How to get style sheet property value by webdriver? - selenium

I want to know whether content menu of drop down is displayed or none. I want to click on that menu if it's display none. and keep as it is if blocked. the property value is like this:
div id="section_content_23" class="thread-content" style="display: none;" i have xpath of title is like ex 'section_title_23'. i just want to know the style is "display: none;" or style = "display: blocked";
I have write code for this like:
else if (str.contains("section_title_"))
//String xpath;
String[] retval = str.split("_", 3);
String no = retval[2];
displaylinkhandler = QuickCap.driver.findElement("section_content_" + no)).getAttribute("style");
//displaylinkhandler = QuickCap.driver.findElement("section_content_" + no)).getAttribute("section_content_"+no);
//displaylinkhandler = QuickCap.driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath)).getText();
//boolean show = displaylinkhandler.contains("display: none;");
if(displaylinkhandler == null){
indexBoolean = TitleCheck.validate();
here str is xpath & displaylinkhandler is like string.
Thanks in advance.

did you tried getCssValue from webelement.
for instance: ele.getCssValue("propname")
By the way to check element is displayed or not you should user isDisplayed method of webelement

In webdriver we use
WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementName"));
and then
String attributeValue = element.getAttribute("attributeName");
So in your case it will
String styleValue = element.getAttribute("style");


How to show the selected options from a multi select drop down using selenium java?

I'm trying to show all the selected options from a multi select drop down list. But not getting the proper way to do this. Please help me on this.
Here is the html code for the drop down:
<select multiple id="fruits">
<option value="banana">Banana</option>
<option value="apple">Apple</option>
<option value="orange">Orange</option>
<option value="grape">Grape</option>
Here is the code i'm trying with:
public void dropDownOperations()
Select DDLIST = new Select(driver.findElement("fruits")));
String currentvalue = DDLIST.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();
String currentvalue1 = DDLIST.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();
I also tried with this code:
Here i'm getting this output:
[[[[[ChromeDriver: chrome on XP (69aee19e9922ca218ff47c0ccdf1bbbc)] ->
id: fruits]] -> tag name: option], [[[[ChromeDriver: chrome on XP
(69aee19e9922ca218ff47c0ccdf1bbbc)] -> id: fruits]] -> tag name:
public void dropDownOperations1()
Select DDLIST = new Select(driver.findElement("fruits")));
List<WebElement> currentvalue1 = DDLIST.getAllSelectedOptions();
Your second approach should work fine with a minor fix. getAllSelectedOptions() will return a List of selected options as WebElement. You need to iterate over the list to get the text from WebElement.
List<WebElement> selectedOptions = DDLIST.getAllSelectedOptions();
for (WebElement option : selectedOptions){
Try This:
List<WebElement> allSelected = select.getAllSelectedOptions();
Iterator itr = allSelected.iterator();
WebElement item = (WebElement);
Try this below code, It will select one by one options from dropdown.
Select DDLIST = new Select(driver.findElement("fruits")));
List<WebElement> selectedOptions = DDLIST.getAllSelectedOptions();
for(int i=0; i<selectedOptions.size(); i++)
Try This:
And so on. Instead of using a variable and trying it.
Try this:
Select DDLIST = new Select (driver.findElement("fruits")));
for(int i=0; i<DDLIST.getOptions().size(); i++)

how can i automate a dropdown which opens a text box on selecting a particular value from dropdown using Selenium

I have following code -
WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[#id='DRPDWNcasTyp']"));
Select select = new Select(dropdown);
java.util.List<WebElement> options = select.getOptions();
for(WebElement item:options)
System.out.println("Dropdown values are "+ item.getText());
WebElement otherct = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[#id='otherCaseType']"));;
otherct.sendKeys("Delhi Judiciary board");
This is not working. After selecting value "Others", textbox should appear & it should accept input. Code inside if condition is not working.
Html code is given below:
<select data-val="true" data-val-number="The field Case Type must be a number." data-val-required="This field can not be empty." id="DRPDWNcasTyp" name="caseTypeID" class="valid">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
If selecting 'Others' option shows up textbox then you may try the code snippet:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 120);
WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[#id='DRPDWNcasTyp']"));
Select select = new Select(dropdown);
WebElement otherct = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[#id='otherCaseType']"));
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(otherct)); //wait until desired textbox appears upto 120 seconds
otherct.sendKeys("Your desired text");

How to setText in a textArea from an ArrayList?

I have an ArrayList ArrayList<String> externalDataList = new ArrayList<>(1600);and I would like to display in a textArea first 3 strings, but I can't succed:
Here is my code
Iterator<String> it = externalDataList.iterator();
int tot = 0;
while(it.hasNext() && tot<3){
String element =;
textareaShowPreview.setText(element + "\n");
System.out.println("elements are: " + element);
The sout correctly print first 3 strings
element are: 23/05/2007 ,30.9455,31.2545,30.9091,30.9545,7518142
element are: 24/05/2007 ,30.6545,31.0909,30.5364,30.6909,12851606
element are: 25/05/2007 ,30.6636,30.8545,30.4818,30.8091,9392088
but in textArea I have only first one
How do I have to modify my code to show in textArea all three strings, one string per row?
Use appendText instead of setText here is a link.
The setText, delete the previous text and set the text you are giving to it. The append keep the current text in your text area.
Hope it helps!

Getting text from a node

I have a piece of HTML like this:
<a href="/something">
I got a WebElement that matches this HTML. How can I extract only "Title" from it? Method .getText() returns "Title\nAuthor"...
You can't do this in the WebDriver API, you have to do it in your code. For example:
var textOfA = theAElement.getText();
var textOfSpan = theSpanElement.getText();
var text = textOfA.substr(0, textOfA.length - textOfSpan.length).trim('\n');
Note that the trailing newline is actually part of the text of the <a> element, so if you don't want it, you need to strip it.
Here is the method developed in python.
def get_text_exclude_children(element):
return driver.execute_script(
var parent = arguments[0];
var child = parent.firstChild;
var textValue = "";
while(child) {
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
textValue += child.textContent;
child = child.nextSibling;
return textValue;""",
How to use in this:
liElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[#href='your_href_goes_here']")
liOnlyText = get_text_exclude_children(liElement)
Please use your possible strategy to get the element, this method need an element from which you need the text (without children text).
If using Python:
[x['textContent'].strip() for x in element.get_property('childNodes') if isinstance(x, dict)]
Where element is your element.
This will return ['Title', ''] (because there are spaces after span).
you can use jsexecutor to iterate the child nodes, trap the textNode 'Title' and then return its content like below
WebElement link = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#href='something']"));
JavascriptExecutor js = ((JavascriptExecutor)driver);
String authorText = (String) js.executeScript("for(var i = 0; i < arguments[0].childNodes.length; i++) {
if(arguments[0].childNodes[i].nodeName == \"#text\") { return arguments[0].childNodes[i].textContent; } }", link);
The javascript code block above iterates both textNode ('Title') and SPAN ('Author') but returns only the text content of textNode.
Note: Previous to this, I have tried including text node in xpath like below, but webdriver throws invalidselector exception as it requires element not textnode
WebElement link = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#href='something']/text()"));
Verify the element present for "//a[normalize-space(text())=Title]". It will return true if the text present inside 'a' tag is 'Title'.

Insert text into flex 3 textarea

I have a textArea and a list. When a user double clicks a list item, the label of the selected item should be inserted into the textarea. When a text is selected in the textArea, it should be replaced, otherwise the text just needs to be inserted into the existing text at the caret point.
I've managed to get the text and everything, I just can't manage to insert it at the caret point. Does anyone know how to do this?
It's actually not JavaScript but Adobe Flex 3. Thanks for the help though, it did push me in the right direction. This is the way its done in Flex 3:
var caretStart:int = textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = textArea.selectionEndIndex;
textArea.text = textArea.text.substring(0,caretStart)
+ newText
+ textArea.text.substr(caretEnd);
The accepted answer works great if you do not have existing HTML formatting. In my case, I inserted a new button into the editor that the user could click to put in a key word. I kept losing all HTML formatting until I dug around in the actual class and sided with a TextRange object:
public function keyWord_Click(event:Event) : void
var caretStart:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionEndIndex;
var newText : String = "[[[KEYWORD]]]";
var tf:TextRange = new TextRange(txtEditor,true,caretStart,caretEnd);
tf.text = newText;
The nice thing about this approach is, you can also apply conditional formatting to that TextRange object as needed.
You can use txtarea.selectionStart and txtarea.selectionEnd to get Selected text position.
After that, You delete txt and add new selected text.
I don't known much about Javascript, so I wrote it for U.
You can search on google with keywords:
"Javascript Selected Text TextArea"
"Javascript add text at position"
Sample code:
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue
+ myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
caretPos = doGetCaretPosition(myField);
