How to set the UITableView pulling area? - objective-c

As you can see, this is a UITableView, when the user pull down, there is some white area appear, is this possible to limit the size of this area? Thanks.

If your iOS6 project has no problem and the iOS7 project has this problem , I think you are find this property : self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;
This property is added by iOS7.
automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets Specifies whether or not the view
controller should automatically adjust its scroll view insets.
#property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets
Discussion Default value is YES, which allows the view controller to
adjust its scroll view insets in response to the screen areas consumed
by the status bar, navigation bar, and toolbar or tab bar. Set to NO
if you want to manage scroll view inset adjustments yourself, such as
when there is more than one scroll view in the view hierarchy.
Availability Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
I think you can add this : self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO; in your viewController class to solve this problem

Your helper is cocoacontrols select->download -> research - > clone git -> pull your bug fix :D


Navigation Buttons + UICollectionview on same controller?

I'm newbie with iOS and asking for direction.
I want to make a page which contains navigation buttons on top and when tap load different UICollectionView's as you can see on the app screen taken from "Fancy". Also buttons line have to be fixed on top while scrolling down. (just like in the screenshot)
Which is the right approach?
Base class to be UICollectionViewController and adding as SubView
Using UIScrollViewController?
Thanks in advance.
Base class should be UiViewController implementing UICollectionViewDelegate
UIViewController <UICollectionViewDataSource,UICollectionViewDelegate,UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout>
Create different NSArray for each Category of your project as datasource of UICollectionView
use UISegmentedControl for switching the datasource of UICollectionView and reload UICollectionView to display different content.
You can customise your Segmented Control as you wanted.
Implement UITabbarController for the bottom bar to enter any other views
There are a number of ways to go about this. The simplest would probably be to use a UIViewController subclass whose view contains a UISegmentedControl subview (for the navigation controls) and a UICollectionView subview for the content.

iOS - hidden accessory becomes visible after orientation change

In my case I'm using a UITextField as the accessory that I don't need to show all the time. I've confirmed the change happens after the orientation notification events fire. I guess a hack would be to resize the accessory to zero height, but I'm reticent to do this.
Wondering if anyone has encountered this and found a solution?
Have entered a bug report and provided a sample project. For those with higher privileges, it is searchable on as ID 16771757. I have also copied it to a Dropbox account accessible as
Thank you for reading.
iOS calls such methods for input accessory view instance:
[inputAccessoryView setAlpha:1]; when owner of accessory view becomes first responder (internal method call -[UIPeripheralHost(UIKitInternal) executeTransition:]);
[inputAccessoryView setHidden:NO]; when interface rotation finished (internal method call -[UIPeripheralHost finishRotationOfKeyboard:]);
That's why your input accessory view becomes visible after interface rotation event.
Solution depends on behaviour that you expect:
Let's imagine that input accessory view height = 44 ->
Now you hide input accessory view and set owner as first responder:
If you expect inputAccessoryView.frame.size.height equals 0 then solution for hiding input accessory view is set it to nil: inputAccessoryView = nil;
If you expect inputAccessoryView.frame.size.height equals 44 then solution for hiding input accessory view is override setHidden: method for it:
- (void)setHidden:(BOOL)hidden {
[super setHidden:self.customIsHiddenFlag];
where customIsHiddenFlag property that you need use for implementing logic of showing/hiding accessory view;
or override setAlpha: method:
- (void)setAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha {
[super setAlpha:(self.customIsHiddenFlag ? 0 : 1)];
These solutions work for iOS 7.
For iOS 6 you could use your base solution inputAccessoryView.hidden = YES and it works because iOS doesn't call setHidden:NO automatically when interface rotation is fired.
It seems that you are right and it's a bug cause of different behaviour on iOS6 and iOS7. If Apple wants to show input accessory view forcedly then they should call setHidden:NO not only after interface rotation but also when owner becomes first responder.
From Apple's documentation on inputAccessoryView:
… Subclasses that want to attach custom controls to either a system-supplied input view (such as the keyboard) or a custom input view (one you provide in the inputView property) should redeclare this property as readwrite and use it to manage their custom accessory view. [emphasis mine]
So the correct way to hide the accessory view would be redeclaring the property as readwrite:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) UIView *inputAccessoryView;
removing the accessory view from superview and setting the property to nil when appropriate:
- (IBAction)hideAccessoryView:(UIButton *)sender
[self.inputAccessoryView removeFromSuperview];
self.inputAccessoryView = nil;
This is correct with regard to the docs but if you look at the view hierarchy, there's a UIPeripheralHostView (UIKit private class) that does not change its size. This most likely means that throwing out the accessory view will not be reflected by keyboard size — it'll stay the same. Keep this in mind if you plan to calculate any offsets to adjust to on-screen keyboard.
That said, the best way for you to move forward might be using a completely transparent view as the accessory view and have your custom view (UITextField in this case) as a subview. That way you will get both complete control over your custom view and consistent behaviour of your app on current and future versions of iOS.
Here's a screenshot showing a slightly modified version of your bug report app with UIPeripheralHostView highlighted:
You can see how size of the view stays the same after the accessory view has been removed.
When you add an accessory view, you "pass" it to the system for layout. It is more than likely, when Apple performs layout on the keyboard view, it also layouts the accessory view and sets it to visible. Setting the accessory as hidden can also have other side effects, such as the keyboard height being incorrectly calculated, thus causing incorrect inset calculation.
From my experience, it is best to remove the accessory and add it again when necessary. Resizing the accessory view will cause other issues related to keyboard size. If you want to hide and show quickly, subclass the view that includes the accessory view, and implement internally the setting and removing of accessory view.

Rotate only one view in tab bar

I have a tab bar with four items. i need to rotate only one item, but i don't understand how to do.I tried this, but doesn't work.
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return NO;
I'm working in ios 7 and storyboard.
Unfortunately you can't do that. Whatever the allowed rotation settings are for the tab bar controller (through its delegate method tabBarControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:), those are the allowed rotation settings for all of its items. The only way to force rotation in iOS 7 is to put up a presented (modal) view with presentViewController: (modal segue).
I found the solution in this example

UIView Hide Completly

I've implemented A Custom UITabbar ( made from scratch ) but the problem that when I try to use KTPhotoBrowser when I browse the photos it is still shown and when I set it Hidden or removeFromSuperView I white bar in its place , how can I remove the view completely ?
EDIT : Ended up hiding the view of the tabbar
It may depends on hw is structured your UIView hierarchy. Post the code or try to set hidden the superview of the UITabbar or the tab bar itself.

UISplitViewController: how to get toolbar if details controller is UITableView?

I checked out Apple's example on how to exchange detail views in the UISplitViewController and it seems that they put the UIToolbar in every detail controller. Then, if the device is rotated, they hide the toolbar or show it and add a popover button which will show the root controller.
I'd like to adopt this pattern to show my root controller in a popover using a button in the toolbar, but unfortunately, my detail controllers are all UITableViewControllers and they do not allow adding other UI elements than a table view. So how do I deal with that? Is there an example around?
I think I figured out by myself: DON'T use a ´UITableViewController´ and a UITableView as root view in your NIB, as you cannot add a UIToolbar to the table view.
Instead: In the NIB, put a standard view and drag a UIToolbar and a UITableView on it.
Connect the standard view to the controller's "view" outlet.
Add another outlet and make it a UITableView. Connect the table view to it.
In the code: Let your controller inherit from UIViewController and not from UITableViewController.
Add a property to your controller to get the TableView to make it look compatible to UITableViewController.
public UITableView TableView
get { return this.viewTableView; }
Upon the viewDidRotate event you will have to adjust the table views width and height now (UITableViewController did that job for you before):
this.TableView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 44, this.SuperView.Frame.Width, this.SuperView.Frame.Height);
The 44 pixels com from the parent view's toolbar.
I don't miss UITableViewController. I know there are some issues like automatic scrolling when editing, but in my case this is simply not needed.
Check out this example and the corresponding code. If I understand your question, this should show you how to do what you're looking to accomplish.
Also, just as an FYI to everyone, another MT user MonoTouched the MultipleDetailViews example that you linked to above.