SQL Mirroring or Failover Clustering VS Azure built in infrastructure - sql

I read in a few places that SQL Azure data is automatically replicated and the Azure platform provides redundant copies of the data, Therefore SQL Server high availability features such as database mirroring and failover cluster aren't needed.
Has anyone got a chance to investigate deeper into this? Are all those availability enhancements really not needed in Azure? Thanks!
To clarify, I'm talking about SQL as a service and not a VM hosted SQL.

The SQL Database service (database-as-a-service) is a multi-tenant database service, and your databases are triple-replicated within the data center, providing durable storage. The service itself, being large-scale, provides high availability (since there are many VMs running the service itself, along with replicated data). Nothing is needed in terms of mirroring or failover clusters. Having said that: If, say, your particular database became unavailable for a period of time, you'll need to consider how you'll handle that situation (perhaps sync'ing to another SQL Database, maybe even in another data center).
If you go with SQL Database (DBaaS), you'll still need to work out your backup strategy, and possibly syncing with another DC (or on-premises database server) for DR purposes.
More info on SQL Database fault tolerance is here.

Your desired detail is probably contained in this MSDN article of Business Continuity and Azure SQL Database (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh852669.aspx). At the most basic level Azure SQL Database will keep three replicas of your database - one primary and two secondary.
While this helps with BCP / DR scenarios you may also wish to investigate ways to backup your database so you have point-in-time restore capabilities. More information on backup / restore can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj650016.aspx


Can I use an Azure SQL Database as the source for a replication publication?

Due to reasons (I've been told it's a networking issue with MIs; regardless, we can't fix it, we're waiting on a solution from MS that may or may not come out this year), we cannot talk from on-prem to managed instances. However, we can reach Azure SQL Databases.
We would like to replicate lookup data from on-prem to Azure Managed Instances (MIs) as well as ASDs. Is there any way to use the ASD as a "jump" box for replication, maybe by putting the Distributor on an MI that can talk to the ASD?
Looked at Azure Data Sync, but the 5-minute-minimum makes it a no-go.
Otherwise, our current fallback is to run an Azure VM/AKS instance, replicate to it, then from there to the ASDs/MIs. But man, I'd rather not have to do that.
Any suggestions appreciated.
One Way Transactional replication using SQL Data Sync for Azure.
If they wish to maintain the replication running after the migration to Managed Instances, transactional replication will be the best option at this time. Replication to Azure SQL Database
Or using ETL via Azure DataFactory
Transfer data from a SQL Server database to an Azure SQL Database using Azure Blob Storage and the Azure Data Factory (ADF): this is a supported legacy technique that benefits from a replicated staging copy.
ADF pipeline consisting of two data migration processes. They work together to transfer data between a SQL Server database and an Azure SQL Database on a regular basis. The two actions are as follows:
Data should be copied from a SQL Server database to an Azure Blob Storage account

Trigger Based Replication (Live Sync) OR Transactional Replication in MSSQL

can someone give me a clear idea about which technique/ method is more reliable, less memory consuming and faster in replicating data from one Database to another in MSSQL database(SQl Server 2012) and why. We are in the process of developing a Live GPS based tracking application and I am confused with which method to proceed with
Trigger Based Replication (Live Sync)
Transactional Replication
Thanks in Advance ☺
I would recommend using standardised solutions whenever possible. Within the choice given to you, transaction replication should be an obvious favourite, because:
It doesn't require any coding and can be deployed using standard tools. This makes it much faster to deploy and maintain - any proper DBA can do it, some of them even being blindfolded.
Actual data transfer is done by replication agents which are separate applications external to the SQL Server process and client connections. Any network issues within the publisher-distributor-subscriber(s) chain will lead to delays in copying the data, but they will not affect the performance of the publisher database itself.
With triggers, you have neither of these advantages: you will have to add a lot of code, and sluggish network will make data-changing queries slower, potentially leading to timeouts.
Of course, there are many more ways to move the data between the databases in SQL Server, such as (in no particular order):
AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Database mirroring);
Log shipping;
CDC (Change Data Capture);
Service Broker.
However, given your needs, transaction replication still looks like your best bet, overall.

SQL Azure Data Sysnc Issue

The use case is Distributed deployment of Web Application on Azure using PaaS. I read the Azure documentation on SQL Azure database geo-replication, and it seems none of the services tiers best fit this need. The other option is SQL Sync, which is in preview and cannot be used in production.It seems Microsoft Azure does not have any way for a redundant database centric application using PaaS model.
Please help how to resolve the issue or any alternate solution.
Both SQL Data Sync and Geo-replication are for database redundant using. But we need to know you detailed scenarios, so that we can say which one is more fit. Basically Geo-replication is DB level data synchronization used for DR. SQL Data Sync is Table level data synchronization used for reference data replication for both Azure DB and On-prem DB.

SQL Server full copy of database for read operations

Please advise what suits my problem better. I have a highload web app hosted on the same server where SQL server is hosted. I also have SQL Service reporting running on the same server, generating user reports.
So my server basically works on top of disk read/write speed. I'm going to get another server and install there another SQL server in order to host SSRS there. So my criteria is to get as fresh data as it possible.
I've looked a couple of solution, currently I do make backup via jobs, copy it to second server and restore it there, also via jobs. But that's not the best solution.
All replication mechanism(transaction, merge, snapshot) affect publisher database by locking it's table, what is unacceptable for me.
So I wonder is there any possibility to create a replica with read only access, that would be synced periodically not affecting main db? I would put all report load to that replica and make my primary db be used only by web app.
What solution might suit my problem? As I'm not a DBA, I'd start investigating that direction. Thanks.
Transactional Replication is typically used to off-load reporting to another server/instance and can be near real-time in a best case scenario. The benefit of Transactional Replication is you can place different indexes on the subscriber(s) to optimize reporting. You can also choose to replicate only a portion of the data if only a subset is needed for reporting.
The only time locking occurs with Transactional Replication is when you generate a snapshot. With concurrent snapshot processing, which is the default for Transactional Replication, the shared locks are only held for a short period of time, so users are able to continue working uninterrupted. Either way, this shouldn't be an issue since you'll likely be generating the snapshot during a period of low user activity anyway.

Online and local sql database synchronization

According to my system i have maintained two databases in LAN and online db.But i want to synchronize these two databases. I hope to do this things using microsoft sync frame work.
Can i do sync local and online sql db using this? or any suitable method for do this.thank you
Sync Framework is designed for occasionally connected systems, eg. a laptop that can access the corporate network every other day and update its database, but needs to work when it has no corpnet access too. The pairing of Sync Framework is usually a central DB (SQL Server) and local embedded SQL Server Compact or SQL Express on the devices (laptops, phones, tablets etc).
IF the databases are always connected (eg. two DBs in two servers, with 24x7 connectivity between them, even if over Internet) then the appropriate technology is replication. Either Merge or Transactional. Theoretically replication also works when disconnect periods are expected, but Sync Framework is much better at it, and most importantly Sync Framework is not strongly dependent on DNS names as replication is (very important for occasionally connected systems).
Synchronizing the database is a vague term, you have to consider if you want a Master-Slave replication shcme or a Master-Master (the later being very difficult to achieve) and you have to consider what do you want replicated from the database. You also need to consider if more partners will be later added (more databases to 'synchronize'). And you have to be way more careful now about schema changes.