Rational Application Developer terminates with Exit code=160. RAD is keep crashing while creating a EAR project. The error message was RAD JVM terminated. Exit code = 160.
In Eclipse.ini file, include the following line.
I am trying to do a ms, xcopy and other cmd commands in TFS 2015 vNext builds but I am getting the error
Error message highlight pattern:
Warning message highlight pattern:
Please help
I resolved this problem by changing the batch task tool value from cmd.exe to powershell.exe. In this case the error was same but the task did the job.
An error happens when updating classes and resources while in a debug session in Intellij.
Hotswap failed: [whatever] reason.
This error is produced when Intellij's Hotswap fails and the code in question is not updated by debugger.
How to solve this ? so that I don't have to stop and start the debug process again.
From what I've figured out this usually fails if the debugger is paused at some break point in the code. If you resume the program and try to update classes and resources it should work fine.
I'm trying out SonarQube using the new MSBuild SonarQube Runner v1.0. If I install a fresh SonarQube server locally, the following command works fine, and I can build my solution directly afterward, call the 'end' command, and have the results published in SonarQube:
MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /key:TestKey /name:TestName /version:
However, if I run this against an existing SonarQube server that exists on the internal network, it always returns with exit code 1:
15:32:40 Creating config and output folders...
15:32:40 Creating directory: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\conf
15:32:40 Creating directory: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\out
15:32:41 Generating the FxCop ruleset: c:\Test\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0.itsonar\.sonarqube\conf\SonarQubeFxCop-cs.ruleset
Process returned exit code 1
It seems to download a lot of the dependencies into /.sonarqube, so communication with the server isn't an issue
Things I've tried:
checked the access.log, server.log and event logs
upgraded the existing server to v5.1.2 (clean install using the guide)
upgraded the sonar-csharp-plugin to v4.1
right-clicked all .jar files on the server and ensured they are unblocked
tried the runner directly on the server
(ongoing) tried debugging the source code (happening somewhere in the pre-process step: success comes back as true, but the error code is 1)
disabled UAC on the server an rebooted
re-installed JRE on both server and client, ensure JAVA_HOME in both PATH and registry are set correctly
Any help or pointers greatly accepted. I've been stuck on this for 2 days and can't think of anything else to try except continue trawling through source code. Thank you.
This is a tricky one! Looking at the code, I see only one path that can yield this output:
It fails while generating the FxCop ruleset for C#, as the VB.NET FxCop ruleset message is not logged - see TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L149 and TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L185
The GenerateFxCopRuleset() call for C# threw a WebException, leading to the call of Utilities.HandleHostUrlWebException() - which has to return true for the exception to be silently swallowed - see Utilities.cs#L153
The only path returning true without logging any message is if a HttpStatusCode.NotFound was received - see Utilities.cs#L158
The control flow goes back to FetchArgumentsAndRulesets(), which returns false, then goes back to Execute() which returns false as well - see TeamBuildPreProcessor.cs#L106
The MSBuild SonarQube Runner "begin" phase (called "preprocessor" in the code) fails - see Program.cs#L42
So, at some point, some SonarQube web service required for the C# FxCop ruleset generation is return a HTTP 404 error.
Could you monitor your network traffic and listen for the failing HTTP call? [I will keep on updating this answer afterwards]
EDIT: Indeed the error is caused by the quality profile name containing special characters. Such characters are currently badly URL-escaped, which leads to a 404.
I've created the following ticket to fix this issue in the upcoming release: http://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-125
i have created a very simple console application in vb.net that emails me some info from the db daily. everythign works in my dev environment, however when i move it out to production and try to run the executable, i get the following error message:
"A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. please close the program"
i have put in some exception checks in the code:
Dim output As String
output = FormatIndividualRecords(False)
'SaveToFile(output, "NIndividualRecords.doc")
''email files
Catch e As Exception
End Try
and i expected the error to show up on the application console, but it does not, is there another way for me to see what error is being thrown? there is no development environment set up in production (no visual studio, etc), is there maaybe a log that that i can look at? how do i catch the error that's causing the app to fail?
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: i chagned the WriteLine(e.Message) to console.write(e.message) now there appealrs to be a message on the console when i run the application, but it blinks too fast and closes, i don't have time to see what it is... how can i get the console application to remain open?
Try directing output of the app to a file, rather than to the console...
MyProgram.exe > log.txt
error MSB3073: The command "
if "%OS%"=="" goto NOTNT
if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto NOTNT
"EventController.exe" /RegServer
echo regsvr32 exec. time > "UnicodeDebug\regsvr32.trg"
echo Server registration done!
goto end
echo Warning : Cannot register Unicode EXE on Windows 95
exited with code 9009.
How to handle this error. Help is appreciated, thanks
OK, this is mostly guesswork, but I'm feeling adventurous today :-)
Based on the bad formatting of your code fragement (which I liberally adjusted) it is a bit hard to tell, but the most likely cause is that a command was not found.
What you have here is not c++ code and has as such nothing to do with compilation. Again I took the liberty to change the tags accordingly. It is a batch (fragment), which from the error code MSB.... seems to be executed by MSBuild during your build process, which might be the reason why you "assumed" it has something to do with C++ or the compiler.
Now, the actual clue lies in the exit code "9009" which is the same error code that you get when you try to invoke a command / executable, that does not exist or cannot be found, from the command prompt.
So, most likely one of the commands in the fragment you show does not exist or cannot be found. I would assume it is the "EventController.exe" executable.