Can I specify the jackson #JsonView to use for method result transformation in RestEasy? - serialization

I'm working with a serialization model based on #JsonView. I normally configure jackson with a ContextResolver like this:
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> aClass) {
// enable a view by default, else Views are not processed
Class view = Object.class;
if (aClass.getPackage().getName().startsWith("")) {
view = getViewNameForClass(aClass);
return objectMapper;
This works fine if I serialize single entities. However, for certain use cases I want to serialize lists of my entities using the same view as for single entities. In this case, aClass is ArrayList, so the usual logic doesn't help much.
So I'm looking for a way to tell Jackson which view to use. Ideally, I'd write:
#GET #Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public List<T> getAll(#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
return getAll(uriInfo.getQueryParameters());
And have that serialized under the view JSONEntity. Is this possible with RestEasy? If not, how can I emulate that?
Edit: I know I can do the serialization myself:
public String getAll(#Context UriInfo info, #Context Providers factory) {
List<T> entities = getAll(info.getQueryParameters());
ObjectMapper mapper = factory.getContextResolver(
ObjectMapper.class, MediaType.APPLICATION
return mapper.writeValueAsString(entities);
However, this is clumsy at best and defeats the whole idea of having the framework deal with this boilerplate.

Turns out, it is possible to simply annotate a specific endpoint with #JsonView (just as in my question) and jackson will use this view. Who would have guessed.
You can even do this in the generic way (more context in my other question), but that ties me to RestEasy:
public void writeTo(Object value, Class<?> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHd,
OutputStream out) throws IOException {
Class view = getViewFromType(type, genericType);
ObjectMapper mapper = locateMapper(type, mediaType);
Annotation[] myAnn = Arrays.copyOf(annotations, annotations.length + 1);
myAnn[annotations.length] = new JsonViewQualifier(view);
super.writeTo(value, type, genericType, myAnn, mediaType, httpHd, out);
private Class getViewFromType(Class<?> type, Type genericType) {
// unwrap collections
Class target = org.jboss.resteasy.util.Types.getCollectionBaseType(
type, genericType);
target = target != null ? target : type;
try {
// use my mix-in as view class
return Class.forName("example.jackson.JSON" + target.getSimpleName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {"No view found for {}", target.getSimpleName());
return Object.class;


Unable to add mutator for an existing field of a class

I'm trying to add a mutator for an existing private final field. I can transform the field modifiers to remove the final specification and add an accessor method:
// accessor interface
public interface UniqueIdAccessor {
Serializable getUniqueId();
// mutator interface
public interface UniqueIdMutator {
void setUniqueId(Serializable uniqueId);
// fragment of Java agent implementation
return new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform(new Transformer() {
public DynamicType.Builder<?> transform(DynamicType.Builder<?> builder, TypeDescription typeDescription,
ClassLoader classLoader, JavaModule module) {
return builder.field(named("fUniqueId")).transform(ForField.withModifiers(FieldManifestation.PLAIN))
// .implement(UniqueIdMutator.class).intercept(FieldAccessor.ofField("fUniqueId"))
Here's a method that uses reflection to check the modifiers of the target field and calls the accessor to get the value of the field.
private static void injectProxy(Description description) {
try {
Field bar = Description.class.getDeclaredField("fUniqueId");
System.out.println("isFinal: " + ((bar.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL) != 0));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Serializable uniqueId = ((UniqueIdAccessor) description).getUniqueId();
System.out.println("uniqueId: " + uniqueId);
// isFinal: false
// uniqueId: <description-unique-id>
... but if I uncomment the second "implement" expression to add the mutator, the transform blows up:
// isFinal: true
// java.lang.ClassCastException:
// class org.junit.runner.Description cannot be cast to class com.nordstrom.automation.junit.UniqueIdAccessor
// (org.junit.runner.Description and com.nordstrom.automation.junit.UniqueIdAccessor
// are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I could set the field value with reflection, but that defeats the purpose of using Byte Buddy in the first place!
The problem with this approach is that the field accessor considers the input type prior to the modification. Byte Buddy prohibits this as it does not consider the mutation to be legal, not knowing about the removed modifier. As a result, the transformation fails in its entirety and you get the error you are seeing. (Register a listener to see this error.)
To avoid this, you can implement a custom Implementation using FieldAccess (without or). You can have a look at the more convenient FieldAccessor to see how this is implemented, only that you need to drop the validity checks.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I assemble the StackManipulation object that defines the mutator method with this:
final TypeDescription description = TypePool.Default.ofSystemLoader().describe("org.junit.runner.Description").resolve();
final Generic _void_ = TypeDescription.VOID.asGenericType();
final Generic serializable = TypePool.Default.ofSystemLoader().describe("").resolve().asGenericType();
final MethodDescription.Token setUniqueIdToken = new MethodDescription.Token("setUniqueId", Modifier.PUBLIC, _void_, Arrays.asList(serializable));
final MethodDescription setUniqueId = new MethodDescription.Latent(description, setUniqueIdToken);
final Token fUniqueIdToken = new FieldDescription.Token("fUniqueId", Modifier.PRIVATE, serializable);
final FieldDescription fUniqueId = new FieldDescription.Latent(description, fUniqueIdToken);
final StackManipulation setUniqueIdImpl = new StackManipulation.Compound(
Assigner.DEFAULT.assign(serializable, serializable, Typing.STATIC),
... and I transform the target class with this:
return new AgentBuilder.Default()
.transform(new Transformer() {
public DynamicType.Builder<?> transform(DynamicType.Builder<?> builder, TypeDescription typeDescription,
ClassLoader classLoader, JavaModule module) {
return builder.field(named("fUniqueId")).transform(ForField.withModifiers(FieldManifestation.PLAIN))
.implement(UniqueIdMutator.class).intercept(new Implementation.Simple(setUniqueIdImpl));
Here are the definitions of the three interfaces used in the transform:
// annotations accessor interface
public interface AnnotationsAccessor {
Annotation[] annotations();
// unique ID accessor interface
public interface UniqueIdAccessor {
Serializable getUniqueId();
// unique ID mutator interface
public interface UniqueIdMutator {
void setUniqueId(Serializable uniqueId);

How to .Dump() XNode as a regular object with properties in LINQPad?

Normally, the .Dump() extension method in LINQPad shows XNode and its derived class instances as a rendered XML fragment. Sometimes while developing code I would prefer to see actual properties of the object, in the same table form that is dumped for other types, like a table that would show the Name, Value, FirstAttribute and whatsnot properties of the node and their .ToString() values, or interactively expandable collections of subobjects. In short, as if XNode were not handled specially at all.
I am working around this by dumping individual properties, but this is tedious.
This answer suggests writing a custom extension code to achieve a similar effect for another type, namely IEnumerable, but it seems a narrower and rarer case than that which I am dealing with.
Is there an out-of-the box way to do what I want?
LINQPad supports customizing Dump for types. Using some extension methods, you can convert the types to ExpandoObjects and then they will be output with properties.
In My Extensions, after the MyExtensions class, add a top level method:
static object ToDump(object obj) {
if (obj is XObject x)
return x.ToExpando();
return obj;
In the MyExtensions class, add the following extension methods. I already had the object->Dictionary methods for converting to anonymous objects, so I used those, but you could combine them to create a single ToExpando on object:
public static ExpandoObject ToExpando(this object obj) => obj.ToDictionary().ToExpando();
public static IDictionary<string, object> ToDictionary(this object obj) {
if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> id)
return id;
else {
var dictAnsObj = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var prop in obj.GetType().GetPropertiesOrFields()) {
try {
dictAnsObj.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(obj));
catch (Exception ex) {
dictAnsObj.Add(prop.Name, ex);
return dictAnsObj;
public static ExpandoObject ToExpando(this IDictionary<string, object> objDict) {
var e = new ExpandoObject();
var di = (IDictionary<string, object>)e;
foreach (var kvp in objDict)
return e;
You will also need this Type extension:
// ***
// *** Type Extensions
// ***
public static List<MemberInfo> GetPropertiesOrFields(this Type t, BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) =>
t.GetMembers(bf).Where(mi => mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field | mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property).ToList();
If you are okay with just displaying the top level object in class format, you could just use this extension method when you need to:
public static T DumpAs<T, NewT>(this T obj, Func<T, NewT> castFn, string description = null) {
if (description != null)
return obj;
For example,
XElement xn;
xn.DumpAs(x => x.ToExpando());
Otherwise, you will have to comment out the ToDump method or do something tricky with fluent methods to turn it on and off.
This answer depends on the previous answer, but extends it to handle dumping XObjects as classes when desired with an alternative extension method and ToDump method. It uses the same extensions as my previous answer otherwise.
In the MyExtensions class, add a new type of dump and a bool to track status:
public static bool bDumpAsClass = false;
public static object DumpAsClass(this object input, string descr = null) {
bDumpAsClass = true;
if (descr != null)
bDumpAsClass = false;
return input;
Outside the MyExtensions class, add a ToDump method that uses the bool:
static object ToDump(object obj) {
if (MyExtensions.bDumpAsClass) {
if (obj is XObject x)
return x.ToExpando();
return obj;
Then you can just use DumpAsClass instead of Dump when you want to dump an XObject or descendant as a class, expanding any members as well.
Obviously you could expand the types handled when bDumpAsClass is true.

Hazelcast 3.6.1 "There is no suitable de-serializer for type" exception

I am using Hazelcast 3.6.1 to read from a Map. The object class stored in the map is called Schedule.
I have configured a custom serializer on the client side like this.
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
SerializationConfig sc = config.getSerializationConfig();
sc.addSerializerConfig(add(new ScheduleSerializer(), Schedule.class));
private SerializerConfig add(Serializer serializer, Class<? extends Serializable> clazz) {
SerializerConfig sc = new SerializerConfig();
return sc;
The map is created like this
private final IMap<String, Schedule> map = client.getMap("schedule");
If I get from the map using schedule id as key, the map returns the correct value e.g.
return map.get("zx81");
If I try to use an SQL predicate e.g.
return new ArrayList<>(map.values(new SqlPredicate("statusActive")));
then I get the following error
Exception in thread "main" com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: There is no suitable de-serializer for type 2. This exception is likely to be caused by differences in the serialization configuration between members or between clients and members.
The custom serializer is using Kryo to serialize (based on this blog
public class ScheduleSerializer extends CommonSerializer<Schedule> {
public int getTypeId() {
return 2;
protected Class<Schedule> getClassToSerialize() {
return Schedule.class;
The CommonSerializer is defined as
public abstract class CommonSerializer<T> implements StreamSerializer<T> {
protected abstract Class<T> getClassToSerialize();
public void write(ObjectDataOutput objectDataOutput, T object) {
Output output = new Output((OutputStream) objectDataOutput);
Kryo kryo = KryoInstances.get();
kryo.writeObject(output, object);
output.flush(); // do not close!
public T read(ObjectDataInput objectDataInput) {
Input input = new Input((InputStream) objectDataInput);
Kryo kryo = KryoInstances.get();
T result = kryo.readObject(input, getClassToSerialize());
return result;
public void destroy() {
// empty
Do I need to do any configuration on the server side? I thought that the client config would be enough.
I am using Hazelcast client 3.6.1 and have one node/member running.
Queries require the nodes to know about the classes as the bytestream has to be deserialized to access the attributes and query them. This means that when you want to query on objects you have to deploy the model classes (and serializers) on the server side as well.
Whereas when you use key-based access we do not need to look into the values (neither into the keys as we compare the byte-arrays of the key) and just send the result. That way neither model classes nor serializers have to be available on the Hazelcast nodes.
I hope that makes sense.

Serialization of Keys with Circular References using Jackson

I am trying to serialize a HashMap from Objects to Strings, but the specific Object has a reference to the current class leading to an infinite recursion, which doesn't seem to be solved with the usual JsonIdentifyInfo annotation. Here's an example:
public class CircularKey {
public void start() throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Cat cat = new Cat();
// Encode
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(cat);
// Decode
Cat cat2 = mapper.readValue(json, Cat.class);
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property = "#id")
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "#class")
class Mouse {
int id;
Cat cat;
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property = "#id")
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "#class")
class Cat {
int id;
#JsonSerialize(keyUsing = MouseMapKeySerializer.class)
#JsonDeserialize(keyUsing = MouseMapKeyDeserializer.class)
HashMap<Mouse, String> status = new HashMap<Mouse, String>();
public Cat() {
Mouse m = new Mouse(); = this;
status.put(m, "mike");
Here's the serializer/deserializer for the key:
class MouseMapKeySerializer extends JsonSerializer<Mouse> {
static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public void serialize(Mouse value, JsonGenerator generator,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(value);
class MouseMapKeyDeserializer extends KeyDeserializer {
static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public Mouse deserializeKey(String c, DeserializationContext ctx)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
return mapper.readValue(c, Mouse.class);
If I switch the map to HashMap (String,Object) it works but I cannot change the original mapping. Any ideas?
It looks like you found your answer at This doesn't seem to be possible because:
Complex keys are tricky, and it is not a use case I ever considered. Then again, there is nothing specifically preventing use of standard components; main concern was just the limitations than JSON has (must be String-value, JsonParser/JsonGenerator expose keys as different tokens).
There is no explicit support for either polymorphic types or object ids for Object keys. Standard serializers/deserializers are mostly for relatively simple types that can be easily and reliably converted to/from Strings; numbers, Dates, UUIDs.
So: unlike with value handlers, where modular design (with separation of TypeSerializer/JsonSerializer) makes sense, I think what you need to do is to have custom (de)serializers that handle all aspects. You should be able to use code from existing value (de)serializers, type (de)serializers, but not classes themselves.
Your use case does sound interesting, but for better or worse, it is pushing the envelope quite a bit. :-)

JSON.NET and nHibernate Lazy Loading of Collections

Is anybody using JSON.NET with nHibernate? I notice that I am getting errors when I try to load a class with child collections.
I was facing the same problem so I tried to use #Liedman's code but the GetSerializableMembers() was never get called for the proxied reference.
I found another method to override:
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
if (typeof(NHibernate.Proxy.INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
return base.CreateContract(objectType.BaseType);
return base.CreateContract(objectType);
We had this exact problem, which was solved with inspiration from Handcraftsman's response here.
The problem arises from JSON.NET being confused about how to serialize NHibernate's proxy classes. Solution: serialize the proxy instances like their base class.
A simplified version of Handcraftsman's code goes like this:
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver {
protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType) {
if (typeof(INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) {
return base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType.BaseType);
} else {
return base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType);
IMHO, this code has the advantage of still relying on JSON.NET's default behaviour regarding custom attributes, etc. (and the code is a lot shorter!).
It is used like this
var serializer = new JsonSerializer{
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver()
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(stringWriter);
serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, objectToSerialize);
string serializedObject = stringWriter.ToString();
Note: This code was written for and used with NHibernate 2.1. As some commenters have pointed out, it doesn't work out of the box with later versions of NHibernate, you will have to make some adjustments. I will try to update the code if I ever have to do it with later versions of NHibernate.
I use NHibernate with Json.NET and noticed that I was getting inexplicable "__interceptors" properties in my serialized objects. A google search turned up this excellent solution by Lee Henson which I adapted to work with Json.NET 3.5 Release 5 as follows.
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private static readonly MemberInfo[] NHibernateProxyInterfaceMembers = typeof(INHibernateProxy).GetMembers();
protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType)
var members = base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType);
members.RemoveAll(memberInfo =>
(IsMemberPartOfNHibernateProxyInterface(memberInfo)) ||
(IsMemberDynamicProxyMixin(memberInfo)) ||
(IsMemberMarkedWithIgnoreAttribute(memberInfo, objectType)) ||
(IsMemberInheritedFromProxySuperclass(memberInfo, objectType)));
var actualMemberInfos = new List<MemberInfo>();
foreach (var memberInfo in members)
var infos = memberInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name);
actualMemberInfos.Add(infos.Length == 0 ? memberInfo : infos[0]);
return actualMemberInfos;
private static bool IsMemberDynamicProxyMixin(MemberInfo memberInfo)
return memberInfo.Name == "__interceptors";
private static bool IsMemberInheritedFromProxySuperclass(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type objectType)
return memberInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly == typeof(INHibernateProxy).Assembly;
private static bool IsMemberMarkedWithIgnoreAttribute(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type objectType)
var infos = typeof(INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)
? objectType.BaseType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name)
: objectType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name);
return infos[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Length > 0;
private static bool IsMemberPartOfNHibernateProxyInterface(MemberInfo memberInfo)
return Array.Exists(NHibernateProxyInterfaceMembers, mi => memberInfo.Name == mi.Name);
To use it just put an instance in the ContractResolver property of your JsonSerializer. The circular dependency problem noted by jishi can be resolved by setting the ReferenceLoopHandling property to ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore . Here's an extension method that can be used to serialize objects using Json.Net
public static void SerializeToJsonFile<T>(this T itemToSerialize, string filePath)
using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath))
using (JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(streamWriter))
jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver(),
serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, itemToSerialize);
Are you getting a circular dependancy-error? How do you ignore objects from serialization?
Since lazy loading generates a proxy-objects, any attributes your class-members have will be lost. I ran into the same issue with Newtonsoft JSON-serializer, since the proxy-object didn't have the [JsonIgnore] attributes anymore.
You will probably want to eager load most of the object so that it can be serialized:
ICriteria ic = _session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Person));
ic.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Id", id));
if (fetchEager)
ic.SetFetchMode("Person", FetchMode.Eager);
A nice way to do this is to add a bool to the constructor (bool isFetchEager) of your data provider method.
I'd say this is a design problem in my opinion. Because NH makes connections to the database underneath all and has proxies in the middle, it is not good for the transparency of your application to serialize them directly (and as you can see Json.NET does not like them at all).
You should not serialize the entities themselves, but you should convert them into "view" objects or POCO or DTO objects (whatever you want to call them) and then serialize these.
The difference is that while NH entity may have proxies, lazy attributes, etc. View objects are simple objects with only primitives which are serializable by default.
How to manage FKs?
My personal rule is:
Entity level: Person class and with a Gender class associated
View level: Person view with GenderId and GenderName properties.
This means that you need to expand your properties into primitives when converting to view objects. This way also your json objects are simpler and easier to handle.
When you need to push the changes to the DB, in my case I use AutoMapper and do a ValueResolver class which can convert your new Guid to the Gender object.
UPDATE: Check for a way to get the view directly (AliasToBean) from NH. This would be a boost in the DB side.
The problem can happen when NHibernate wraps the nested collection properties in a PersistentGenericBag<> type.
The GetSerializableMembers and CreateContract overrides cannot detect that these nested collection properties are "proxied". One way to resolve this is to override the CreateProperty method. The trick is to get the value from the property using reflection and test whether the type is of PersistentGenericBag. This method also has the ability to filter any properties that generated exceptions.
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ShouldSerialize = instance =>
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)member;
if (prop.CanRead)
var value = prop.GetValue(instance, null);
if (value != null && typeof(NHibernate.Collection.Generic.PersistentGenericBag<>).IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(value.GetType()))
return false;
return true;
{ }
return false;
return property;
The IsSubclassOfRawGeneric extension used above:
public static class TypeExtensions
public static bool IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(this Type generic, Type? toCheck)
while (toCheck != null && toCheck != typeof(object))
var cur = toCheck.IsGenericType ? toCheck.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : toCheck;
if (generic == cur)
return true;
toCheck = toCheck?.BaseType;
return false;
If you serialize objects that contain NHibernate proxy classes you might end up downloading the whole database, because once the property is accessed NHibernate would trigger a request to the database.
I've just implemented a Unit of Work for NHibernate: NHUnit that fixes two of the most annoying issues from NHibernate: proxy classes and cartesian product when using fetch.
How would you use this?
var customer = await _dbContext.Customers.Get(customerId) //returns a wrapper to configure the query
.Include(c => c.Addresses.Single().Country, //include Addresses and Country
c => c.PhoneNumbers.Single().PhoneNumberType) //include all PhoneNumbers with PhoneNumberType
.Unproxy() //instructs the framework to strip all the proxy classes when the Value is returned
.Deferred() //instructs the framework to delay execution (future)
.ValueAsync(token); //this is where all deferred queries get executed
The above code is basically configuring a query: return a customer by id with multiple child objects which should be executed with other queries (futures) and the returned result should be stripped of NHibernate proxies. The query gets executed when ValueAsync is called.
NHUnit determines if it should do join with the main query, create new future queries or make use of batch fetch.
There is a simple example project on Github to show you how to use NHUnit package. If others are interested in this project I will invest more time to make it better.
This is what I use:
Have a marker interface and inherit it on your entities, e.g. in my case empty IEntity.
We will use the marker interface to detect NHibernate entity types in the contract resolver.
public class CustomerEntity : IEntity { ... }
Create a custom contract resolver for JSON.NET
public class NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider : IValueProvider {
private readonly IValueProvider _valueProvider;
public NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider(IValueProvider valueProvider)
_valueProvider = valueProvider;
public void SetValue(object target, object value)
_valueProvider.SetValue(target, value);
private static (bool isProxy, bool isInitialized) GetProxy(object proxy)
// this is pretty much what NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized() does.
switch (proxy)
case INHibernateProxy hibernateProxy:
return (true, !hibernateProxy.HibernateLazyInitializer.IsUninitialized);
case ILazyInitializedCollection initializedCollection:
return (true, initializedCollection.WasInitialized);
case IPersistentCollection persistentCollection:
return (true, persistentCollection.WasInitialized);
return (false, false);
public object GetValue(object target)
object value = _valueProvider.GetValue(target);
(bool isProxy, bool isInitialized) = GetProxy(value);
if (isProxy)
if (isInitialized)
return value;
if (value is IEnumerable)
return Enumerable.Empty<object>();
return null;
return value;
public class NHibernateContractResolver : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver {
protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
if (objectType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(IEntity)))
return base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
return base.CreateContract(objectType);
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ValueProvider = new NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider(property.ValueProvider);
return property;
Normal uninitialized lazy loaded properties will result in null in the json output.
Collection uninitialized lazy loaded properties will result in an [] empty array in json.
So for a lazy loaded property to appear in the json output you need to eagerly load it in the query or in code before serialization.
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entityToSerialize, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver()
Or globally in in ASP.NET Core Startup class
services.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver();
NET 5.0
NHibernate 5.3.8
JSON.NET latest via ASP.NET Core