Testing Kerberos locally on Windows - jboss7.x

Questions pertains to testing SSO with Windows (7) log-in credentials against a local/test KDC (Kerberos)..
Think I got the basic picture regarding authentication with log-in credentials (TGT and client-server tickets) and how JBoss has to handle negotiation against Kerberos. However I would like to do a setup intended for development/testing. Thought about downloading a MIT version of Kerberos and setting up the KCD. Assuming I can use the klist/kinit tools part of the JDK 7 distribution to make my own TGT och tickets? The log-in credentials (i.e. when I log-on to Windows) should be volatile (i.e. in memory rather than file based).
How do I get my browser(s) to pull up the correct credentials? Is this possible from a browser? For example with Firefox apparently SPENGO negotiating is a white list of domains but does it look at the DomainName in the TGT to grab the right one? And how would Firefox SPENGO know to look in my local credentials that are file based rather than the volatile one?


SSO from Share Point application to the IBM Lotus Domino server

I need to use the .Net token (or FedAuth cookie) to get in Domino credential from Active directory
The same need is describe in:
Lotus Notes and c# SSO.
Internet users are loged in a Share Point application and have to open a form in Domino.
My Domino Server is configured Assistant Directory, the users are managed in Active Directory and not in names.nsf. This works good. I can make a POST to log automatically a user of the AD.
But Share Point don't have the user password! Ideally it would be cool to POST the cookie... or run an agent that will inquire in back end the Active directory with the cookie to verify it. Is there a way to do this?
My Domino is 8.53 so I can't use SAML (if someone did this with Domino 9.0 I will be pleased to know :-).
There is a SSO using SPNEGO which can be setup on windows-based Domino servers.
More information about it can be found in the Domino Administration help (steps are very well documentd) and here:
Wiki: Deploying Windows single sign-on for Web clients (SPNEGO) in an existing Domino environment
Basically the steps to enable this are (details in notes admin help and the linked document):
Set an SPN on your windows server (to allow this server to pass Kerberos tickets to the AD)
Enable SSO on the Internet Site / Server doc
In the SSO Configuration: add all servers you will need SSO and enable windows-based SSO
Add a name mapping to your Person docs (Kerberos Principal Name Field) and set notes.ini entry WIDE_SEARCH_FOR_KERBEROS_NAMES=1 on your domino server to include this field in the namelookup
Configure browser: IE: trusted sites (add your host names), Firefox: add domino host to network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris
Hope that helps - Michael
You could generate your own Domino Ltpa token (cookie) from sharepoint upon login. So long as the domains are set up ok, the browser should pass this to the Domino server and automatically log them in.
Feel free to contact me directly if you need specific help.

Authentication for a Read only web application without login screen

I have a web based application which is used to find information about various assets in a facility. This provides only search capability, no CRUD operations allowed from the application (except for READ). This web application is always kept open in a touchscreen device (ie workstation) and this could be used by any of the facility staff. The user does not want to initiate login and logout for each of the search operation.
We are planning on deploying the web application onto the cloud. Although it is not a need to authenticate the user who is accessing the web-application, it is still a need to ensure that information about assets in the facility are not accessible by others. How do I build this authentication layer? The various options I can think of are:
1. Include userid/password in the URL as parameters. I could create a userid/password for each of the facility. Simple, but userid/password area always visible.
2. Certificate based approach. Certificates are created for each of these workstations and deployed on those workstations. Quite secure, but has the challenge of managing the certs life-cycle. As well challenge of configuring the web-servers with certs from different facilities???
Any suggestions?
A simple, but not secure thing. Do an IP check and if the IP is from your facility then grant access.
The second, but secure method is to do a verification at the start of the application with just a password and store a session , so that you will know that people from your facility are accessing the site..

AD Single Sign On (SSO), browsers and networks

I'm trying to determine if SSO is what I want to use in my scenario. All of our users are in an AD. I have some web-based services that authenticate via the AD (currently they ask the user for a login when they visit the sites). Key points:
All users have a windows laptops joined to the AD.
Sometimes they access these websites on the LAN (AD server accessible), sometimes via the internet (AD server inaccessible).
Some users may want to access these websites through a non-AD computer (e.g. tablet, phone, home computer)
Users use a range of different browsers.
The websites are mostly running through apache on linux servers
Does AD-based SSO work:
if the client machine cannot contact the AD server directly? e.g. the laptop has logged in using cached credentials?
if the user is using a browser other than IE?
Is it possible to have fallback auth mechanisms in place? e.g. if SSO is not possible, then fall back to http auth or cookie auth?
Yes, if cached credentials are used, when browser requests a Kerberos service ticket, the cached credentials are used by Windows to get a TGT for the user and then the service ticket is requested. This is transparent to the user, so they get same experience as if they were in office, connected to the LAN, and not using cached credentials.
Some other browsers support the Negotiate protocol, not just IE. I am aware that Firefox does, and I think Safari does also.
You might get more flexibility through ADFS which is a Windows component that allows you to use claims based authentication.
The intra/extranet sceanrios are simpler, the interop story is quite good. (Since your web sites are non Microsoft ones).
Tons of documentation in TechNet

SSO / Authentication Server

I have a project with the purpose of exposing multiple web applications over the internet. These applications are build using IIS/DotNet and Apache/Php.
The internet user should log-in in only one place, and then be able to access any aplication.
What are the posible solutions to this scenario? One requirement is that changes to existing applications be minimum and another is to use ActiveDirectory for user management.
I have found so far the following solutions:
use a reverse proxy (COTS product) to publish web applications to the internet, and the proxy should take care of authentication/SSO
using forms authentication and a domain wide cookie; this solutions requires changes to existing applications and manual log in in AD
create a new application using forms authentication and after user enters credentials into this application, use these credentials to send a XMLHttpRequest to another applications (this will log in the user)
use client certificates, so that when a user connects to an applications, his certificate will handle the log in process; this approach has a problem when there is more than one certificate installed in the client browser because the browser will ask the user to choose a certificate (and this will happen for every app)

Desktop applications and authentication... Is there a list of authentication options?

Several sites, including this one, are using OpenID to authenticate their users. And of course, OpenID is a good solution to manage user accounts, simply by linking them to their OpenID account.
But are there similar solutions that could be used for desktop applications? I know there's CardSpace, where you create a custom ID card to contain your identity and optionally protect it with a pincode. But are there more alternatives for authentications on a desktop system or on systems within a local intranet environment?
And yes, I can write my own system where I keep a list of usernames and (hashed) passwords and then build my own login system but I just hate to invent my own wheel, especially when I need to keep it secure.
I would recommend that you look into the option of building an STS (using WIF, aka Geneva) and use (active) WS-federation in your windows app. Or if you can wait that long, just use Geneva Server when that is released.
We have a solution that works more or less like this:
Desktop tool prompts the user for ID/password
Desktop tool sends the ID/password over an encrypted (SSL) channel to the server.
Server initiates an HTTP request to a known URL of a login form and inputs the username and password as if they were form fields.
If the HTTP server responds appropriately, the server accepts the client as authenticated.
The target of that HTTP request should be tied to whatever single sign-on system that you use for the web application environment. In our case it happens not to be OpenID but it could be.