_monthly);
When I run the debugger crs_monthly is valid and looks fine until db.SaveChanges(). Any help is greatly appreciated!
You should never save an instance of your entity created from a post, especially when you're utilizing Bind to restrict which properties are bound from the post data. Instead, always pull the entity fresh from the database and map the posted values on to it. This ensures that no data is lost.
Using Bind is a horrible practice, anyways. The chief problem with it is that all your properties are listed as string values, and you're introducing maintenance concerns. If remove one of these properties or change the name, the Bind list is not automatically updated. You must remember to change every single instance. Worse, if you add properties, you have to remember to go back and include them in this list or else your data just gets silently dropped with no notice.
If you need to only work with a subset of properties on your entity, create a view model containing just those properties. Then, again, map the posted values from your view model onto an instance of your entity pulled fresh from the database.

Data is not inserting to the database

I am new to asp .net MVC 4.
I have one text box and the text box value I am fetching from one table.But while clicking on submit button this value I want to insert into different table , which is not inserting and showing error.It is taking value as null.
#Html.TextBox("empname", (string)ViewBag.empname, new { #readonly = "readonly" })
public ActionResult Facilities()
mstEmpDetail emp = new mstEmpDetail();
emp = db.mstEmpDetails.Single(x => x.intEmpId == 10001);
ViewBag.empname = emp.txtEmpFirstName;
return View();
public ActionResult Facilities(TrnBusinessCardDetail bc)
var empname1 = ViewBag.empname;
bc.txtfirstName = empname1;
return RedirectToAction("Facilities");
While I was working with normal text box it was inserting properly,but when I have retrieve
fro DB then i am getting this problem ?
How to solve this problem ?
Viewbag is a one way street - you can use it to pass information to the view, but you cannot use it to get the information from the view. The statement ViewBag.empname in your POST method has a value of null in your code.
As suggested by #dotnetom, ViewBag is a one way street. MVC is stateless so a POST request is not a "Round Trip" from previous get request. Thus your ViewBag can not hold its state.
MVC can determine (and construct) your action parameters from Form Parameters. In your case you have added a textbox with name "empname". So you should get this value as parameter in your POST request.
public ActionResult Facilities(TrnBusinessCardDetail bc, string empname)
bc.txtfirstName = empname;
return RedirectToAction("Facilities");
This would be simplest of solution given your problem. More appropriate would be binding your textbox directly with you model property. This way you will not have to worry about retrieving and assigning property value to model in your controller.
I think the problem is when you are using var empname1 = ViewBag.empname; in post controller because ViewBag.empname lost its value at that time.

How to keep your MVC controllers DRY for Edit->Save->ValidateFail

I've got a Manage User event that takes an an optional userID and displays a user edit screen. There is a manageUserViewModel to go with this screen.
My Manage page has some dependencies - eg, PageTitle, what method to submit to, etc.
If I validate-fail, I need to show the manage screen again, but this time, using the view-model that was passed into the same method.
Supplying these dependencies in the fail scenario isn't very DRY.
How do I step repeating the dependencies? I tried putting them into a separate method, but that does not feel right.
public ActionResult Manage(Guid? UserID)
User user = this._UserLogic.GetUser(UserID);
ViewBag.Title = "User List";
ViewBag.OnSubmit = "Save";
ManageUserViewModel uvm = Mapper.Map<User, ManageUserViewModel>(user);
return View("Manage", uvm);
public ActionResult Save(ManageUserViewModel uvm)
User user = this._UserLogic.GetUser(uvm.UserID);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
// This is not very DRY!!!
ViewBag.Title = "Manage User";
ViewBag.OnSubmit = "Save";
return View("Manage", uvm);
Mapper.Map<ManageUserViewModel, User>(uvm, user );
return RedirectToAction("Manage", new { UserID = user.ID });
I think you misunderstand DRY. DRY does not mean "NEVER repeat yourself", it means that you should not repeat yourself when it makes sense not to.
Different views have different requirements, and creating a complex structure just to avoid repeating yourself violates other best practices, like KISS, and SRP.
SOLID is interesting because Single Responsibility Principle is often at odds with Don't Repeat Yourself, and you have to come up with a balance. In most cases, DRY loses because SRP is far more important.
It looks to me like you have code here that is handling multiple responsibilities just so you can avoid writing similar code more than once. I disagree with doing that, because each view has different responsibilities and different requirements.
I would suggest just creating separate controller actions, views, and models for each action, particularly if the validation requirements are different for them. There may be a few things you can do (like using Partial Views or Editor Templates) to reduce repetition, but in general don't add lots of complexity just to avoid repetition.
You could add the 'Manager User' Title and 'Save' OnSubmit strings as properties of on the ManageUserViewModel. This means that you would not have to add them to the ViewBag each time you called Save.
You could also make a ManageUserService which could be responsible for the AutoMapper mappings and saving the user.
You code would then look like this:
public ActionResult Manage(Guid? UserID)
var uvm = _userService.GetById(UserId);
return View("Manage", uvm);
public ActionResult Save(ManageUserViewModel uvm)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View("Save", uvm);
return RedirectToAction("Manage", new { UserID = uvm.ID });
Just put the CRUD logic and AutoMapping functionality in the a class called UserService, and instance of which can be injected using Inversion of Control into your controller.
If you don't want to hard-code your string values into the view model itself, then you could add the values to an ApplicationResources file and reference those from the view model.
You will have to find some way to preserve this information between requests, which either means passing it back and forth between the client and server or saving it on the server. Saving it on the server means something like session but this feels a little heavy to me. You could add it to your ViewModel as #Ryan Spears suggested. To me that feels a little wrong, polluting the ViewModel with something that might be considered metadata. But that is just an opinion and I am not discrediting his answer because it is valid. Another possibility would be to just add the extra fields to the parameter list of the action method itself and use hidden fields.
public ActionResult Save(ManageUserViewModel uvm, string title, string onSubmit)
In the form add:
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="#ViewBag.Title" />
<input type="hidden" name="onSubmit" value="#ViewBag.OnSubmit" />
This is essentially the same concept and solution as adding them to the ViewModel except in this situation they are not actually part of the ViewModel.
You can use RedirectToAction() and then export and import your tempdata (to maintain the ModelState) if you're worried about the 3 lines.
Personally I'd find it a lot more readable if you kept the logic in the POST version of the method, as you're performing something slightly different from the GET method, therefore not really repeating yourself. You could you probably keep the two ViewBag variables you have inside the View, and then there's no repetition at all.
As a side note: [HttpPost] now supersedes [AcceptVerbs]
We have come up with another solution that I thought I would share.
This based on the view-model containing info on what actions it can do, but we feel the controller should be specifying these (ie, controlling what actions different links route to) these because we have cases where the view-models are reused across actions. EG, the case where when you edit you can edit a template or an instance of something - the UI is the same, the only difference is the actions you post to/cancel from.
We abstracted away the part of the view-model that contains the data bound properties and the view model that contains other things we need for the view to render. We call the property-only object a DTO - it's not a true dto because it contains validation attributes.
We figure that we might be able to re-use these DTO's in the future for ajax or even XML requests - it, can keep validation DRY.
Anyway - here is an example of the code, we are happy with it (for now) and hope it helps others.
public virtual ActionResult ManageUser(ManageUserDTO dto, bool PopulateFromObject = true)
User user = this._UserLogic.GetUser(dto.UserID);
if (PopulateFromObject)
Mapper.Map<User, ManageUserDTO>(user, dto);
ManageUserViewModel vm = new ManageUserViewModel()
DTO = dto,
PageTitle = Captions.GetCaption("pageTitle_EditUser"),
OnSubmit = GetSubmitEventData(this.ControllerName, "SaveUser"),
OnCancel = GetCancelEventData(this.ControllerName, "ListUsers"),
return View("ManageUser", vm);
public virtual ActionResult SaveUser(ManageUserViewModel vm)
User user = this._UserLogic.GetUser(vm.DTO.UserID);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return ManageUser(vm.DTO, false);
Mapper.Map<ManageUserDTO, User>(vm.DTO, user);
return RedirectToAction("ManageUser", new { UserID = user.ID });
The model-binder will set any URI variables into the dto in the get action. My logic layer will return a new User object if a call to getUserByID(null) is made.

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[X]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'X'

The problem occurs when my view is called to populate a list from my user table.
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Mike.Models.User]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Mike.Models.User'.
Here is my controller action:
public ActionResult Registration(Mike.Models.User user)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
using (var db = new UserContext())
var crypto = new SimpleCrypto.PBKDF2();
var encrypPass = crypto.Compute(user.password);
var sysUser = db.Users.Create();
sysUser.LastName = user.LastName;
sysUser.FirstName = user.FirstName;
sysUser.Email = user.Email;
sysUser.password = encrypPass;
sysUser.passwordSalt = crypto.Salt;
sysUser.UserID = user.UserID;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return View(user);
Can someone please help me.... There are responses to similar questions on the internet but I believe mine is unique.. I have searched for weeks to no avail.
Thanks in advance,
Here is my simple controller action...
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Users.ToList());
and my razor syntax.
#model IEnumerable
Im trying to populate a view of my user table list..
In your Registration view at the top where your model declaration is, instead of this:
#model List<Mike.Models.User>
you need to have:
#model Mike.Models.User
You probably used strongly typed scaffolding feature to generate your view but instead of details option you chose a list option...
Take this at face value - yours is not unique. Your problem is you are passing an array of user to a controller action that expects a user.
You need to post your HTML but it is probably something like #model List user or something instead of a single user.
If your model represents a single user then pass that to the controller. If opposite, do opposite,
If you want to pass a list to the controller use list users
make your razor syntax
#model Mike.Models.User

How to Create ViewModel with multiple related tables and Save Form

I am trying to figure out the best way to accomplish this given the modern versions. I have am using VS2012 MVC4 EF5 and have built a edmx file from my database. I built a form that will allow submission of vendor information. The main table is Vendor table that contains mainly contact information and there are additional tables that store their multiple category choices (checkbox list) and another that stores their minority info (collection of radio buttons). So my ViewModel is the vendor table and I populate the checkboxes and radio buttons with view bags that query the lookup tables for their values.
So I assume I should either build the categories and minority parts into the ViewModel and somehow wire up the magic so that the database knows how to save the returned values or should I just use viewbags and then somehow on post read those values and loop through them to store them to the database? Either way I am stuck and don't know how to do this.
I have serached numerous examples online but none of them fit this situation. The is not a complex data model but should be rather common real world situation. I am new to MVC so forgive me if I am missing something obvious.
Any guidance is appreciated.
UPDATE: Here is the baseic code to save the ViewModel to the db but how do you save the checkbox list and radio buttons. I think there are two approaches 1) to somehow include them in the ViewModel or 2) perform a separate function to save the form checkbox and radio button values.
public ActionResult Form(VendorProfile newProfile)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
newProfile.ProfileID = Guid.NewGuid();
newProfile.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
return RedirectToAction("ThankYou", "Home");
return View(newProfile);
Perhaps another way of stating my problem is what if you had to build an form to where people would sign up and select all their favorite flavors of ice cream from a list of 31 flavors. You need to save the person's contact information in the primary table and then save a collection of their flavor choices in another table (one-to-many). I have a ViewModel for the contact form and a list of flavors (checkbox list) displayed from a lookup table. How do you write code to save this form?
SOLUTION: There might be a better way, but wanted to post what I discovered. You can pass in the collection of checkboxes and then send them to another method that handles the db inserts.
public ActionResult Form(VendorProfile newProfile, int[] categories)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
newProfile.ProfileID = Guid.NewGuid();
newProfile.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
InsertVendorCategories(newProfile.ProfileID, categories);
return RedirectToAction("ThankYou", "Home");
return View(newProfile);
private void InsertVendorCategories(Guid ProfileID, int[] categories)
var PID = new SqlParameter("#ProfileID", ProfileID);
var CID = new SqlParameter("#CatID", "");
foreach (int c in categories)
CID = new SqlParameter("#CatID", c);
_db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Exec InsertVendorCategory #ProfileID, #CatID", PID, CID);
catch { Exception ex; }