Serialization of Keys with Circular References using Jackson - serialization

I am trying to serialize a HashMap from Objects to Strings, but the specific Object has a reference to the current class leading to an infinite recursion, which doesn't seem to be solved with the usual JsonIdentifyInfo annotation. Here's an example:
public class CircularKey {
public void start() throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Cat cat = new Cat();
// Encode
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(cat);
// Decode
Cat cat2 = mapper.readValue(json, Cat.class);
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property = "#id")
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "#class")
class Mouse {
int id;
Cat cat;
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property = "#id")
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "#class")
class Cat {
int id;
#JsonSerialize(keyUsing = MouseMapKeySerializer.class)
#JsonDeserialize(keyUsing = MouseMapKeyDeserializer.class)
HashMap<Mouse, String> status = new HashMap<Mouse, String>();
public Cat() {
Mouse m = new Mouse(); = this;
status.put(m, "mike");
Here's the serializer/deserializer for the key:
class MouseMapKeySerializer extends JsonSerializer<Mouse> {
static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public void serialize(Mouse value, JsonGenerator generator,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(value);
class MouseMapKeyDeserializer extends KeyDeserializer {
static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public Mouse deserializeKey(String c, DeserializationContext ctx)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
return mapper.readValue(c, Mouse.class);
If I switch the map to HashMap (String,Object) it works but I cannot change the original mapping. Any ideas?

It looks like you found your answer at This doesn't seem to be possible because:
Complex keys are tricky, and it is not a use case I ever considered. Then again, there is nothing specifically preventing use of standard components; main concern was just the limitations than JSON has (must be String-value, JsonParser/JsonGenerator expose keys as different tokens).
There is no explicit support for either polymorphic types or object ids for Object keys. Standard serializers/deserializers are mostly for relatively simple types that can be easily and reliably converted to/from Strings; numbers, Dates, UUIDs.
So: unlike with value handlers, where modular design (with separation of TypeSerializer/JsonSerializer) makes sense, I think what you need to do is to have custom (de)serializers that handle all aspects. You should be able to use code from existing value (de)serializers, type (de)serializers, but not classes themselves.
Your use case does sound interesting, but for better or worse, it is pushing the envelope quite a bit. :-)


Change the axis of lat long when using JTS jackson

I am using locationtech JTS library in spring boot with jackson as json serializer and a Jts-data-type module with supports serializing JTS geometry.The issue which i am facing is the axis order of coordinates when json is returned is long lat instead of lat long there is a solution on stackoverflow i want to know if there is any other way to achieve this functionality instead of always applying InvertCoordinateFilter whenever i create a functionality.
Below is the code which i am using
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new JtsModule());
double lat = 32.3456789;
double lng = 72.423434;
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
Point point = gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(lng,lat ));
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(point);
and the output is
and i want output to be
There is no way to tweak GeometrySerializer, since the order is hardcoded in lines 174-175.
In order to avoid writing a serializer by yourself, you could just copy GeometrySerializer and invert those two lines, but you would effectively not be using the official jts-data-type, and future modifications on the library would not be reflected in your copied serializer unless you do it manually.
Alternatively, just decorate the GeometrySerializer and use the InverseCoordinateFilter before calling it:
public static class CustomGeometrySerializer extends JsonSerializer<Geometry> {
private GeometrySerializer innerSerializer;
private InvertCoordinateFilter inverter = new InvertCoordinateFilter();
public CustomGeometrySerializer() {
this(new GeometrySerializer());
public CustomGeometrySerializer(GeometrySerializer innerSerializer) {
this.innerSerializer = innerSerializer;
public void serialize(Geometry value, JsonGenerator jgen,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
// Create a new Geometry to avoid mutating the original one
Geometry newValue = value.copy();
innerSerializer.serialize(newValue, jgen, provider);
private static class InvertCoordinateFilter implements CoordinateFilter {
public void filter(Coordinate coord) {
double oldX = coord.x;
coord.x = coord.y;
coord.y = oldX;
Now, instead of registering JtsModule, create a module yourself with your deserializer:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
SimpleModule inverseJtsModule = new SimpleModule();
inverseJtsModule.addSerializer(Geometry.class, new CustomGeometrySerializer());
double lat = 32.3456789;
double lng = 72.423434;
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
Point point = gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(lng, lat));
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(point);
You can now safely serialize your geometries without explicitly inverting each one. For deserialization, you can use the same approach, decorating GeometryDeserializer.

Hazelcast 3.6.1 "There is no suitable de-serializer for type" exception

I am using Hazelcast 3.6.1 to read from a Map. The object class stored in the map is called Schedule.
I have configured a custom serializer on the client side like this.
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
SerializationConfig sc = config.getSerializationConfig();
sc.addSerializerConfig(add(new ScheduleSerializer(), Schedule.class));
private SerializerConfig add(Serializer serializer, Class<? extends Serializable> clazz) {
SerializerConfig sc = new SerializerConfig();
return sc;
The map is created like this
private final IMap<String, Schedule> map = client.getMap("schedule");
If I get from the map using schedule id as key, the map returns the correct value e.g.
return map.get("zx81");
If I try to use an SQL predicate e.g.
return new ArrayList<>(map.values(new SqlPredicate("statusActive")));
then I get the following error
Exception in thread "main" com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: There is no suitable de-serializer for type 2. This exception is likely to be caused by differences in the serialization configuration between members or between clients and members.
The custom serializer is using Kryo to serialize (based on this blog
public class ScheduleSerializer extends CommonSerializer<Schedule> {
public int getTypeId() {
return 2;
protected Class<Schedule> getClassToSerialize() {
return Schedule.class;
The CommonSerializer is defined as
public abstract class CommonSerializer<T> implements StreamSerializer<T> {
protected abstract Class<T> getClassToSerialize();
public void write(ObjectDataOutput objectDataOutput, T object) {
Output output = new Output((OutputStream) objectDataOutput);
Kryo kryo = KryoInstances.get();
kryo.writeObject(output, object);
output.flush(); // do not close!
public T read(ObjectDataInput objectDataInput) {
Input input = new Input((InputStream) objectDataInput);
Kryo kryo = KryoInstances.get();
T result = kryo.readObject(input, getClassToSerialize());
return result;
public void destroy() {
// empty
Do I need to do any configuration on the server side? I thought that the client config would be enough.
I am using Hazelcast client 3.6.1 and have one node/member running.
Queries require the nodes to know about the classes as the bytestream has to be deserialized to access the attributes and query them. This means that when you want to query on objects you have to deploy the model classes (and serializers) on the server side as well.
Whereas when you use key-based access we do not need to look into the values (neither into the keys as we compare the byte-arrays of the key) and just send the result. That way neither model classes nor serializers have to be available on the Hazelcast nodes.
I hope that makes sense.

Can I specify the jackson #JsonView to use for method result transformation in RestEasy?

I'm working with a serialization model based on #JsonView. I normally configure jackson with a ContextResolver like this:
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> aClass) {
// enable a view by default, else Views are not processed
Class view = Object.class;
if (aClass.getPackage().getName().startsWith("")) {
view = getViewNameForClass(aClass);
return objectMapper;
This works fine if I serialize single entities. However, for certain use cases I want to serialize lists of my entities using the same view as for single entities. In this case, aClass is ArrayList, so the usual logic doesn't help much.
So I'm looking for a way to tell Jackson which view to use. Ideally, I'd write:
#GET #Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
public List<T> getAll(#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
return getAll(uriInfo.getQueryParameters());
And have that serialized under the view JSONEntity. Is this possible with RestEasy? If not, how can I emulate that?
Edit: I know I can do the serialization myself:
public String getAll(#Context UriInfo info, #Context Providers factory) {
List<T> entities = getAll(info.getQueryParameters());
ObjectMapper mapper = factory.getContextResolver(
ObjectMapper.class, MediaType.APPLICATION
return mapper.writeValueAsString(entities);
However, this is clumsy at best and defeats the whole idea of having the framework deal with this boilerplate.
Turns out, it is possible to simply annotate a specific endpoint with #JsonView (just as in my question) and jackson will use this view. Who would have guessed.
You can even do this in the generic way (more context in my other question), but that ties me to RestEasy:
public void writeTo(Object value, Class<?> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHd,
OutputStream out) throws IOException {
Class view = getViewFromType(type, genericType);
ObjectMapper mapper = locateMapper(type, mediaType);
Annotation[] myAnn = Arrays.copyOf(annotations, annotations.length + 1);
myAnn[annotations.length] = new JsonViewQualifier(view);
super.writeTo(value, type, genericType, myAnn, mediaType, httpHd, out);
private Class getViewFromType(Class<?> type, Type genericType) {
// unwrap collections
Class target = org.jboss.resteasy.util.Types.getCollectionBaseType(
type, genericType);
target = target != null ? target : type;
try {
// use my mix-in as view class
return Class.forName("example.jackson.JSON" + target.getSimpleName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {"No view found for {}", target.getSimpleName());
return Object.class;

How to customize data serialization based on content in WCF?

Trying to serialize a union-like data-type. There is an enum field indicating the type of data stored in the union, and a variety of possible field types.
The desired result is DataContractSerializer produced XML which contains just the enum, and the relevant field.
Possible solutions, none of which have been attempted yet, are:
Use a custom serializer and mark the union properties with a custom attribute, similar to this question. The custom serializer would strip out the members not required.
Use ISerializationSurrogate and serialize a different object which just contains the relevant data.
Don't use separate fields in the union, use one object field (this could be used as part of the implementation of the ISerializationSurrogate approach).
Other... ?
For example:
public class WCFTestUnion
public enum EUnionType
EUnionType unionType = EUnionType.Invalid;
bool boolValue = true;
string stringValue = "Hello";
IDictionary<object, object> dictionaryValue = null;
// Could use custom attribute here ?
public bool BoolValue
get { return this.boolValue; }
set { this.boolValue = value; }
// Could use custom attribute here ?
public string StringValue
get { return this.stringValue; }
set { this.stringValue = value; }
// Could use custom attribute here ?
public IDictionary<object, object> DictionaryValue
get { return this.dictionaryValue; }
set { this.dictionaryValue = value; }
public EUnionType UnionType
get { return this.unionType; }
set { this.unionType = value; }
} // Ends class WCFTestUnion
class TestSerializeUnion
internal static void Test()
WCFTestUnion u = new WCFTestUnion();
u.UnionType = WCFTestUnion.EUnionType.Dictionary;
u.DictionaryValue = new Dictionary<object, object>();
u.DictionaryValue[1] = "one";
u.DictionaryValue["two"] = 2;
System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer serialize = new System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer(typeof(WCFTestUnion));
System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
serialize.WriteObject(stream, u);
stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
int length = checked((int)stream.Length);
int read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, length);
while (read < stream.Length)
read += stream.Read(buffer, 0, length - read);
string xml = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer);
System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
System.Xml.XmlTextWriter xmlwriter = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Console.Out);
xmlwriter.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;
} // Ends class TestSerializeUnion
<WCFTestUnion xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<DictionaryValue xmlns:a="">
<a:Key i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">1</a:Key>
<a:Value i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="">one</a:Value>
<a:Key i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="">two</a:Key>
<a:Value i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">2</a:Value>
<StringValue>Hello </StringValue>
Desired Output (only field being used is serialized, along with enum):
<WCFTestUnion xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<DictionaryValue xmlns:a="">
<a:Key i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">1</a:Key>
<a:Value i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="">one</a:Value>
<a:Key i:type="b:string" xmlns:b="">two</a:Key>
<a:Value i:type="b:int" xmlns:b="">2</a:Value>
You do have several options here. What you use depends on the complexity of this scenario (where else you have to do something like this, how often and in what ways you have to serialize this data, performance, etc.) Take a look at these options, ask away if you have more questions, but mostly, I recommend you just play and experiment with multiple strategies from the list below before picking one or a hybrid solution.
Use a data contract resolver. Provides a mechanism for dynamically mapping types to and from wire representations during serialization and deserialization, giving you flexibility to support far more types than you can out-of-the-box.
Use IObjectReference. You can have a class which implements and returns a reference to a different object after it has been deserialized.
Use a data contract surrogate. This is different from the serialization surrogates you're referring to, but also similar. I think these might work out nicely for you

Jackson vector serialization exception

I have the following code with a simple class and a method for writing and then reading:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
DataStore testOut = new DataStore();
DataStore.Checklist ch1 = testOut.addChecklist();
String output = mapper.writeValueAsString(testOut);
JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readValue(output, JsonNode.class);
Map<String,Object> userData = mapper.readValue(output, Map.class);
public class DataStore {
public static class Checklist
public Checklist()
private String _title;
public String GetTitle()
return _title;
public void SetTitle(String title)
_title = title;
private Vector<Checklist> _checklists = new Vector<Checklist>();
public Checklist addChecklist()
Checklist ch = new Checklist();
ch.SetTitle("New Checklist");
return ch;
public Vector<Checklist> getChecklists()
return _checklists;
public void setChecklists(Vector<Checklist> checklists)
_checklists = checklists;
The line:
String output = mapper.writeValueAsString(testOut);
causes an exception that has had me baffled for hours and about to abandon using this at all.
Any hints are appreciated.
Here is the exception:
No serializer found for class DataStore$Checklist and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: DataStore["checklists"]->java.util.Vector[0])
There are multiple ways to do it, but I will start with what you are doing wrong: your naming of getter and setter method is wrong -- in Java one uses "camel-case", so you should be using "getTitle". Because of this, properties are not found.
Besides renaming methods to use Java-style names, there are alternatives:
You can use annotation JsonProperty("title") for GetTitle(), so that property is recognized
If you don't want the wrapper object, you could alternatively just add #JsonValue for GetTitle(), in which case value used for the whole object would be return value of that method.
The answer seems to be: You can't do that with Json. I've seen comments in the Gson tutorial as well, that state that some serialization just doesn't work. I downloaded XStream and spat it out with XML in a few minutes of work and a lot less construction around what I really wanted to persist. In the process, I was able to delete a lot of code.