How to get the id of the current view in dojo mobile? - dojo

I would like to know if there is a way to get the id of the current view in dojo mobile ?
Thanks for your help.

If you have handle on one of the view, visible or not you can do:
var visibleView = anyViewSibling.getShowingView();
If you do not have handle on one of the view you should be able to get one by id:
var anyViewSibling = dijitRegisty.byId("theIdOfOneOfTheViewSibling");


yii efullcalendar widget and external events drag and drop not working

Hi I am trying to use drag and drop external events for fullcalendar and get working with the yii extension full calender - which seems to be just a wrapper.
The part that is not working (no errors just does not work) is dragging the external event onto the calendar and it staying there. It drags over but it just returns home.
Reading the fullcalendar docs - it looks like I need to provide a callback function to 'drop' attribute. I've been using the external-event example which is part of full calendar. I did discover the example was using the object name '#calendar' and that yii is creating name '#yw0' but it still didn't work after I updated.
I cannot find a way to get it work. I tried a simple alert which sort of works, it is called on page load - not after a drag operation.
So I declared a variable with the function in View
//$dropcallback=new CJavaScriptExpression("alert('hi')");
$dropcallback=new CJavaScriptExpression(
"function(date, allDay) {
var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject');
var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject);
copiedEventObject.start = date;
copiedEventObject.allDay = allDay;
$('#yw0').fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);
if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) {
// if so, remove the element from the Draggable Events list
Then I create the widgit like this
$this->widget('ext.EFullCalendar.EFullCalendar', array(
My yii experiance is little and same with JS - so any help appreciated in how to get this working.
I understand that in JS you need to provide a callback to allow the drag op to succeed. But what sort of call back do I need when it is wrapped in a yii widgit? I tried a PHP callback and again it is only called on page load.
The result I wish is that I can build the external events list from the DB - allow users to drag them onto the calendar - and save them in the DB.
I did manage to get data from DB displayed in the calendar.
Droppable is spelt with two p's. So
Should be

Titanium get current view on scrollableView and add an item

I have a scrollableView with several views inside and I'd like to add item to some of these view if they meet a certain criteria, like if they have data attached or not. Also I'm using Alloy, here's my markup
<ScrollableView id="scrollableView">
<View id="view" class='coolView'></View>
To know if there are data attached I check the currentPage attribute like so:
function updateCurrentView(e) {
currentView = e.currentPage;
But I have no idea how to add an item to the current View.
Edit: To add some clarification, I have a label which when clicked allow me to choose two currencies, when chosen these currency pairs are saved in the database and should be displayed instead of the label. So my guess was to check whether the current view has currency pair saved.
There are 2 things to take care of here:
1.Whenever a currency is selected,immediately label on that particular view will change.
2.Whenever the scrollableView is loaded,it must always refer to the database if a currency is selected.
First one can be done as:
1.Get the instance of scrollableView using the getView method of alloy controller.Pass the id of the scrollableView to it.Lets call it myScrollableView.Refer this for more info.!/api/Alloy.Controller
2.Use var currentView=myScrollableView.getCurrentPage() to the get the current page which will be a number.
3.Now use the scrollableView instance to get all the views.
var viewArray=myScrollableView.getViews();
4.viewArray[currentView] will give you the view of current page.After you have got the view you can change the desired label using:
The "positionOfTheView" can be obtained by printing the viewArray[i].children array using
Second thing can be accomplished as follows:
1.Get the instance of scrollableView using the getView method of alloy controller.Pass the id of the scrollableView to it.Lets call it myScrollableView.Refer this for more info.!/api/Alloy.Controller
2.Now use the scrollableView instance to get all the views.
var viewArray=myScrollableView.getViews();
3.This is a JavaScript array of all the views in the scrollableView. Now iterate through this array and according to the data in the database,change the concerned view using:
The "positionOfTheView" can be obtained by printing the viewArray[i].children array using

Clear Store sencha

Hi i have an app that populates store using a proxy. I want to clear the store on click of a button and let the user enter in different information and repopulate if that makes sense. I am currently using :
but this gives a white screen for a couple of seconds which is not nice. I have also tried the following :
var store = Ext.getStore('Places');
store.getProxy().clear();; store.sync();
but this gives an error relating to the .getProxy()
I have also tried:
but when the i go to repopulate the old data remains. Is there a way to clear the stores?
The best Way to clear Store is
var store = Ext.getStore('SessionStore');

Sencha Touch 2 Field Focus

Does anyone know the Sencha Touch 2 equivalent of ExtJS4's:
use form.getValues(); assuming you can get the form element... if you needs to do that use refs... on my mobile rigjt now, i can post more sample code later if necessary
I use that way:
var field = vorm.down("textfield[name=username]");

Accessing the different regions of a border layout

In Sencha's API for border layout it says:
There is no BorderLayout.Region class in ExtJS 4.0+
What I found on various blogs, for accessing the center panel was this:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var centerR = viewPort.layout.centerRegion;
Again to the docs, I see that centerRegion is a private function (why?), and I don't care to rely on those, for future proofing. Also, there is no westRegion, northRegion, etc...
How does one get to these items?
I could of course get the items inside the regions: The various panels, and such, but I want complete control of the viewport that holds my border layout.
This is what I'm doing now:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var view = Ext.widget('my-new-tab-panel');
Is there a better way?
Usually, I setup an id for each container I have to work with. So, my center region will have an id and I'll get it with Ext.getCmp() function.
Otherwise, to access to the viewport items you can do as follows:
var viewPort = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
var view = Ext.widget('my-new-tab-panel');
If you've defined center region as the first item of viewport, then the above code it's ok but if you've defined it as the third or the fourth, then you have to change the index according to the position of your region (viewPort.items[3] or viewPort.items[4], etc).
Another way is to use query selector:
var cr = viewPort.down('panel[region=center]');
However, following this way, you have to query on a precisely xtype (as panel in this case).
Anyway, I think the best way is to use an id for each region.