Date formating with Character field - sql

I have a character field that represents the date as '01-JAN-13'. When I reformat with TO_DATE(SUBSTR(DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts, 1, 9),'YYYY-MM-DD'), I get the result as 13-JAN-01.
How to get the data in format YY-MM-DD. Do I need to write in a CASE to change the month to numbers?
SELECT dsis_cc_master.created_ts
, to_date(substr(dsis_cc_master.created_ts, 1, 9), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS created_month
FROM traffic_eng.dsis_cc_master
WHERE dsis_cc_master.created_ts >= to_date('2013-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
My result is
01-JAN-13 13-JAN-01
I am trying to get 01-01-13 or 13-01-01 in the second column.

You are getting back a date value, which is displayed however the client is configured to display dates. If you want to explicitly set the format use to_char to return a character string instead:
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts, 1, 9),'YYYY-MM-DD'),'DD-MM-YY') as created_month
WHERE DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts >= to_date('2013-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
However you are changing the return type which may cause issues if the consumer of this query is expecting a date type to come back (e.g. to do date math).

You have to use the date format model and TO_CHAR function to get the result in the format that you require:
select DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts, TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts, 1, 9),'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'DD-MM-YY') as created_month FROM TRAFFIC_ENG.DSIS_CC_MASTER
WHERE DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts >= to_date('2013-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
Since the data in your column is already stored in the YYYY-MM-DD format, you could actually just substr(DSIS_CC_MASTER.created_ts, 3, 7) and you'll get what you need.


Cannot check if varchar is BETWEEN date and date

I created a partition projection in Athena named 'dt', which is a STRING and contains date information in the format 2020/12/11/20.
I'm running the following query in Athena
DATE_FORMAT(dt, '%Y-%m') as dt,
count(*) as "total_visualization",
count(*)/cast(date_format(DATE '{END_DATE}', '%d') as integer) as "average_dia"
event = 'complete'
The resulting raw query received by Athena is:
DATE_FORMAT(dt, '%Y-%m') as dt,
count(*) as "total_visualization",
count(*)/cast(date_format(DATE '2022-08-08', '%d') as integer) as "average_day"
FROM user.dashborad
WHERE event = 'complete' AND dt BETWEEN DATE '2022-08-01' and DATE '2022-08-08'
However, I get the following error:
Error querying the database: SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:62: Cannot check if varchar is BETWEEN date and date.
I've tried to find a workaround in an attempt to convert it into a date format using date_parse but it didn't work. And with str_to_date I get this error:
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:2: Function str_to_date not registered
Is there any other way I can modify the query to convert 'dt' from a varchar into a format Athena understands?
It is always a bad idea to store a date in a string instead of using the appropriate data type. You even call the column dt which suggests a datetime. This makes it harder to spot inappropriate handling.
you compare a string with dates. Thus you rely on the DBMS guessing the string's date format correctly. Don't do this. Convert the string explicitely to a date, because you know the format. Or, as 'YYYY-MM-DD' is comparable, work with the strings right away:
DATE_FORMAT(dt, '%Y-%m')
you invoke a date function on a string. This means the DBMS must again guess your format, convert your string into a date accordingly and then invoke the function to convert the date into a string. Instead, just use the appropriate string function on the string:
SUBSTR(dt, 1, 7)
The complete query:
SUBSTR(dt, 1, 7) AS year_month,
COUNT(*) AS total_visualization,
COUNT(*) / CAST(SUBSTR('{END_DATE}', 9, 2)) AS INTEGER) AS average_dia
event = 'complete'
ORDER BY SUBSTR(dt, 1, 7);

Error when converting varchar to date ddmmyyyy

I have a varchar column with the following format ddmmyyyy and I'm trying to convert it to date in the format dd-mm-yyyy. I'm using the query below but I get the error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
select *, coalesce(try_convert(date, newdate, 105), convert(date, newdate))
from mydate
You don't have a date, you have a string. So, you can use string operations:
select stuff(stuff(newdate, 5, 0, '-'), 3, 0, '-')
If you want to convert to a date, you can do:
select convert(date, concat(right(newdate, 4), substring(newdate, 3, 2), left(newdate, 2)))
You could then format this as you want.
However, you should not be converting the value to a date. You should be storing it as a date in the first place.
To turn your string to a date, you can just [try_]cast() it; SQL Server is usually flexible enough to figure out the format by itself:
try_cast(newdate as date)
If you want to turn it back to a string in the target format, then you can use format():
format(try_cast(newdate as date), 'dd-MM-yyyy')
Compared to pure string operations, the upside of the try_cast()/format() approach is that it validates that the string is a valid date in the process.
Have to agree with the others. Why are you storing a date as a string in the first place? In a non-standard format, no less? Here's one way, but you should really fix the data model. Store dates as dates.
DECLARE #badIdea table (dt char(8));
INSERT #badIdea(dt) VALUES('21052020');
SELECT newdate = TRY_CONVERT(date, RIGHT(dt,4) + SUBSTRING(dt,3,2) + LEFT(dt,2))
FROM #badIdea;
BTW 105 won't work because it requires dashes. This works:
SELECT CONVERT(date, '21-05-2020', 105);
That's a bad format too, IMHO, because who knows if 07-08-2020 is July 8th or August 7th. But at least that one is supported by SQL Server. Your current choice is not.
SQL doesn't store date data types in different formats, and it's probably not a good idea to try and adjust this.
If, however, you are wanting a result set to simply display the date in a different format, you are on the right track. You just need to convert your date data type to a string.
, COALESCE ( TRY_CONVERT ( CHAR(10), newdate, 105 ), CONVERT ( CHAR(10), newdate ) )
FROM mydate

Redshift can't convert a string to a date, tried multiple functions

I have a table with a field called ADATE, it is a VARCHAR(16) and the values are like so: 2019-10-22-09:00.
I am trying to convert this do a DATE type but cannot get this to work.
I have tried:
Can't cast database type date to string
Can't cast database type date to string
XX000: Invalid digit, Value '-', Pos 4, Type: Decimal
Error converting text to date
Error converting text to date
Error converting numeric to date
The issue was the data containing blanks (not Nulls) so the error was around them.
I resolved this by using the following code:
TO_DATE(LEFT(CASE WHEN adate = '' THEN NULL ELSE adate END, 10), 'YYYY-MM-DD') adate
Clearly, you have bad date string values -- which is why the value should be stored as a date to begin with.
I don't think Redshift has a way of validating the date before attempting the comparison, or of avoiding an error. But you can use case and regular expressions to see if the value is reasonable. This might help:
(case when left(adate, 10) ~ '^(19|20)[0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$'
then to_date(left(adate, 10), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
This is not precise . . . you can make it more complex so month 19 is not permitted (for instance), but it is likely to catch the errors.

Selecting YYYYMM of the previous month in HIVE

I am using Hive, so the SQL syntax might be slightly different. How do I get the data from the previous month? For example, if today is 2015-04-30, I need the data from March in this format 201503? Thanks!
employee_id, hours,
previous_month_date = cast(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd') as int)
From experience, it's safer to use DATE_ADD(Today, -1-Day(Today)) to compute last-day-of-previous-month without having to worry about edge cases. From there you can do what you want e.g.
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd') as TODAY,
date_add(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -1-cast(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'd') as int)) as LAST_DAY_PREV_MONTH,
substr(date_add(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -1-cast(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'd') as int)), 1,7) as PREV_MONTH,
cast(substr(regexp_replace(date_add(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -1-cast(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'd') as int)), '-',''), 1,6) as int) as PREV_MONTH_NUM
from WHATEVER limit 1
-- today last_day_prev_month prev_month prev_month_num
-- 2015-08-13 2015-07-30 2015-07 201507
See Hive documentation about date functions, string functions etc.
below works across year boundaries w/o complex calcs:
date_format(add_months(current_date, -1), 'yyyyMM') --previous month's yyyyMM
in general,
date_format(add_months(current_date, -n), 'yyyyMM') --previous n-th month's yyyyMM
use proper sign for needed direction (back/ahead)
You could do (year('2015-04-30')*100+month('2015-04-30'))-1 for the above mentioned date, it will return 201503 or something like (year(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()))*100+month(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp())))-1 for today's previous month. Assuming your date column is in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format you can use the first example and substitute the date string with your table column name; for any other format the second example will do, add the column name in the unix_timestamp() operator.
Angelo's reply is a good start but it returns 201500 if the original date was 2015-01-XX. Building on his answer, I suggest using the following:
IF(month(${DATE}) = 1,
(year(${DATE})-1)*100 + 12,
year(${DATE})*100 + month(${DATE})-1
) as month_key
provided you get rid of those hyphens in your input string , previous date's month id in YYYYMM format you can get by:-
select if( ((${hiveconf:MonthId}-1)%100)=0 ,${hiveconf:MonthId}-89,${hiveconf:MonthId}-1 ) as PreviousMonthId;

Converting a numeric value to date time

I am working in SQL Server 2012. My date column in a data set looks like this: 41547. The column is in nvarchar (255). I want to convert it to something like this: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (Example: 2013-09-14 12:23:23.98933090). But I can not do this. I am using following code:
select convert(datetime, date_column, 6)
But this is giving following error:
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting
date and/or time from character string.
What am I doing wrong?
Your date is actually a numeric value (float or integer), stored in a char column. So, you need to convert it to a numerical value (in this case, to float) first, like:
select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,date_column))
A value of 41547.5 will result in:
`2013-10-02 12:00:00`
The style argument, in your case 6 is only necessary when converting from or to char-types. In this case it is not needed and will be ignored.
NB: The float value is the number of days since 1900-01-01.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,9.0)) => 1900-01-10 00:00:00; the same as select dateadd(day,9.0,'1900-01-01') would.
The decimal part of the number also equates to days; so 0.5 is half a day / 12 hours.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,.5)) => 1900-01-01 12:00:00. (Here our comparison to dateadd doesn't make sense, since that only deals with integers rather than floats).
There is an easier way to do it as well.
select convert(date,cast (date_Column+ 19000000 as nvarchar(10)))
as date_Column_Formated
from table_Name
I have just found the way to do this.
First I have to covert the nvarchar to int then I have to convert it to date time. I have used following code:
Select convert(datetime, (convert (int, [date_column])), 6) as 'convertedDateTime' from mytable
6 format is: "dd mon yy"
Like this: SELECT convert(datetime, '23 OCT 16', 6)
Other formats will cause your error