How to get values of variables after simulation in open modelica? - variables

I've simulated a model in open modelica, now is it possible to get values of all variables that they had during the simulation? If yes, how can I get them?

When you simulate you can give outputFormat="csv" and then you get a result file Model_res.csv containing all variable values for all the time steps. You can then open this file in Excel if you want.
In OpenModelica Connection Editor (OMEdit) you go to Simulation->Simulation Setup, tab Output and select csv.

I'm not sure I understand your question. Normally, when you run OpenModelica, you'll get a results file. This file contains all the simulation data for all variables.
How you read that file depends on what platform you are running on and what tools you are using. Is that the issue?


How to fix 'File name too long' errors when using Snakemake

When using Snakemake, I store the values for my variables as part of the filenames (ex. "processed/count_{project}.tsv"). Recently, I've started using R formulas with many covariates as a variable. Now I get an error because the the filename is too long for the operating system. Has anyone else run into this issue and have any suggestions? Is there a canonical Snakemake approach for this problem?
Personally, I don't think it is a good idea to store information into the filename.
Rather, I would create a temp file in tabular or yaml format linking the file in question to covariates or other data. Then read this file in R or else to extract the relevant information.
One idea is to use paths instead since paths allowed to be longer.

Change output file format to *.csv using dymosim.exe instead of *.mat

I am trying to understand if it's possible to change the model output format to .csv instead of the default .mat file when simulating a model using dymosim.exe.
I can do this in dymola itself by using the function "convertMATtoCSV" in the base Data files library. Something like below,
DataFiles.convertMATtoCSV("output.mat", {"t"}, "output.csv");
Is there a way to do this conversion using dymosim.exe?
Kindly advise.
Note: cmd "dymosim.exe -h" has some options for .csv but I am not sure how to use this.
No, it is currently not possible to have dymosim.exe generated by Dymola write the result as csv-file. The CSV-options used by dymosim.exe are only for running multiple simulations.
You can:
Generate a txt result instead, if that is easier to handle for you. (By setting Simulation Setup>Output>Textual data format, this is stored as last element of settings in dsin.txt).
Perform the conversion using dymola\bin\alist.exe
Have the model write a cvs-file as well
Set up to perform this as a post-processing command in Dymola 2017 FD01.

Execute scripts by relative path in Oracle SQL Developer

First, this question relates to Oracle SQL Developer 3.2, not SQL*Plus or iSQL, etc. I've done a bunch of searching but haven't found a straight answer.
I have several collections of scripts that I'm trying to automate (and btw, my SQL experience is pretty basic and mostly MS-based). The trouble I'm having is executing them by a relative path. for example, assume this setup:
| /A1.sql
| /A2.sql
I would like to have a file scripts/runEverything.sql something like this:
where "##", I gather, means relative path in SQL*Plus.
I've fooled around with making variables but without much luck. I have been able to do something similar using '&1' and passing in the root directory. I.e.:
#'&1/A/runAll.sql' '&1/A'
#'&1/B/runAll.sql' '&1/B'
and call it by executing this:
#'c:/.../scripts/runEverything.sql' 'c:/.../scripts'
But the problem here has been that B/runAll.sql gets called with the path: c:/.../scripts/A/B.
So, is it possible with SQL Developer to make nested calls, and how?
This approach has two components:
-Set-up the active SQL Developer worksheet's folder as the default directory.
-Open a driver script, e.g. runAll.sql, (which then changes the default directory to the active working directory), and use relative paths within the runAll.sql script to call sibling scripts.
Set-up your scripts default folder. On the SQL Developer toolbar, Use this navigation:
Tools > Preferences
In the preference dialog box, navigate to Database > Worksheet > Select default path to look for scripts.
Enter the default path to look for scripts as the active working directory:
Create a script file and place all scripts associated in it:
The content of runAll.sql would include:
To test this approach, in SQL Developer, click on File and navigate and open the script\runAll.sql file.
Next, select all (on the worksheet), and execute.
Through the act of navigating and opening the runAll.sql worksheet, the default file folder becomes "script".
I don't have access to SQL Developer right now so i can't experiment with the relative paths, but with the substitution variables I believe the problem you're seeing is that the positional variables (i.e. &1) are redefined by each start or #. So after your first #runAll, the parent script sees the same &1 that the last child saw, which now includes the /A.
You can avoid that by defining your own variable in the master script:
define path=&1
#'&path/A/runAll.sql' '&path/A'
#'&path/B/runAll.sql' '&path/B'
As long as runAll.sql, and anything that runs, does not also (re-define) path this should work, and you just need to choose a unique name if there is the risk of a clash.
Again I can't verify this but I'm sure I've done exactly this in the past...
you need to provide the path of the file as String , give the patch in double quote it will work
For Example
#"C:\Users\Arpan Saini\Zions R2\Reports Statements and Notices\Patch\08312017_Patch_16.2.3.17\DB Scripts\snsp.sql";
Execution of Sql
How to pass parameters in file
#A1.sql; (Parameter)
#A2.sql; (Parameter)
This is not absolute or relative path issue. It's the SQL interpreter issue, where by default it will look for files which are having .sql extention.
Please make sure to modify the file name to file_name.sql
Ex: if workspace is having file name called "A", then move the file from A to "A.sql"

Ansys multiphysics: blank output file

I have a model of a heating process on Ansys Multiphysics, V11.
After running the simulation, I have a script to plot a temperature profile:
!---------------- POST PROCESSING -----------------------
/post1 ! tdatabase postprocessor
!---define profile temperature
path,s_temp1,2,,100 ! define a path
ppath,1,,dop/2,0,0 ! create a path point
ppath,2,,dop/2,1.5,0 ! create a path point
PDEF,surf_t1,TEMP, ,noav ! print a path
plpath,surf_t1 ! plot a path
What I now need, is to save the resulting path in a text file. I have already looked online for a solution, and found the following code to do it, which I appended after the lines above:
Ansys generates the file filename.extension but it is empty. I tried to place the OUTPUT command in a few locations in the script, but without any success.
I suspect I need to define something else, but I have no idea where to look, as Ansys documentation online is terribly chaotic, and all internet pages I've opened before writing this question are not better.
A final note: Ansys V11 is an old version of the software, but I don't want to upgrade it and fit the old model to the new software.
For the output of the simulation (which includes all calculation steps, and sub-steps description and node-by-node results) the output must be declared in the beginning of the code, and not in the postprocessing phase.
in the preamble of the main script makes such that the output is stored in the right location, with the desired extension. At the end of the scripts, you must then declare
to reset the output file location for ANSYS.
The output to the PATH call made in the postprocessing script is however not printed in the file.
It is convenient to use
where Vector(1,1) is a two column array created by *DIM, and stores your data to output to file
As this is a special command, run it from file i.e. macro_output.mac

Sifteo: how to create a file.txt with LUA script?

i'm trying to create a Sifteo game able to detect accelerometer data and write them on a file.txt;
I know that several methods exist that allow to visualize data on the shell (but it need to connect the base on the pc) or storing them in a StoredObject, but i'd like to create a text file.
In the documentation of sifteo sdk I found something about script lua.
I didn't understand it, Can you help me???
If you're simply asking for how to make a .txt file in a lua script it should be something like
file ="FileName.txt","w")
If you're new to lua you can also insert information from a variable or a table by replacing it with the string "Information".
Hope this helped.