A Sequence at a forum register area - sequence

I want to register to a forum but stuck at a question to register.
Type the secuence
I tried 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,321
What could it be?

Is this just a really badly implemented Captcha?
I read this as they want you to type "GDB123_YTU" in.?
Maybe you have to add 4? So "GDB1234YTU". Is this really a valid question for SO?


How can I edit text that has already been printed in Console in VB.NET?

This question is certainly a duplicate: I remember reading the answer years ago. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the link either by searching SO or Google, so I'm forced to ask again. Apologies.
What I'm trying to do is print text in a Console application, which the user can then edit and modify, and then press Enter to change the value of. I know that I can intercept the user's keypresses, determine intelligently what to do with them, and use Console.SetCursorPosition to dynamically change the text.
However, I know for sure that there was a hacky one line solution I read on an answer ages ago (which worked, but was not recommended,) and I can't remember what it was.
Does anyone know what this solution is, or have a link to the post I'm looking for?

Comments that control uncrustify behaviour

In this question (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15097501/can-uncrustify-be-prevented-from-modifying-certain-sections-of-code) i learned that i can use *INDENT-OFF* to exclude uncrustify action on certain parts of code.
Unfortunately i was not able to find this information anywhere else.
Does anybody know where i can look this up? Are there other comments which control uncrustifiy behaviour?
The *INDENT-ON* and *INDENT-OFF* are defined in the uncrustify_types.h file in the source code
See also Ben Gardner's comment: https://sourceforge.net/p/uncrustify/bugs/343/#0394

custom error pages for IBM Domino iNotes

we're currently customizing iNotes for a customer (platform currently is Domino 9). We almost reached our goals, but one thing that's on our todo list I can't really figure out: they want us to also customize any possible error pages; see the following example screenshot:
This and other similar pages seem to come from the central Forms9.nsf which I'd love to leave as it is. We so far tried domcfg.nsf mappings, but as this is an iNotes internal error it obviously can't work; I also tried to figure out a way to put seomething into our customized Forms9_x.nsf but without any hint this is too abstract for me.
So my questions are:
has anyone ever done this?
what options do we have (apart from "hacking" Forms9.nsf)?
Many thanks in advance...
After continuing to play with domcfg mappings I suddenly saw a first result; not sure what's the difference to the first attempts, though; maybe moving the error form to Forms9_x.nsf did the trick? I'll keep investigating and post an answer if I can find one...
Alright, this has been an afternoon of wild guessing and hacking along, but finally I think I found it:
first of all, my playing around with domcfg mappings didn't have to do with solving the problem; instead, I just by chance had put my error page form into my Forms9_x.nsf and named it $$ReturnGeneralError (that's simply the name used in Forms9.nsf...; I completely had forgotton about those 4 pre-defined form names back from Domino 5 times).
What did not work was the old method of simply including a text file named MessageString to display the exact error message returned from the server; obviously iNotes is handling those error strings differently.
After a few hours of testing, and comparing codes between the standard iNotes error page and mine I finally found it: include some iNotes specific computed text into the page, in my case that is
#{{MessageString}; html}
See this document for some details (last row in the table)
Hopefully this can help someone else as well...

Webtop DRL link directly to edit

Is there any way to create a Webtop DRL link so that it instead of asking whether the user wishes to VIEW / EDIT/ ANNOTATE, it goes straight to EDIT mode and just opens up the document, bypassing the question altogether?
There is no out of the box drl format for that.
But you can create one yourself, by overloading the drl component so it recoginizes your format and forwards to appropriate logic.
question was asked and answered on EMC disscussion fourm

iPhone Number Text To A Full Currency Equation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Struggling with currency in Cocoa
Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event
I have been all over the web and either examples are no longer valid or people didn't really know what they were doing.
So i have come to you guys for help,
I need to get a a textbox(TextField) to Display when they click into it a "$"...that was Easy lol
but i also need from the dollar sign to $0.00 then $0.01, $0.10 and so on.
And save an instance of it without the Symbols.
I am very new to Objective C and would like maybe a simple explanation or even a good blog to read about it. "only if you just recently read it and its not outdated"
You want to use NSNumberFormatter to accomplish this. The NSNumberFormatter documention from Apple is very good (I've just re-read it and it's not outdated). Specifically, look at the section on Configuring the Format of Currency. This should be enough to get you started.
Another good place to look if you prefer examples to documentation, is to read through the section on Number Formatters from Apple's Data Formatting Guide. This goes through examples of how to set up currency formatters to your specifications with concrete examples.
Finally, in order to integrate this with a UITextField, you will want to use the delegate method
– textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:
This allows you to validate and update characters as the user types them in.