rpmbuild: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found - Multiple options tried - packaging

This is getting rather maddening - I'm trying to build an RPM out of some BASH scripts which work as Nagios plugins. I keep getting:
error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:
In the %files directive of my spec file I have tried most of the combos that have been suggested here and on various other internet forums:
%dir /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
And currently I am on
%dir %{_libdir}/nagios/plugins/
This is why my most recent error output is lib64, previous errors when quoting the full path were /usr/lib/...
These are the only 2 files that should make up the package as well.
Here is my .spec file
Name: netappautoassign
Summary: A set of Nagios Plugins for automatically assigning disks to a Netapp
Version: 1.0
Release: 1
License: %{license}
Group: Applications/System
Source: %{source}
URL: Reserved
Vendor: %{vendor}
Packager: %{packager}
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: bash, grep, util-linux, coreutils, expect, openssh-clients, bc, sed
Provides: netappassignprep, netappassigncheck
Since Netapp's autoassign function may lead to disks being assigned to the
wrong head these NAGIOS plugins will ensure disks are added to the correct
head when replaced.
%setup -q
rm -rf %{buildroot}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/nagios/plugins
cp netappassigncheck %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/nagios/plugins/
cp netappassignprep %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/nagios/plugins/
%dir %{_libdir}/nagios/plugins/
rm -rf %{buildroot}
And here's my ~/.rpmmacros
%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
%_tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp
%buildroot %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}
%license RESERVED
%source %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
%vendor REDACTED
%packager REDACTED
I'm not sure if this is a bug or desired behaviour, but it would appear that during the build setion the %{buildroot} variable was not being read in from .rpmmacros Having moved this variable into the main spec file the RPM is now built.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or desired behaviour, but it would appear that during the file verification section, it was reading in all the current active plugins under the root file system and not the %{buildroot}.
I suspected that the %{buildroot} variable was not being read in from .rpmmacros at this stage, although it was for all other stages.
I moved the declaration of %{buildroot} into my main .spec file and the build is now working!


SOLVED - Ubuntu 18.04 setting up virtualenvwrapper, python 3.8

Original question:
I am installing virtualenvwrapper on Ubuntu 18.04. Here is what I have tried so far:
From https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#:~:text=virtualenvwrapper%20is%20a%20set%20of,introducing%20conflicts%20in%20their%20dependencies:
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
$ source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Error: bash: /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh: No such file or directory
Ok, so I went looking for virtualenvwrapper.sh. Eventually I found it:
joanna#joanna-X441BA:~/.local/bin$ ls
Tried again with the new path: joanna#joanna-X441BA:/$ source /home/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
bash: /home/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh: No such file or directory
Agh, ok. Searched StackOverflow, followed the instructions in Issue installing Virtualenvwrapper on Ubuntu 18.04?:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenv
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
I checked that this is in fact where my python3 installation lives. Same result though - No such file or directory.
Also tried sudo apt-get update and it successfully updated a bunch of stuff. But still No such file or directory.
Following this article, I also tried
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/usr/local/bin/virtualenv
(with the paths corrected for my filesystem setup.)
I don't understand why Bash is saying "No such file or directory" when it is in fact there (inexact error message that could be improved?), or more importantly how to fix this problem.
Note: This article warns me not to use sudo with pip because "If you think you need to use sudo, you're probably trying to modify a distribution-owned file", which is apparently Very Bad. I have also seen several articles warning that I should really use python -m pip install (or python3 -m pip install?) instead of plain pip install, because plain pip install can cause unintended side effects. I am not an expert by any means in these matters, but avoiding side effects sounds good to me.
I finally got it to work! I kept playing around with it and double-checking that all the paths were correct and I did everything in the right order. I also had a stray installation of Python 3.8 that it seems I had installed in one of my folders that I use for code (my understanding is that Python installations should automatically go into one of the root folders like /usr/bin). On advice from my mentor I used the file manager to delete the stray Python 3.8, which may have helped with the virtualenvwrapper problem. After deleting the stray Python 3.8 I ran these commands and it finally worked!!!!
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenv
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
source ~/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
My advice to readers of this question who are stumped with similar problems: triple-check the paths you are using by cd-ing into the folders, and also check for spelling errors in what you are typing. Your computer's file system may be set up slightly different from mine so don't blindly copy-paste the file paths I used. This will save you a lot of time and frustration. Also note that the file location of ~ is NOT the same as /home, that's one mistake I made.

Can't install nautilus-dropbox on Centos 8

I try to install dropbox on Centos8, however Terminal gives strange errors. Tried different commands, same error.
Firstly downloaded *.rpm file from dropbox website, currently trying to install it.
Commands I tried:
rpm -ivh nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.fedora.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.fedora.x86_64.rpm
Last metadata expiration check: 0:18:27 ago on Thu 12 Mar 2020 03:46:17 PM EET
Problem: conflicting requests
nothing provides libgnome >= %{gnome_version} needed by nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.fc21.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
[root#localhost Downloads]
Also tried --skip-broken and --nobest - but no luck.
Also tried sudo yum install libgnome but it gives error:
Last metadata expiration check: 9:51:39 ago on Thu 12 Mar 2020 02:42:06 PM UTC.
No match for argument: libgnome
Error: Unable to find a match: libgnome
I have:
[adminuser#localhost ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core)
Tried to google this mistake, but no luck. Could you please give me any hint how I could overcome this?
Thank you
This is a bug in packaging. Contact Dropbox support and report it as a bug.
Technical details (just in case you are Dropbox employee):
During building rpm, when you use macro then it is expanded. Try yoursel:
$ rpm --eval '%{_bindir}'
However, when the macro is not defined, you get original value:
$ rpm --eval '%{some_bullshit}'
So the macro gnome_version should likely contain some version, but this macro was not defined.
nothing provides libgnome
"libgnome" is about libgnome-2 → https://linux.dropbox.com/fedora/ → I.e. Fedora only packages. CentOS 8 has no libgnome* available.
https://www.dropbox.com/install-linux → Compile from source → CentOS 8
# dnf install nautilus-devel-3.28.1-10.el8.x86_64 python3-docutils
tar xvf nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04.tar.bz2
cd nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04/
./configure && make
# make install
Result : nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.el8.x86_64.rpm https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AcxlVdbWOzQvcoVOFYCiaVny9MzgC-Ea/view?usp=sharing
# rpm -Uvh nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.el8.x86_64.rpm : No issues.
First, realize that the command showing at the install page is for the headless installation. It will probably work, but my preference is to use Dropbox with nautilus integration.
This instructions assumes a installation of Dropbox with Nautilus integration.
We need to compile the installer from source.
a. Download last package
wget https://linux.dropbox.com/packages/nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04.tar.bz2
b. Extract tarball
tar xjf ./nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04.tar.bz2
c. Try to compile
cd nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04; ./configure;
Then you get an Error:
Problema: conflicting requests
- nothing provides libgnome >= %{gnome_version} needed by nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-1.fc21.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
Now we need to install nautilus-devel and python3-docutils
NOTE: You will get configure: error: couldn't find docutils if forget python3-docutils.
This command will enable the PowerTools repository and install what is needed:
dnf --enablerepo=PowerTools install nautilus-devel python3-docutils
Now you can run ./configure && sudo make install
That's it. Go for the start menu type "Dropbox", it will start the installer.
Restore a local backup of Dropbox (optional)
If you have a local backup, turn of the network after you see the Dropbox folder created. Then copy all your files to that folder and turn it on after copy.
This solution worked for me running CentOS Linux release 8.2.2004 (Core).

How to install Apache on OmniOS

I am attempting to install Apache on OmniOS. I followed the instructions here: option 2 https://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/3.+Installing+software+and+package+management
Ran the command:
echo $PATH results in /opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
curl https://pkgsrc.joyent.com/packages/SmartOS/bootstrap/bootstrap-2016Q4-x86_64.tar.gz | gtar -zxpf - -C /
pkgin -y update
pkgin -y install apache-2.4.6 resulted in the messages Calculating dependencies...done and then nothing to do
I can not find the apache service or configuration directory as they are described here: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/instances/infrastructure/images/smartos/apache
/opt/local/etc/httpd The configuration directory for Apache
svcs pkgsrc/apache Checking service for Apache
Server Info:
uname -v results in omnios-r151026-d9b45886bd
Running x86
Also running SunONE webserver
Though incomplete, my commands did make a change. My Perl scripts can no longer find DBI.
Why does the Apache install say there is nothing to do? What am I missing?
Ran which apache2 resulted in no apache2
Ran pkgin list to list all installed packages. Only apache
reference is apache-maven-3.5.4
Ran find . -name '*apache*' in the following directories:
\etc nothing
\opt found:
vim, el, and elc files in SUNWspro
org-apache-tools-ant-module files and folder in netbeans/3.5V11/modules/patches
apache folder in SUNWwbsvr/plugins/java/samples/webapps/jstl/src/org which contains java files
vim, tag, el and elc files in sfw --- also an apache folder in sfw which contains readme/bash type files for apache/php and one so file
apache-maven-3.5.4 files/folders in local
org-apache-xml-resolver* files in sunstudio12.1
'\usr' found:
2 vims in share/vim/vim80/syntax
apache-fcgi.conf in lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/cherrypy/scaffold
'\var' nothing
As far as I can tell, the binaries have not been installed
I tried running pkgin -y install apache-2 and it worked. It installed apache-2.4.3. Perhaps apache-2.4.6 does not exist in the repository.
This mean apache is already installed on the Linux system. To run below command which will tell the location of the system binary.
which apache2
for the configuration folder look for below directory:

-bash: /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh: No such file or directory

I recently update my default ruby version, by using
$ rvm --default use x.x.x
After doing so, and restarting my terminal I got the following error
-bash: /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh: No such file or directory
What exactly is the rvm.sh file and how did go missing by changing the default?
In my case it was better to deinstall all Ruby/gems and rvm completely.
Although rvm left lots of garbage in a system including sourcing rvm.sh from different places.
After full rvm deinstall one should check following files and remove all references to rvm:
In ~/ (user home folder):
In /etc folder:
Still have no idea why rvm puts so much garbage into system

Autoconf macros for Apache and conf.d install process?

I have a package that is using the autotools to build and install.
Part of the package is a website that can be run on the local machine.
So in the package there is a .conf file that is meant to be either
copied or linked to the /etc/apache2/conf.d directory. What's the
standard way that packages would do this? If possible, I'd like for
the user not to have an extra step to make the website work. I'd like
to have them install the package and then be able to browse to
http://localhost/newpackage to get up and running.
Also, is there a way that autoconf knows about the apache install or a
standard way through then environment some how? If someone could
point me in the right direction that would be great.
The first thing you should do is to locate the apache extension tool apxs or apxs2 (depends on apache version and/or platform you are building for). After you know where your tool is located you can run queries to get certain apache config params. For example to get system config dir you can run:
Here is a snippet of how you can locate apache extension tool: (be careful it may contain syntax errors)
dnl Note: AC_DEFUN goes here plus other stuff
[path to the apxs, defaults to "apxs".])],
if test "$withval" = "yes"; then
if test -z "$APXS"; then
for i in /usr/sbin /usr/local/apache/bin /usr/bin ; do
if test -f "$i/apxs2"; then
if test -f "$i/apxs"; then
The way to use APXS in your automake Makefile.am would look something like this:
## Find apache sys config dir
## Misc automake stuff goes here
install: install-am
cp my.conf $(DESTDIR)${APACHE2_SYSCONFDIR}/conf.d/my.conf
I assume you are familiar with automake and autoconf tools.