Getting a Google API Account - api

What URL can I visit to get myself a Google API Account? While sites point to and talk of "easy steps", I just can't figure it out.
There are places on the web that offer google services if you give them your Google API account key (in my case and index retrieval).
They say to go to, but that just redirects me to There are no "easy instructions" for me to follow to get an account.
Am I going crazy here? (I have analytics and webmaster tools etc activated, so I somewhat know what I'm doing).

Since December 2006, Google is no longer issuing these API keys

As far as I understand, you apply for an API key, and you can do that with any Google account. The various API's appear to require different keys. To get a key for the Maps API, visit:
The products directory on Google Code lists each of the products for which Google appears to offer some sort of interaction from developers, some of which have API keys. Take a look at that page and visit the home page for each product in order to obtain a key.
Specifically, you can look at the Google AJAX API's page, which features each of the products for which an AJAX API exists.

You need to create project, as API key is associated with project. Here you can do this

Maybe have a look here and remember that "A single Maps API key is valid for a single "directory" or domain".


Listing the authors of a web site according to Google?

Google allows to its users to list which web sites the contribute to. If the web-site also links to the G+ profile of the person with ?rel=authors then Google can show the avatar of the person on Google search results. See further explanations.
Is there a way to get the list of people who added a web site to their "contribute to" list?
A manual search on Google or an API?
The REST API method does not appear to support searching data from the contributor fields. You can try it yourself here. The data is exposed in the response from the People.get method, but is not apparently part of the full text search.

Hosting Google Plus Communities on My Website

Is it possible to embed a google community into a website page?
This way our clients can benefit from content and all other features in our website, yet be able to collaborate using Google Communities.
Ideally I would like to grab a Javascript code just like +1 button and paste it into my website page, add an iframe or something of this nature!
Sounds like if I try to be convincing, I may be able to influence some decisions!
More details: Our website services offers login with Google using Google OAuth, This way the user is either logged in or is forced to login with Google to get access to private areas of our customer portal, where you can review the status of Support Tickets, submit new support tickets, have access to knowledge base, documents, blogs, etc.
We have incorporated all sort of social plugins into the blogs, product catalogs and so forth.
It would be fantastic is the users can have access to a community (Forum or Discussion Board) within the same place. Google Community seem to be the tool but in the wrong place.
No such widget exists at this time, but it's an interesting idea. If you want to share more details on precisely what you're looking for, you can file the issue here: The more details you can provide, the more likely that, if we decide to implement this feature, we'll end up with something that you want.

API key invalid or not approved by Google

I'm currently upgrading one of my websites from the old system to HTML5 and I have some problems with the Google Maps JavaScript API v3. To fetch data from their API, you must have an key - of course - but it's here I have the problem.
The problem is that even if I have an correct key that I have added on their Google APIs Console I'm getting "Permission Denied" all the time, followed by an alert window that say that I don't have an real API key or it's not approved to Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
I have turned on "Google Maps API v3" in "Services" on Google APIs Console and payed the "bill" but that didn't help at all as proved. I'm using this URL to their API:{MY_KEY}&sensor=false and I have readed their documentions very carefully and I'm currently out of ideas.
Do you know what's wrong here? Have I missed something or what?
In the absence of a link to check...
You can have more than one Project (dropdown, top left in the Console), and each key is tied to a project. Maps v3 must be enabled for the right project.
The seqence should be:
Choose project from the dropdown (or create one)
Choose the services required by that project
Choose collaborators if any
Set up the access keys for that project. You can have more than one key per project and specify the domains the keys can be used on.
Set up billing if you need it.
The menu on the left is set out in a logical order.

List emails of clients accounts on Google Apps

You will have to excuse my confusion here...
Basically, we have clients with hosted accounts and I need to somehow get a list of emails per domain name.
Say, is a Google hosted account and that it uses Google's email service for, and several more, how can I find (programmaticaly) this complete list of emails?
I've looked around for a while and it only brought more confusion. I think my question relates to this Google API document.
While I'm usually armed with at least one line of code, I'm really clueless on this issue. Perhaps someone out there might shed light on this issue.
PS: I also tried Google API Explorer, but it didn't help at all.
You should use Google Apps Reporting API and get the Accounts report. Of-course, OAuth is recommended auth approach.
Provisioning API can also perform the same task and with a real time list of users:
But, its going to be slower for bigger domains since its a paginated feed. Reporting API on the other downloads a CSV file.

Alternative to the deprecated google REST web search API

I have been using the Google Websearch API for over 1 year now. The service was deprecated in Nov 2010 but continues to provide results to date. More recently, google has started to enforce the 1,000 queries (?) per day limit on this deprecated service. I swear, last month I made over 10,000 API calls in one day without any errors from the service (same IP, same API key).
So I guess my question is has anyone found an alternative yet? I know yahoo boss is pretty good but I am working exclusively on Google for my projects. I do not mind spending money for for this service either as long as i can get 64 results from Google.
On that thought, how are services like Zoomrank able to bypass all Google limits? I have a subscription with Zoomrank and I can get daily rankings for all my keywords. Do they have a tie-up with Google or are they just accessing some secret service I don't know about.
Some people have suggested the new Google custom search, but i dont know how does that help me search the web? Google CS is limited to the CSE you create and searches within those engines. If I am looking for web results for Pizza, Google CS doesnt help me.
Thanks for your input. Much appreciated
UPDATE: #ggez44 points to some official Google documentation of the solution described below here:
You can use the Google Custom Search Engine to search the entire web.
In brief:
Create a CSE that searches a single site (e.g.
In the CSE control panel's Basics section, set to "Search the entire web but emphasize certain sites"
In the Sites section, delete the single site that you added when you created the CSE
Full details here:
Once that's implemented, you can enable billing in the Google API Console at a CPM of $5, to a total of 10,000 queries.
Google API Console: