What are Smalltalk pragmas conceptually? - smalltalk

I have used pragmas in Pharo Smalltalk and have an idea about how they work and have seen examples for what they are used in Pharo.
My questions are:
what are pragmas conceptually,
to what construct do they compare in other languages,
when should i introduce a pragma?
I already found an interesting article about their history: The history of VW Pragmas.

You must think of it as Annotations attached to a CompiledMethod, or if you want as additionnal properties.
Then, thanks to reflection, some tools can walk other compiled methods, collect those with certain annotations (properties) and apply some special handling, like constructing a menu, a list of preferences, or other UI, invoking every class methods marked as #initializer, or some mechanism could be walking the stack back until a method is marked as an #exceptionHandler ...
There are many possibilities, up to you to invent your own meta-property...
For the second point, I don't know, it must be a language that can enumerate the methods, and can attach properties to them.
The third point is also hard to answer. In practice, I would say you would use some already existing annotations, but very rarely create a new one, unless you're trying to create a new framework for exception handling, or a new framework for GUI (you want to register some known events or some handlers...). The main usage I would see is for extending, composing an application with unrelated parts, like a main menu. It seems like a relatively un-intrusive way to introduce DECLARATIVE hooks - compared to the very intrusive way to override a well known method TheWorld>>mainMenu. It's also a bit lighter than registering/un-registering IMPERATIVELY via traditional message send at class initialization/unoading. On the other hand, the magic is a bit more hidden.


Polymorphism versus switch case tradeoffs

I haven't found any clear articles on this, but I was wondering about why polymorphism is the recommended design pattern over exhaustive switch case / pattern matching. I ask this because I've gotten a lot of heat from experienced developers for not using polymorphic classes, and it's been troubling me. I've personally had a terrible time with polymorphism and a wonderful time with switch cases, the reduction in abstractions and indirection makes readability of the code so much easier in my opinion. This is in direct contrast with books like "clean code" which are typically seen as industry standards.
Note: I use TypeScript, so the following examples may not apply in other languages, but I think the principle generally applies as long as you have exhaustive pattern matching / switch cases.
List the options
If you want to know what the possible values of an action, with an enum, switch case, this is trivial. For classes this requires some reflection magic
// definitely two actions here, I could even loop over them programmatically with basic primitives
enum Action {
A = 'a',
B = 'b',
Following the code
Dependency injection and abstract classes mean that jump to definition will never go where you want
function doLetterThing(myEnum: Action) {
switch (myEnum) {
case Action.A:
case Action.B;
function doLetterThing(action: BaseAction) {
If I jump to definition for BaseAction or doAction I will end up on the abstract class, which doesn't help me debug the function or the implementation. If you have a dependency injection pattern with only a single class, this means that you can "guess" by going to the main class / function and looking for how "BaseAction" is instantiated and following that type to the place and scrolling to find the implementation. This seems generally like a bad UX for a developer though.
(small note about whether dependency injection is good, traits seem to do a good enough job in cases where they are necessary (though either done prematurely as a rule rather than as a necessity seems to lead to more difficult to follow code))
Write less code
This depends, but if have to define an extra abstract class for your base type, plus override all the function types, how is that less code than single line switch cases? With good types here if you add an option to the enum, your type checker will flag all the places you need to handle this which will usually involve adding 1 line each for the case and 1+ line for implementation. Compare this with polymorphic classes which you need to define a new class, which needs the new function syntax with the correct params and the opening and closing parens. In most cases, switch cases have less code and less lines.
Everything for a type is in one place which is nice, but generally whenever I implement a function like this is I look for a similarly implemented function. With a switch case, it's extremely adjacent, with a derived class I would need to find and locate in another file or directory.
If I implemented a feature change such as trimming spaces off the ends of a string for one type, I would need to open all the class files to make sure if they implement something similar that it is implemented correctly in all of them. And if I forget, I might have different behaviour for different types without knowing. With a switch the co location makes this extremely obvious (though not foolproof)
Am I missing something? It doesn't make sense that we have these clear design principles that I basically can only find affirmative articles about but don't see any clear benefits, and serious downsides compared to some basic pattern matching style development
Consider the solid-principles, in particular OCP and DI.
To extend a switch case or enum and add new functionality in the future, you must modify the existing code. Modifying legacy code is risky and expensive. Risky because you may inadvertently introduce regression. Expensive because you have to learn (or re-learn) implementation details, and then re-test the legacy code (which presumably was working before you modified it).
Dependency on concrete implementations creates tight coupling and inhibits modularity. This makes code rigid and fragile, because a change in one place affects many dependents.
In addition, consider scalability. An abstraction supports any number of implementations, many of which are potentially unknown at the time the abstraction is created. A developer needn't understand or care about additional implementations. How many cases can a developer juggle in one switch, 10? 100?
Note this does not mean polymorphism (or OOP) is suitable for every class or application. For example, there are counterpoints in, Should every class implement an interface? When considering extensibility and scalability, there is an assumption that a code base will grow over time. If you're working with a few thousand lines of code, "enterprise-level" standards are going to feel very heavy. Likewise, coupling a few classes together when you only have a few classes won't be very noticeable.
Benefits of good design are realized years down the road when code is able to evolve in new directions.
I think you are missing the point. The main purpose of having a clean code is not to make your life easier while implementing the current feature, rather it makes your life easier in future when you are extending or maintaining the code.
In your example, you may feel implementing your two actions using switch case. But what happens if you need to add more actions in future? Using the abstract class, you can easily create a new action type and the caller doesn't need to be modified. But if you keep using switch case it will be lot more messier, especially for complex cases.
Also, following a better design pattern (DI in this case) will make the code easier to test. When you consider only easy cases, you may not find the usefulness of using proper design patterns. But if you think broader aspect, it really pays off.
"Base class" is against the Clean Code. There should not be a "Base class", not just for bad naming, also for composition over inheritance rule. So from now on, I will assume it is an interface in which other classes implement it, not extend (which is important for my example). First of all, I would like to see your concerns:
Answer for Concerns
This depends, but if have to define an extra abstract class for your
base type, plus override all the function types, how is that less code
than single line switch cases
I think "write less code" should not be character count. Then Ruby or GoLang or even Python beats the Java, obviously does not it? So I would not count the lines, parenthesis etc. instead code that you should test/maintain.
Everything for a type is in one place which is nice, but generally
whenever I implement a function like this is I look for a similarly
implemented function.
If "look for a similarly" means, having implementation together makes copy some parts from the similar function then we also have some clue here for refactoring. Having Implementation class differently has its own reason; their implementation is completely different. They may follow some pattern, lets see from Communication perspective; If we have Letter and Phone implementations, we should not need to look their implementation to implement one of them. So your assumption is wrong here, if you look to their code to implement new feature then your interface does not guide you for the new feature. Let's be more specific;
interface Communication {
Letter implements Communication {
sendMessage() {
// get receiver
// get sender
// set message
// send message
Now we need Phone, so if we go to Letter implementation to get and idea to how to implement Phone then our interface does not enough for us to guide our implementation. Technically Phone and Letter is different to send a message. Then we need a Design pattern here, maybe Template Pattern? Let's see;
interface Communication {
default sendMessage() {
getMessageFactory().sendMessage(getSender(), getReceiver(), getBody())
Letter implements Communication {
getSender() { returns sender }
getReceiver() {returns receiver }
getBody() {returns body}
getMessageFactory {returns LetterMessageFactory}
Now when we need to implement Phone we don't need to look the details of other implementations. We exactly now what we need to return and also our Communication interface's default method handles how to send the message.
If I implemented a feature change such as trimming spaces off the ends
of a string for one type, I would need to open all the class files to
make sure if they implement something similar that it is implemented
correctly in all of them...
So if there is a "feature change" it should be only its implemented class, not in all classes. You should not change all of the implementations. Or if it is same implementation in all of them, then why each implements it differently? It should be kept as the default method in their interface. Then if feature change required, only default method is changed and you should update your implementation and test in one place.
These are the main points that I wanted to answer your concerns. But I think the main point is you don't get the benefit. I was also struggling before I work on a big project that other teams need to extend my features. I will divide benefits to topics with extreme examples which may be more helpful to understand:
Easy to read
Normally when you see a function, you should not feel to go its implementation to understand what is happening there. It should be self-explanatory. Based on this fact; action.doAction(); -> or lets say communication.sendMessage() if they implement Communicate interface. I don't need to go for its base class, search for implementations etc. for debugging. Even implementing class is "Letter" or "Phone" I know that they send message, I don't need their implementation details. So I don't want to see all implemented classes like in your example "switch Letter; Phone.." etc. In your example doLetterThing responsible for one thing (doAction), since all of them do same thing, then why you are showing your developer all these cases?. They are just making the code harder to read.
Easy to extend
Imagine that you are extending a big project where you don't have an access to their source(I want to give extreme example to show its benefit easier). In the java world, I can say you are implementing SPI (Service Provider Interface). I can show you 2 example for this, https://github.com/apereo/cas and https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak where you can see that interface and implementations are separated and you just implement new behavior when it is required, no need to touch the original source. Why this is important? Imagine the following scenario again;
Let's suppose that Keycloak calls communication.sendMessage(). They don't know implementations in build time. If you extend Keycloak in this case, you can have your own class that implements Communication interface, let's say "Computer". Know if you have your SPI in the classpath, Keycloak reads it and calls your computer.sendMessage(). We did not touch the source code but extended the capabilities of Message Handler class. We can't achieve this if we coded against switch cases without touching the source.

Is creating a module with interfaces only a good idea?

Creating a module (bundle, package, whatever) with only interfaces seems to me a strange idea. Yet, I don't know the other best solution to solve the following architectural requirement.
There often appears a need for a set of utilities. In many projects I can see the creation of "utils" folder, or even a seperate package (module) with frequently used ones.
Now consider the idea that you don't want to depend upon a concrete utils set. Instead you, therefore, use interfaces.
So you may create the whole project, with multiple modules, dependent only on the "Utils-Interfaces" set, which could be a separate module. Then you think you can re-use it in other projects, as these utils are frequently used.
So what do you do? Create a seperate module (package, bundle...) with interfaces with definitions of the methods to be implemented by concrete utility-classes? And re-use this "glue-interfaces-packages" (possibly with other "glues", such as bridges, providers etc.) in your various other projects? Or is there a better way to design the archictecture regarding the utilities that could be easily switched from one to another?
It seems a bit odd to have an interface for utility methods as it should be clear what they do. Also in most language you won't have static dispatch anymore. And you wouldn't solve a problem by having interfaces for utility methods. I think it would make more sense to look for a library doing the same thing or writing your own if such functionality isn't already implemented. Very specific things should be tied to the project, though.
Let's look at an example in Java:
public static boolean isDigitOnly(String text) {
return "\\d+".matches(text);
Let's assume one would use an interface. That would mean that you have to have an instance of such an implementation, most likely a singleton. So what's the point of that? You would write the method head twice and you don't have any advantage; interfaces are used for loose coupling, however such generic utility methods aren't bound to your application.
So maybe you just want to use a library. And actually there is one for exactly this use case: Apache Commons. Of course you may not want to include such a big library for a single method. However, if you need this many utility methods you may want to use it.
Now I've explained how to use and reuse utility methods; however, a part of your question was about using different implementations.
I can't see many cases you wanted this. If, for example, you have a method specific to a certain implementation of sockets, you may instead want
A) the utility method as a part of the API
B) an interface for different socket implementations on which you have one common utility method
If you cannot apply this to your problem, it's probably not a utility method or I didn't consider it. If you could provide me with a more specific problem I'd be happy to give you a more concrete answer.

extending objects at run-time via categories?

Objective-C’s objects are pretty flexible when compared to similar languages like C++ and can be extended at runtime via Categories or through runtime functions.
Any idea what this sentence means? I am relatively new to Objective-C
While technically true, it may be confusing to the reader to call category extension "at runtime." As Justin Meiners explains, categories allow you to add additional methods to an existing class without requiring access to the existing class's source code. The use of categories is fairly common in Objective-C, though there are some dangers. If two different categories add the same method to the same class, then the behavior is undefined. Since you cannot know whether some other part of the system (perhaps even a system library) adds a category method, you typically must add a prefix to prevent collisions (for example rather than swappedString, a better name would likely be something like rnc_swappedString if this were part of RNCryptor for instance.)
As I said, it is technically true that categories are added at runtime, but from the programmer's point of view, categories are written as though just part of the class, so most people think of them as being a compile-time choice. It is very rare to decide at runtime whether to add a category method or not.
As a beginner, you should be aware of categories, but slow to create new ones. Creating categories is a somewhat intermediate-level skill. It's not something to avoid, but not something you'll use every day. It's very easy to overuse them. See Justin's link for more information.
On the other hand, "runtime functions" really do add new functionality to existing classes or even specific objects at runtime, and are completely under the control of code. You can, at runtime, modify a class such that it responds to a method it didn't previously respond to. You can even generate entirely new classes at runtime that did not exist when the program was compiled, and you can change the class of existing objects. (This is exactly how Key-Value Observation is implemented.)
Modifying classes and objects using the runtime is an advanced skill. You should not even consider using these techniques in production code until you have significant experience. And when you have that experience, it will tell you that you very seldom what to do this anyway. You will know the runtime functions because they are C-based, with names like method_exchangeImplmentations. You won't mistake them for normal ObjC (and you generally have to import objc/runtime.h to get to them.)
There is a middle-ground that bleeds into runtime manipulation called message forwarding and dynamic message resolution. This is often used for proxy objects, and is implemented with -forwardingTargetForSelector, +resolveInstanceMethod, and some similar methods. These are tools that allow classes to modify themselves at runtime, and is much less dangerous than modifying other classes (i.e. "swizzling").
It's also important to consider how all of this translates to Swift. In general, Swift has discouraged and restricted the use of runtime class manipulation, but it embraces (and improves) category-like extensions. By the time you're experienced enough to dig into the runtime, you will likely find it an even more obscure skill than it is today. But you will use extensions (Swift's version of categories) in every program.
A category allows you to add functionality to an existing class that you do not have access to source code for (System frameworks, 3rd party APIs etc). This functionality is possible by adding methods to a class at runtime.
For example lets say I wanted to add a method to NSString that swapped uppercase and lowercase letters called -swappedString. In static languages (such as C++), extending classes like this is more difficult. I would have to create a subclass of NSString (or a helper function). While my own code could take advantage of my subclass, any instance created in a library would not use my subclass and would not have my method.
Using categories I can extend any class, such as adding a -swappedString method and use it on any instance of the class, such asNSString transparently [anyString swappedString];.
You can learn more details from Apple's Docs

OOP and Design Practices: Accessing functionality of member objects?

I've been working on a small project using C++ (although this question might be considered language-agnostic) and I'm trying to write my program so that it is as efficient and encapsulated as possible. I'm a self-taught and inexperienced programmer but I'm trying to teach myself good habits when it comes to using interfaces and OOP practices. I'm mainly interested in the typical 'best' practices when it comes to accessing the methods of an object that is acting as a subsystem for another class.
First, let me explain what I mean:
An instance of ClassGame wants to render out a 2d sprite image using the private ClassRenderer subsystem of ClassEngine. ClassGame only has access to the interface of ClassEngine, and ClassRenderer is supposed to be a subsystem of ClassEngine (behind a layer of abstraction).
My question is based on the way that the ClassGame object can indirectly make use of ClassRenderer's functionality while still remaining fast and behind a layer of abstraction. From what I've seen in lessons and other people's code examples, there seems to be two basic ways of doing this:
The first method that I learned via a series of online lectures on OOP design was to have one class delegate tasks to it's private member objects internally. [ In this example, ClassGame would call a method that belongs to ClassEngine, and ClassEngine would 'secretly' pass that request on to it's ClassRenderer subsystem by calling one of its methods. ] Kind of a 'daisy chain' of function calls. This makes sense to me, but it seems like it may be slower than some alternative options.
Another way that I've seen in other people's code is have an accessor method that returns a reference or pointer to the location of a particular subsystem. [ So, ClassGame would call a simple method in ClassEngine that would return a reference/pointer to the object that makes up its ClassRenderer subsystem ]. This route seems convenient to me, but it also seems to eliminate the point of having a private member act as a sub-component of a bigger class. Of course, this also means writing much fewer 'mindless' functions that simply pass a particular task on, due to the fact that you can simply write one getter function for each independent subsystem.
Considering the various important aspects of OO design (abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, usability, extensibility, etc.) while also considering speed and performance, is it better to use the first or the second type of method for delegating tasks to a sub-component?
The book Design Patterns Explained discusses a very similar problem in its chapter about the Bridge Pattern. Apparently this chapter is freely available online.
I would recommend you to read it :)
I think your type-1 approach resembles the OOP bridge pattern the most.
Type-2, returning handles to internal data is something that should generally be avoided.
There are many ways to do what you want, and it really depends on the context (for example, how big the project is, how much you expect to reuse from it in other projects etc.)
You have three classes: Game, Engine and Renderer. Both of your solutions make the Game commit to the Engine's interface. The second solution also makes the Game commit to the Renderer's interface. Clearly, the more interfaces you use, the more you have to change if the interfaces change.
How about a third option: The Game knows what it needs in terms of rendering, so you can create an abstract class that describes those requirements. That would be the only interface that the Game commits to. Let's call this interface AbstractGameRenderer.
To tie this into the rest of the system, again there are many ways. One option would be:
1. Implement this abstract interface using your existing Renderer class. So we have a class GameRenderer that uses Renderer and implements the AbstractGameRenderer interface.
2. The Engine creates both the Game object and the GameRenderer object.
3. The Engine passes the GameRenderer object to the Game object (using a pointer to AbstractGameRenderer).
The result: The Game can use a renderer that does what it wants. It doesn't know where it comes from, how it renders, who owns it - nothing. The GameRenderer is a specific implementation, but other implementations (using other renderers) could be written later. The Engine "knows everything" (but that may be acceptable).
Later, you want to take your Game's logic and use it as a mini-game in another game. All you need to do is create the appropriate GameRenderer (implementing AbstractGameRenderer) and pass it to the Game object. The Game object does not care that it's a different game, a different Engine and a different Renderer - it doesn't even know.
The point is that there are many solutions to design problems. This suggestion may not be appropriate or acceptable, or maybe it's exactly what you need. The principles I try to follow are:
1. Try not to commit to interfaces you can't control (you'll have to change if they change)
2. Try to prevent now the pain that will come later
In my example, the assumption is that it's less painful to change GameRenderer if Renderer changes, than it is to change a large component such as Game. But it's better to stick to principles (and minimise pain) rather than follow patterns blindly.

When do you need to create abstractions in the form of interfaces?

When do you encourage programming against an interface and not directly to a concrete class?
A guideline that I follow is to create abstractions whenever code requires to cross a logical/physical boundary, most especially when infrastructure-related concerns are involved.
Another checkpoint would be if a dependency will likely change in the future, due to possible additional concerns code (such as caching, transactional awareness, invoking a webservice instead of in-process execution) or if such dependencies have direct references to infrastructure integration points.
If code depends on something that does not require control to cross a logical/physical boundary, I more or less don't create abstractions to interact with those.
Am I missing anything?
Also, use interfaces when
Multiple objects will need to be acted upon in a particular fashion, but are not fundamentally related. Perhaps many of your business objects access a particular utility object, and when they do they need to give a reference of themselves to that utility object so the utility object can call a particular method. Have that method in an interface and pass that interface to that utility object.
Passing around interfaces as parameters can be very helpful in unit testing. Even if you have just one type of object that sports a particular interface, and hence don't really need a defined interface, you might define/implement an interface solely to "fake" that object in unit tests.
related to the first 2 bullets, check out the Observer pattern and the Dependency Injection. I'm not saying to implement these patterns, but they illustrate types of places where interfaces are really helpful.
Another twist on this is for implementing a couple of the SOLID Principals, Open Closed principal and the Interface Segregation principle. Like the previous bullet, don't get stressed about strictly implementing these principals everywhere (right away at least), but use these concepts to help move your thinking away from just what objects go where to thinking more about contracts and dependency
In the end, let's not make it too complicated: we're in a strongly typed world in .NET. If you need to call a method or set a property but the object you're passing/using could be fundamentally different, use an interface.
I would add that if your code is not going to be referenced by another library (for a while at least), then the decision of whether to use an interface in a particular situation is one that you can responsibly put off. The "extract interface" refactoring is easy to do these days. In my current project, I've got an object being passed around that I'm thinking maybe I should switch to an interface; I'm not stressing about it.
Interfaces abstraction are convenient when doing unit test. It helps for mocking test objects. It very useful in TDD for developing without actually using data from your database.
If you don't need any features of the class that aren't found in the Interface...then why not always prefer the Interface implementation?
It will make your code easier to modify in the future and easier to test (mocking).
you have the right idea, already. i would only add a couple of notes to this...
first, abstraction does not mean 'interface'. for example, a "connection string" is an abstraction, even though it's just a string... it's not about the 'type' of the thing in question, it's about the intention of use for that thing.
and secondly, if you are doing test automation of any kind, look for the pain and friction that are exposed by writing the tests. if you find yourself having to set up too many external conditions for a test, it's a sign that you need a better abstraction between the thing your testing and the things it interacts with.
I think you've said it pretty well. Much of this will be a stylistic thing. There are open source projects I've looked at where everything has an interface and an implementation, and it's kind of frustrating, but it might make iterative development a little easier, since any objects implementation can break but dummies will still work. But honestly, I can dummy any class that doesn't overuse the final keyword by inheritance.
I would add to your list this: anything which can be thought of as a black box should be abstracted. This includes some of the things you've mentioned, but it also includes hairy algorithms, which are likely to have multiple useful implementations with different advantages for different situation.
Additionally, interfaces come in handy very often with composite objects. That's the only way something like java's swing library gets anything done, but it can also be useful for more mundane objects. (I personally like having an interface like ValidityChecker with ways to and-compose or or-compose subordinate ValidityCheckers.)
Most of the useful things that come with the Interface passing have been already said. However I would add:
implementing an interface to an object, or later multiple objects, FORCES all the implementers to follow an IDENTICAL pattern to implement contract with the object. This can be useful in case you have not so OOP-experienced-programmers actually writing the implementation code.
in some languages you can add attributes on the interface itself, which can be different from the actual object implementation attribute as sense and intent