Format a number to display a comma when larger than a thousand -

I am writing some code in Visual and have a question.
If I have a long number, that is larger than 1000, how can I format this value to be 1,000 (with a comma) and for this to be stored in a string?
For e.g.
1234 will be stored as 1,234
12345 will be stored as 12,345
123456 will be stored as 123,456
Is this done with a TryParse statement?
May I have some help to so this?

Take a look at The Numeric ("N") Format Specifier
General use:
Dim dblValue As Double = -12445.6789
Console.WriteLine(dblValue.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
' Displays -12,445.68
If you are only using integers then the following:
Dim numberString As String = 1234.ToString("N0")
Will show numberString = "1,234" as the "N0" format will not add any figures after a decimal point.

For those wanting to do a currency with commas and decimals use the following: .ToString("$0,00.00")

Using $ notation:
int myvar = 12345;
Console.WriteLine($"Here is my number: {myvar:N0}");


Formatting a double variable using String Format to add up to 3 zero from the right

I got a price decimal which sometimes can be either 0.00002001 or 0.00002.
I want to display always 3 zeros from the right if the number is like 0.00002 so I'm looking it to be 0.00002000. If the number is 0.00002001 do not add anything.
I came accross some examples and other examplesin msdn and tried with
price.ToString.Format("{0:F4}", price)
but It doesn't actually change anything in the number.
And in the case number is like 123456789 I want it to display 123.456.789 which I've half solved using ToString("N2") but it's displaying also a .00 decimals which I don't want.
Some special cases here between the fractional and whole numbers, so they need to be handled differently.
Private Function formatWithTrailingZeros(number As Double) As String
If number Mod 1 > 0 Then ' has a fractional component
Return $"{number:0.00000000}"
Dim formattedString = $"{number:N2}"
Return formattedString.Substring(0, formattedString.Length - 3)
End If
End Function
Dim price = 0.00002001
price = 0.00002
price = 123456789
price = 123456789.012345
If your second case with 123.456.789 is not based on your current culture, then you may need to replace , with . such as
Return formattedString.Substring(0, formattedString.Length - 3).Replace(",", ".")
Since you are using . both as a decimal separator and a thousands separator, I'm not sure how my example of 123456789.012345000 should look, but since you didn't ask, I'm not going to guess.

How to format integer as string with 2 digits?

I would like to format an integer 9 to "09" and 25 to "25".
How can this be done?
You can use either of these options:
The "0" Custom Specifier
String.Format("{0:00}", value)
The Decimal ("D") Standard Format Specifier
String.Format("{0:D2}", value)
For more information:
Custom Numeric Format Strings
Standard Numeric Format Strings
If its just leading zero's that you want, you can use this:
value.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); // C#
If you have 2 digits, say 25 for example, you will get "25" back....if you have just one digit, say 9 for example, you will get "09"....It is worth noting that this gives you a string back, and not an integer, so you may need to cast this later on in your code.
String formate is the best way to do that. It's will only add leading zero for a single length. 9 to "09" and 25 to "25".
String.format("%02d", value)
If you want to add multiple leading zero 9 to "0009" and 1000 to "1000". That's means you want a string for 4 indexes so the condition will be %04d.
String.format("%04d", value)
I don't know the exact syntax. But in any language, it would look like this.
a = 9
aString =""
if a < 10 then
aString="0" + a
aString = "" + a
end if

How to Format Decimal/Round Numbers on RDLC

Good Day!
I need some idea on how can I format the final value with (2) decimal places/round off of code below.
=Count(Fields!rClosedDate.Value) / Count(Fields!PostDate.Value) * 100 & "%"
Thanks in advance.
You can specify a format for numeric values using the Format property of the TextBox.
Examples of formatting string (full list here):
c: currency
d: decimal
p: percentage
To specify 2 decimal places you can set a formatting string like this: p2

Format number to string

I have to format number to exact this format "###,###,###.##" and try to write program like this:
Dim myNum as double = 1255.32
I can do .PadLeft to ensure aligning with fixed-width font but my number is not showed correctly with this format string.
If I write that by using "##0.00" then I haven't thousand separator showed.
In earlier Basic versions that was easy but...
How to get number showed in this format in VB.NET?
If is important my local decimal "point" is "," (comma).
First source Second source
---------------- ----------------
Price: 97.419,52 97.419,26
Tax: 4.870,98 4.870,96
Brutto: 102.290,50 102.290,24
Temp source
Price: 0,00
Tax: 0,00 Difference
Brutto: 0,00 - 0,26
CultureInfo gives you much more control on the number format. Sample code:
Dim culture As Globalization.CultureInfo = New Globalization.CultureInfo(Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name)
culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."
culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = ","
Dim myNum As Double = 1255.32
Debug.Print(myNum.ToString("N", culture))

How to write number with sign on the left and thousands separator point

I am holding the number in character format in abap. Because I have to take the minus from right to left. So I have to put the number to character and shift or using function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT' I'm moving minus character to left.
But after assigning number to character it doesn't hold the points. I mean my number is;
1.432- (as integer)
-1432 (as character)
I want;
-1.432 (as character)
is there a shortcut for this or should I append some string operations.
Here is what I'm doing now.
data: mustbak_t(10) TYPE c,
mustbak like zsomething-menge.
select single menge from zsomething into mustbak where something eq something.
mustbak_t = mustbak.
VALUE = mustbak_t.
write: mustbak_t.
If you're on a recent release, you could use string templates - you'll have to add some black magic to use a country that confoirms to your decimal settings, though:
DATA: l_country TYPE t005x-land,
l_text TYPE c LENGTH 15,
l_num TYPE p LENGTH 6.
INTO l_country
FROM t005x
WHERE xdezp = space.
l_num = '-123456'.
l_text = |{ l_num COUNTRY = l_country }|.
WRITE: / l_text.
In this case, you need a country code to pass to the COUNTRY parameter as described in the format options. The values of the individual fields, namely T005X-XDEZP are described in detail in the country-specific formats.
tl;dr = Find any country where they use "." as a thousands separator and "," as a decimal separator and use that country settings to format the number.
You could also use classic formatting templates, but they are hard to handle unless you have a fixed-length output value:
DATA: l_text TYPE c LENGTH 15,
l_num = '-1234.56'.
WRITE l_num TO l_text USING EDIT MASK 'RRV________.__'.
WRITE: / l_text.
Here's another way, which i finally got working:
DATA: characters(18) TYPE c,
ints TYPE i VALUE -222333444.
WRITE ints TO characters. "This is it... nothing more to say.
value = characters.
WRITE characters.
Since integers are automatically printed with the thousands separator, you can simply output them to a char data object directly using WRITE TO with no aditions..... lol
DATA: currency TYPE cdcurr,
characters(18) TYPE c,
ints TYPE i VALUE -200000.
currency = ints.
WRITE currency TO characters CURRENCY 'USD' DECIMALS 0.
value = characters.
WRITE: / 'example',characters.
This prints your integer as specified. Must be apparently converted to a currency during the process.