I am trying to navigate to an website (localy hosted on IIS ) in and webview control. after loading of homepage (login.aspx) and successful login it redirects to onother page (userspage.aspx), but as soon as I click on login button it throws an exception "navCancelInit is undefined".
How can I solve this problem ?
You must be facing the exception like given below.
Debug > Options and Settings > Debugging > Just-In-Time > Uncheck "Script":
I'm currently developing a custom app that needs to be deployed on the eu1.rallydev.com server.
During the development I would like to use the App-debug.html to quickly see code changes without having to build and paste new html code, but this doesn't work.
I've changed the "server" in config.json, but keeps getting an error in console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
Does anyone know what else I should do?
Try checking if the sysadmin has blocked the Custom HTML app in the subscription settings:
Allow Custom HTML app: true
Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: true
Im developing a web browser. Whenever I try to navigate to a particular site, if there's a server error like "page taking too long to respond", "server busy/overloaded" etc. I want the error to get displayed in a message box and then the page I had tried to navigate must automatically refersh, as a second attempt.
I know the web browser itself displays the error message in the browser form but I want to diplay the error message in a messge box for some reason and then reload the page. Is there any way to do it?
If there's no way to copy the error to a message box, at least is there any way my program can automatically refresh the page if there's a server error?
When loading https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js an uncaught exception: [object Object] is generated under Firefox (works fine in Chrome) which makes it impossible to retrieve user data after login with Gmail.
Really penalizing issue... anyone has an idea?
I struggled with that too and found that Firefox needs to accept third-party cookies in order for Google api to load properly.
So I suggest trying to edit 'Preferences' -> 'Privacy and Security' -> 'Accept third-party cookies'. Try to set value to 'always' and see if that solves your issue. It would be more secure however to add an exception for the specific url.
This problem is solved when you use https.
In Prestashop backend login page, when I try to login I get the following message:
Details: Error thrown: [object Object]
Text status: parsererror
Screen Picture:
When the admin login form is submitted an ajax request is sent to the server, please take a look at the response of that ajax request after enabling error debugging, there must be an error shown there. Share the details of that error with us so that we guide you better.
FYI, to enable error debugging in PrestaShop you can follow the steps below.
open file: config/defines.inc.php (using FTP or hosting control panel)
change false-->true:
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
I'm trying to run the sample code from the tutorial of IBM,
Form_based_authentication, but it doesn't work correctly.
It doesn't show the login form, and when I click on the "Call protected adapter proc" button, it shows an access denied error like this one:
I cannot reproduce your scenario.
Open the Chrome DevTools and inspect the console view when you click on the button. What errors do you see?
Did you add any environment or are you simply previewing the common web resources?
Anything else about your environment that you did not mention?
Imported the Form-based authentication sample (.zip file) for Worklight 6.0
Started the server, deployed the adapter and application
Opened Worklight Console
Previewed the common web resources
Clicked on "Call protected adapter proc"
Entered random values for username/password (since a non-validating authenticator is being used in this sample
Clicked on "Call protected adapter proc" again
Clear the data of the app from the setting than it will work. Form based authentication work for same day or same session after that it will throw error in console
"[ERROR ] FWLSE0335E: Authorization failed: ClientId 8a822ed6a93bec9c9f810e128cdb5dba4bb8f762 was not found on the server. [project xyz]