Vqcache not working with a local Vagrant instance on Opencart - apache

So I have an existing opencart system with a vqmod extension on it. I'm trying to set this up locally to work on by can't get vqmod to create it's cache files. I'm using vagrant as the local environment.
I know vqmod has some crazy permissions requirements, I have it running on an external staging server but to get this to work I had to set the group to www-data all the way from server root right the way up to vqmod directory.
Am I missing something simple in vqmods permission requirements


Does file copy deployments work with CakePHP?

I have a legacy CakePHP(1.3.13) app, running on Ubuntu server 16.04, on apache. It is using php 5.6. I'm trying to migrate the app to a development server, also Ubuntu 16.04, but running php 7.2.
On the production machine, php file(s) are being executed even before line 1 of index.php in the app I'm trying to migrate. On the dev box, this isn't happening.
I've sudo tar'ed the entire web server tree, and sudo untar'ed it on the dev box. I've copied the apache site configs, and only edited them for hostnames.
I don't understand why apache is running one or many php files PRIOR to running index.php on the production box. It is apparently loading a custom configuration php file, that sets up some global variable, but for the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. I'm sure I'm just missing something dumb.
Greg Schmidt nailed it. There was a second auto_prepend_file=MagicallyExecutingScript.php in the php.ini.

MAMP PRO: The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. but is not true - all files are there

The problem is incorrect path to remote host, but is not true. I have acces to my server via ftp without problems. All WP files are there and the site is working fine (frontend/backent). I have also access to phpMyAdmin to MySQL datepase binded to this site.
I have notce that paht to the web files is differ depend on FTP or SFTP is. In FTP app is such stright:
/[all wp files]
in editor app (such TextWrangler), after the samy access id/pass, I have got such path:
/home/[accountname]/public_html/[all wp files]
After click on detect button, app changing the path filed on:
- blanc - under FTP connection
- public_html - under SFTP
so it mean conection between MAMP and my server is working. Fine. But after this when I trying to Check URLs & credentials or when I trying Import Host... I received:
Error code: -3010 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').) - Start auto detect not solved the problem.
Error code: -3113 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').)
But it is not true! All files are there!
Please help. Should I use some special code under Apache tab (Additional parameters for VirtualHost directive or Directory directive?
Should I know something more from my serverprovider (home.pl) and solved this problem with them (there is no, in my subscription plan, access via cPanel or so, to set up something)?
Should I change something in https.conf file?
I'm not so using server coding so please forgive me but I have no idea where is the problem (but I'm trying to learn) :o)
My environment is:
MacOS X: 10.13.6
MAMP Pro: 5.2.2 (17923)
Thanx for any help or redirection to the answers someware else (I used searching ;o) but without success or I used wrong ask).
Just ran into this and found a solution that worked for me. I just had to switch the Public URL from https to http and it worked.
I had this error too.
Here's what I did to fix it:
Logged into my remote CPanel account
Created an FTP account for user#sitename.com
Defined the user directory in the FTP user settings similar to this /home/[site]/public_html
Ensured that this user had read/write permissions on the remote server (otherwise importing a site in MAMP Pro might fail)
Then, in MAMP Pro (v 6.0.1) created a new host following these steps:
I found that once the correct FTP permissions were set at the server, MAMP was OK and functioned as planned.
Good luck, hope this works for you too.

Server settings for Ubuntu, ZF2 with AssetManager

Up until now I have been using ZF2 on a CENTOS environment with cpanel. I recently decided to move to Ubuntu and so far it has been really simple to setup a server.
I am however having a small permission problem which I am struggling to resolve.
I am using AssetManage which needs to be able to write images and files to the public folder.
Unfortunately, I cant seem to get the correct permissions to get this to work.
I have gone as far as setting 777 permissions to the public folder which makes no difference.
I have also changed the owner of public to: www-data which is the user that apache is using, and this does not help either.
What is likely the problem is the user/group I am using to load files to the server conflicting with the www-data user needing to perform various tasks on the server.
Is there a standard setup I should be looking at in terms of this?
Ubuntu: 14.4
I have found some great tutorials to setup an Ubuntu environment. Here they are:
Basic installation
Enhanced installation
LAMP stack
All working perfectly now!

XAMPP: How to make apache webserver owner of folder /htdocs

I am using XAMPP and apache as webserver. I have permission problems with a website of mine that requires write access to a temporary folder in the project folder /htdocs/myProject/tmp
It think my problem is that my site runs on my localhost and I copied the project with my regular desktop user into the htdocs folder. Apache seems to lack write permissions.
My question is now: How do I found out which user group apache belongs to in order to make that group owner of the folder? That should fix my permission problem, shouldn't?
As far as I understand, the Apache (Webserver) has an own user called "www-data". Maybe an already answered question on SO has a solution, which you can use.
The used command relies on a linux-based system and that you navigated in a terminal to a directory, where /htdocs is located.
This command in the answer of the link below allows you as a humanoid user to write and work in this specified directory.
You add www-data (Apache) to use this directory, too.
New files of that chown'ed directory will 'inherit' the owners.
The Link and further descriptions can be found here on Stackoverflow.com:
www-data permissions

Trying to Properly configure the mod alias in Apache

I'm running apache 2.2.24 on Max OS X 10.9.1. Currently, we have a network drive that we access all of our Git repos on at /Volumes/GitWebsites. I would like to configure Apache to serve our PHP based repos from that directory. So, localhost (or or /phpsite2? etc. will serve sites from /Volumes/GitWebsites/phpsite1/ or /phpsite2/ in the browser. My two questions are:
Do I simply modify the server root or do I need to use the mod-alias in the httpd.conf file?
What are the permission setting I need to in order for apache to access /Volumes/GitWebsites ?
I've done configuration changes like this in IIS 7.5 and set up a NodeJS dev environment but still new to make large scale changes to Apache. Thanks for any help given.
If you are happy with serving the contents of /Volumes/GitWebsites as it is then it should be fine to point the document root at it. It's also makes it easy to add sites later.
However this could be troublesome later if you want to manage php configuration later on for the sites separately.