iOS AppStore icon naming - ios7

I'm a little bit confused about the App Icon for the App Store which is supposed to be required (link).
What is the naming convention for the new App Icon for the App Store? I can't find any information about that.
Before iOS7 there was an non-required image with the same size with the naming convention iTunesArtwork#2x. Is it the same?


can we place OS version specific images other than app icon or launch image in Asset Catalog?

We can place iOS specific app icon and launch image in Asset Catalog. Can we place other images used for buttons, bars or other UI elements in the Asset Catalog to be used with specific iOS versions? Or there is only way to do these programmatically?
I have the same problem. It would have been really nice, if Apple had developed a more flexible asset management, like Android (for example) has since many years...
Regarding your question: According to the official documentation, there is no such way (at least I could not read anything about it) at the moment (iOS 7).

What technology should I use for custom iOS controls, layout etc.?

I'm new to iOS programming and one thing I don't get. I have an app idea, I paid for graphic designer to make me a UI design. He sent me a layered psd with custom designed controls, layout etc. Everything is custom designed, not using standard iOS looking controls as I wanted.
The question is how can be this custom design converted to iOS controls, layout and so?
If I consider a Facebook iPad application or Foursquare iPhone application, are that just "skinned" iOS standard controls, or is it written in HTML5 and just wrapped by Objective-C? If so, how?
Thank you
I recommend that you use Objective-C for native applications. Most controls provide support for "skinning" by allowing you to provide your own images. For example, UISlider has methods to set minimum and maximum image, the track image and tint color as well as the thumb image and tint color. Ray Wenderlich often provides great tutorials on his site that are worth checking out.

iOs application icon, no as bright as on monitor

Small problem here, I'm building an app for ios, and I've added and icon to my project 57x57, and 114x114, but when I run my app on the device, icon is very dim, when original is very bright. How can I fix it? Does it matter if I build my app in debug mode or release?
iOS adds a gloss/shine effect to your app icon that can sometimes reduce the saturation of your image. Add the UIPrerenderedIcon flag to your info.plist file as described here to disable this.
EDITED to add iOS5 details
On iOS 5 there is a new key for specifying icons: CFBundleIcons is the raw name and it displays as 'Icon files (iOS5)' in the plist editor. To turn off the icon shine effect on iOS 5 devices you need to set the UIPrerenderedIcon flag on the Primary Icon as shown below.
To cover all cases (iOS3 - iOS5) you need to specify UIPrerenderedIcon in both places.
This is probably due to physical differences between your desktop monitor and iOS screen. Only thing you can do is redesign the icon and check the colors on an iOS device.
Check the brightness setting of your device's display. Perhaps it's not "up" as much as you think.
Or, you can disable the "shine" effect that iOS applies to your icon by adding the "Icon already includes gloss effects" boolean to your Info.plist file. That might help.

Cocoa Touch how to design the interface like facebook iPhone application's home screen?

I am just curious how facebook for iPhone application can display a list of icons with the text, then all the icons shake to allow user to change the position of each item.
What kind of control is that, and is there some sample code that do the same thing?
I think it must be standard because it exists as well in home screen of iPhone and iPod app to choose the tab item.
Thank you.
It's not a standard control. It's generally implemented with Core Animation and a rotation transform.
Apple discourages App developers from imitating the spring board, claiming it is confusing for the user. So don't expect standard controls for this.
You can of course implement it yourself with animation. Basic (property based) animation should be sufficient.

How would I make a draggable Menubar icon for Mac OS X

I am in the process of writing a menubar icon for an app i'm developing. However the NSStatusBar class does not have a method which would make the icon draggable, via cmd+left mouse drag.
How do you make your menubar icon draggable with Objective-C code?
Thank you :)
You can't currently do it with NSStatusBar. NSMenuExtra will behave the the way you want, but unfortunately it's not part of the part of the public Cocoa API, and from what I understand (I haven't used it myself) takes a bit of a hack to even get it working. Also NSStatusBar will be easier to integrate into an existing application, NSMenuExtra is more of a separate bundle that's loaded by the system.
In my opinion it's not a good idea to depend on private APIs to add major functionality like this to your app. I would stick with NSStatusBar, most users will be used to the behavior from other applications, and with any luck a future version of Mac OS X will allow dragging the icon the same way NSMenuExtra works.