colorbox with iframe can't be closed with keyboard navigation in Firefox - colorbox

I am trying to get Colorbox to work with keyboard navigation (tab navigation) when loading an iframe as the Colorbox content. I am unable to escape the iframe content to get to the Close button in Firefox. In other words, there is a keyboard trap when using Firefox, and one can never close the modal box. It does work in Webkit (Safari / Chrome) and IE.
You can reproduce this using the Iframe example on the Colorbox site:
select Flash / Video (Iframe/Direct Link To YouTube) or Outside Webpage (Iframe)
Anyone know how to solve this issue?


How to access content from iframe in Safari. Not able to switch to iframe for safari browser

I am not able to switch to any iframe in safari browser.
switchTo frame is working properly for other browsers but not working in MAC safari.
Is there any way or workaround to achieve this.

In IOS mobile safari browser popup window not showing In incognito mode

I have an issue related to the popup window in a mobile safari browser. In mobile browser popup not showing but when I opened the same site in Mackbook safari browser it's showing, its also showing on the mobile app but when I opened it on the mobile safari browser it's not showing. I checked the browser settings for popup it on.

WebView in React-Native and popups

I am struggling with this issue for a while right now. I have an in-app browser, where I direct user to some webpage. In this webpage, there are popups, that are not working on in the WebView - they are not opening. I was trying to intercept them with onNavigationStateChange prop, and tried to navigate user to his native browser, but I've failed to do so - the popups never trigger any callbacks in the onNavigationStateChange. I was testing this using this webpage. My question boils down to:
Is is possible to intercept popups in the WebView, and if not - what approach can I take to make the popups available in the WebView or to somehow redirect user to his native browser, whenever the popup happens?

How to automate shadow dom elements on browser by integrating shady dom api?

We are facing issues while automating the shadow dom elements using selenium web driver on safari browser.
The main issue we are facing is that we are not able to send keys to the text boxes which are in shadow-root. We tried to set value of textbook using javascript but that too is not working.
Above functionality is working fine with Firefox, but problem is with Safari.

Open iOS Safari Shared links via javascript or html

I have a requirement to open the "Shared Links" component in Safari (iOS 7+) via clicking a button in a html page. I can open the print dialog via window.print() but don't know how to open the sharing popup. May be this is not allowed by Apple due to security concerns.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading
Unfortunately this wasn't possible using a default webview.