Need resolution for this below code issue - sql

I have Ran below query
DECLARE #temp TABLE(Id int identity(1,1), name varchar(20))
INSERT INTO #temp (name)
select name from sys.tables
The above query is working fine with out any issues in one machine. But i ran the another machine it through some error. Its very wired for me. I have attached the screen shot.
Both machines are having same sql server SQL server 2008 R2 Express(Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (Intel X86) Apr 2 2010 15:53:02 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3) ) Edition.

This means one machine has table names that are all less than 20 characters, but the machine it doesn't work on has table names that are longer than 20 characters.
Change the size of your name column to nvarchar(255); you can go all the way up to 4000 if you still have trouble.
DECLARE #temp TABLE(Id int identity(1,1), name nvarchar(255))
INSERT INTO #temp (name)
select name from sys.tables
EDIT: based on #Raj's response and my subsequent research, I have modified the 'varchar' column to be 'nvarchar' because that is what table names can hold. For quick queries, I personally don't care if I use 255 instead of the actual potential length of a column's name (128). But per #Raj and the T-SQL documentation, the max column name length is 128.

The definition for thename column in sys.tables is
In the first machine, you probably do not have any table names that are longer than 20 characters, so it works. However, in the second machine, looks like you have table names longer that 20 characters, hence the error. Try changing your #temp definition to
ID int identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(128)

String or Binary data would be truncated error you get when you're trying to insert string which is more than defined length, in your case it's 20 and string trying to fit in that column is greater than 20.
Resolution: Make it as nvarchar and increase the length.
DECLARE #temp TABLE(Id int identity(1,1), name nvarchar(255))
INSERT INTO #temp (name)
select name from sys.tables

As Raj states the datatype for a column name in SQL Server is SYSNAME, therefore just use this as it is both backward and forward compatible:
DECLARE #temp TABLE(Id int identity(1,1), name sysname)
INSERT INTO #temp (name)
select name from sys.tables
See What is SYSNAME data type in SQL Server?


Xml file node reading and inserting as seperate rows in a table

I am new bee in learning microsoft technologies.
I struck with an issue in sql server where I need your help.
Well, I have a XML file with below format,
please see it for your reference
In which I need to read Roles node values and insert those comma separated values as single row where I I will pass permissionid as a parameter in stored procedure.
here is the table columns (I need to insert single role for single row in test table based on transitionid)
create table test
empid int identity(1,1),
roles varchar(40),
transitionid int
You have two problems here: getting the data from the XML and splitting it.
If you're using SQL 2016 you're in luck - there's a new STRING_SPLIT function. You could use that like so:
declare #xml xml = '<Permissions><Denied><User/><Roles/><Groups/></Denied><Allowed><Users/><Roles>admin,user,reader,writer,</Roles><Groups/></Allowed></Permissions>';
declare #test table
empid int identity(1,1),
roles varchar(40),
transitionid int
INSERT #test (roles)
select b.value
FROM #xml.nodes('//Roles/text()')x(csv)
where b.value <> ''
select * from #test
Otherwise, you'll have to do something similar using a custom string splitting method, which you can find more about How do I split a string so I can access item x? or - basically, both require either writing a custom T-SQL function or CLR code that is imported into SQL Server. You could then use the same method as above (replacing STRING_SPLIT with the name of your custom string splitting function).

SQL Server 2008 varchar and char not working

I get an error saying varchar or char is not a recognized in SQL Server. However I use the same software, SQL Server 2008 in college, so I do not want to go for a different version of SQL Server. Anyway I can fix this?
Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 26302
create table abc
id int,
name varchar(15)
Error is:
The specified data type is not valid. [ Data type (if known) = varchar
varchar(n) is not supported in SQL Server Compact. Here is the full list of types supported.
Following are the types that you can use.
So you might need to change to nvarchar(10), nvarchar(5) and nchar(1) etc..
Really ? , i tried it, also i tried in creating temp table, it seems both are ok.
create table abc (id int, name varchar(15))
create table #tmp (id int, name varchar(15))!3/66b44

update table with dynamic sql query

For a project, we are using a table (named txtTable) that contains all the texts. And each column contains a different language (for example column L9 is English, column L7 is German, etc..).
TextID L9 L7 L16 L10 L12
26 Archiving Archivierung NULL NULL NULL
27 Logging Protokollierung NULL NULL NULL
28 Comments Kommentar NULL NULL NULL
This table is located in a database on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The big problem is that this database name changes each time the program is restarted. This is a behavior typically for this third-party program and cannot be changed.
Next to this database and on the same server is our own database. In this database are several tables that point to the textID for generating data for reporting (SQL Server Reporting Services) in the correct language. This database contains also a table "ProjectSettings" with some properties like the name of the texttable database, and the stored procedures to generate the reporting data.
The way we now are requesting the right texts of the right language from this table with the changing database name is by creating a dynamic SQL query and execute it in a stored procedure.
Now we were wondering if there is a cleaner way to get the texts in the right language. We were thinking about creating a function with the textID and the language as a parameter, but we cannot find a good way to do this. We thought about a function so we just can use it in the select statement, but this doesn’t work:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetTextFromLib]
#TextID int,
#LanguageColumn Varchar(5)
RETURNS varchar(255)
-- return variables
DECLARE #ResultVar varchar(255)
-- Local variables
DECLARE #TextLibraryDatabaseName varchar(1000)
DECLARE #nvcSqlQuery varchar(1000)
-- get the report language database name
SELECT #TextLibraryDatabaseName = TextLibraryDatabaseName FROM ProjectSettings
SET #nvcSqlQuery = 'SELECT #ResultVar =' + #LanguageColumn + ' FROM [' + #TextLibraryDatabaseName + '].dbo.TXTTable WHERE TEXTID = ' + cast(#TextID as varchar(30))
-- Return the result of the function
RETURN #ResultVar
Is there any way to work around this so we don’t have to use the dynamic sql in our stored procedures so it is only ‘contained’ in 1 function?
Thanks in advance & kind regards,
Yes, it is possible with the help of synonym mechanism introduced with SQL Server 2005. So, you can create synonym during your setting up procedure based on data from ProjectSettings table and you can use it in your function. Your code will look something like this:
UPDATE: The code of function is commented here because it still contains dynamic SQL which does not work in function as Kurt said in his comment. New version of function is below this code.
-- Creating synonym for TXTTable table
-- somewhere in code when processing current settings
-- Suppose your synonym name is 'TextLibrary'
-- Drop previously created synonym
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.synonyms WHERE name = N'TextLibrary')
-- Creating synonym using dynamic SQL
-- Local variables
DECLARE #TextLibraryDatabaseName varchar(1000)
DECLARE #nvcSqlQuery varchar(1000)
-- get the report language database name
SELECT #TextLibraryDatabaseName = TextLibraryDatabaseName FROM ProjectSettings
SET #nvcSqlQuery = 'CREATE SYNONYM TextLibrary FOR [' + #TextLibraryDatabaseName + '].dbo.TXTTable'
-- Synonym created
/* UPDATE: This code is commented but left for discussion consistency
-- Function code
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetTextFromLib]
#TextID int,
#LanguageColumn Varchar(5)
RETURNS varchar(255)
-- return variables
DECLARE #ResultVar varchar(255)
-- Local variables
DECLARE #nvcSqlQuery varchar(1000)
SET #nvcSqlQuery = 'SELECT #ResultVar =' + #LanguageColumn + ' FROM TextLibrary WHERE TEXTID = ' + cast(#TextID as varchar(30))
-- Return the result of the function
RETURN #ResultVar
UPDATE This is one more attempt to solve the problem. Now it uses some XML trick:
-- Function code
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetTextFromLib]
#TextID int,
#LanguageColumn Varchar(5)
RETURNS varchar(255)
-- return variables
DECLARE #ResultVar varchar(255)
-- Local variables
-- Select required record into XML variable
-- XML has each table column value in element with corresponding name
SELECT #XmlVar = ( SELECT * FROM TextLibrary
-- Select value of required element from XML
SELECT #ResultVar = Element.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(255)')
FROM #XmlVar.nodes('/row/*') AS T(Element)
WHERE Element.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(50)') = #LanguageColumn
-- Return the result of the function
RETURN #ResultVar
Hope this helps.
Credits to answerer of this question at Stackoverflow - How to get node name and values from an xml variable in t-sql
To me, it sounds like a total PITA... However, how large is this database of "words" you are dealing with. Especially if it is not changing much and remains pretty constant. Why not have on some normal cycle (such as morning), just have one dynamic query generated that queries the one that changes and synchronize it to a "standard" table name in YOUR database that won't change. Then, all your queries run against YOUR version and completely remove the constant dynamic queries every time. Yes there would need to be this synchronizing stored procedure to run, but if it can be run on a schedule, you should be fine, and again, how large is the table of "words" for proper language context.

What's wrong with this T-SQL?

What's wrong with this T-SQL :
SET #temp = dbo.[fnCSVToTable](',2,3')
I don't think you can assign to the table variable like that (unless it is a new thing in SQL 2008).
At least for SQL2005 you would need to do the following.
SElECT [value]
FROM dbo.[fnCSVToTable](',2,3')
From the docs for SET (SQL 2008; SQL 2005) (my emphasis):
# local_variable
Is the name of a
variable of any type except cursor, text, ntext, image, or table.
To populate a table variable, use
INSERT #table_variable
SELECT columns
FROM dbo.fnTableValuedFunction

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

In the SQL Server, I am trying to insert values from one table to another by using the below query:
delete from tblTable1
insert into tblTable1 select * from tblTable1_Link
I am getting the following error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
I am sure that both the tables have the same structure, same column names and same data types.
They don't have the same structure... I can guarantee they are different
I know you've already created it... There is already an object named ‘tbltable1’ in the database
What you may want is this (which also fixes your other issue):
Drop table tblTable1
select * into tblTable1 from tblTable1_Link
I want to also mention that if you have something like
insert into blah
select * from blah2
and blah and blah2 are identical keep in mind that a computed column will throw this same error...
I just realized that when the above failed and I tried
insert into blah (cola, colb, colc)
select cola, colb, colc from blah2
In my example it was fullname field (computed from first and last, etc)
for inserts it is always better to specify the column names see the following
works fine, changing the table def to causes the error
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
Insert Error: Column name or number of
supplied values does not match table
But changing the above to
INSERT INTO #Table (Val1) SELECT '1'
works. You need to be more specific with the columns specified
supply the structures and we can have a look
The problem is that you are trying to insert data into the database without using columns. SQL server gives you that error message.
Error: insert into users values('1', '2','3') - this works fine as long you only have 3 columns
If you have 4 columns but only want to insert into 3 of them
Correct: insert into users (firstName,lastName,city) values ('Tom', 'Jones', 'Miami')
Beware of triggers. Maybe the issue is with some operation in the trigger for inserted rows.
Dropping the table was not an option for me, since I'm keeping a running log. If every time I needed to insert I had to drop, the table would be meaningless.
My error was because I had a couple columns in the create table statement that were products of other columns, changing these fixed my problem. eg
create table foo (
field1 as int
,field2 as int
,field12 as field1 + field2 )
create table copyOfFoo (
field1 as int
,field2 as int
,field12 as field1 + field2) --this is the problem, should just be 'as int'
insert into copyOfFoo
The computed columns make the problem.
Do not use SELECT *. You must specify each fields after SELECT except computed fields
some sources for this issues are as below
1- Identity column ,
2- Calculated Column
3- different structure
so check those 3 , i found my issue was the second one ,
For me the culprit is int value assigned to salary
Insert into Employees(ID,FirstName,LastName,Gender,Salary) values(3,'Canada', 'pa', 'm',15,000)
in salary column When we assign 15,000 the compiler understand 15 and 000.
This correction works fine for me.
Insert into Employees(ID,FirstName,LastName,Gender,Salary) values(4,'US', 'sam', 'm',15000)
Update to SQL server 2016/2017/…
We have some stored procedures in place to import and export databases.
In the sp we use (amongst other things) RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK where we create a
table "#restoretemp" for the restore from file.
With SQL server 2016, MS has added a field SnapshotURL nvarchar(360) (restore url Azure) what has caused the error message.
After I have enhanced the additional field, the restore has worked again.
Code snipped (see last field):
CREATE TABLE #restoretemp
LogicalName nvarchar(128)
,PhysicalName nvarchar(128)
,[Type] char(1)
,FileGroupName nvarchar(128)
,[Size] numeric(20,0)
,[MaxSize] numeric(20,0)
,FileID bigint
,CreateLSN numeric(25,0)
,DropLSN numeric(25,0) NULL
,UniqueID uniqueidentifier
,ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0)
,ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0)
,BackupSizeInByte bigint
,SourceBlockSize int
,FilegroupID int
,LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL
,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0)
,DifferentialbaseGUID uniqueidentifier
,IsReadOnly bit
,IsPresent bit
,TDEThumbprint varbinary(32)
-- Added field 01.10.2018 needed from SQL Server 2016 (Azure URL)
,SnapshotURL nvarchar(360)
INSERT #restoretemp EXEC (#query)
SET #errorstat = ##ERROR
if #errorstat <> 0
if #Rueckgabe = 0 SET #Rueckgabe = 6
Print #Rueckgabe
Check your id. Is it Identity? If it is then make sure it is declared as ID not null Identity(1,1)
And before creating your table , Drop table and then create table.
The problem I had that caused this error was that I was trying to insert null values into a NOT NULL column.
I had the same problem, and the way I worked around it is probably not the best but it is working now.
It involves creating a linked server and using dynamic sql - not the best, but if anyone can suggest something better, please comment/answer.
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
[DatabaseName] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
[FILEID] [smallint] NOT NULL,
,filegroup VARCHAR(128)
,maxsize VARCHAR(25)
SELECT #SQL ='SELECT [DatabaseName],
,maxsize FROM OPENQUERY('+ QUOTENAME('THE_MONITOR') + ','''+ ' EXEC MASTER.DBO.monitoring_database_details ' +''')'
exec sp_executesql #sql
This is working for me now.
I can guarantee the number of columns and type of columns returned by the stored procedure are the same as in this table, simply because I return the same table from the stored procedure.
In my case, I had:
insert into table1 one
select * from same_schema_as_table1 same_schema
left join...
and I had to change select * to select same_schema.*.
You're missing column name after TableName in insert query:
INSERT INTO TableName**(Col_1,Col_2,Col_3)** VALUES(val_1,val_2,val_3)
In my case the problem was that the SP I was executing returned two result sets, and only the second result set was matching the table definition.