Is there any way to create a Webtop DRL link so that it instead of asking whether the user wishes to VIEW / EDIT/ ANNOTATE, it goes straight to EDIT mode and just opens up the document, bypassing the question altogether?
There is no out of the box drl format for that.
But you can create one yourself, by overloading the drl component so it recoginizes your format and forwards to appropriate logic.
question was asked and answered on EMC disscussion fourm
I have extended a class by one method, using the Enhancement Framework.
Now, my problem is that I want to add ABAPDoc to it but cannot find any way to do it!
The code in the Enhancement Include section seems to be editable in no way.
Is there any way to do it at all? I tried also from ADT in Eclipse but this calls the SAP GUI anyway.
What are you trying to do is indeed impossible.
The enhancement include is a technical object and it cannot be edited from the tab you highlighted, it is auto-generated as you changing pre- and post-methods.
What this tab shows is not an include itself, but the placement of the enh. include within the parent object
If you want to change the method comment from enhancement, you should go to Technical details tab and click on changed object, or just go to the class in SE24 and press to pre/post exit button, and you will end up in the same include:
You can write the ABAPDoc-syntaxed comment, but for me it didn't work, and Eclipse didn't recognized my comment written in SAPGui, maybe you will be luckier.
ABAPDoc team describes this piece in a fuzzy manner, it may be an expected behavior:
This ABAPDoc is only available to ADT and not SE80? I can not use it in SAP GUI development?
You can also write it in the source code and you will get also warnings when you execute a check, but there is no dedicated tools support like source code element information or quick assist (Ctrl+1)
To your principal question, ABAPDoc is a two-way road when viewing: the ABAPDocs can be viewed both from the Eclipse and SE80, and they are automatically showed in SE80 description fields (but only if they are declared synchronized).
But it seems to be a one-way road for edit: they can be created only in ADT Eclipse to be fully compatible. If the object cannot be opened in Eclipse natively like your enhancement you are out of the luck.
I put seems because I am not 100% sure. Maybe on later systems it was fixed, but on my 750 they are not recognized by Eclipse for enhanced methods.
The only reliable way of "editing" via SE80 is writing the comments to descriptions and then importing these SE80 descriptions into ABAPDoc in Eclipse
which is ridiculous in context of your question, so there is no way for you.
Currently, I am "forced" to develop my reports with SE80 / SE24, etc. and I can't use eclipse. There I've seen that if you have the "Source Code-Based" view in Z-Classes, above every method the signature is shown as a comment. See in the following picture:
Well, I know that those comments are not really in the source code, but shown anyway (generated somehow).
Do you know a way how to disable those "comments"?
I find them unnecessary and I am losing the overview over the class. And instead of a 27-row implementation part of a class I've got an 88-row-long implementation part.
These signature comments are automatically generated by the SAP GUI based class editor reached through transactions SE24 and SE80.
Use the ABAP Development Tools to avoid them.
There's no way to disable those comments. I genereally prefer the form editor when forced to use SE80, I think it gives a better overview. The best would be if you were allowed to use Eclipse, but politics can be difficult to change.
I need to add some code in ENHANCEMENT-SECTION. It looks as follows:
It is possible or not?
Thank you very much.
Yes, you can add your own code here.
First, click the enhancement button (looks like a little spiral) then click on the name of the enhancement section (ABRUFMENGE_01) and then click the Create* button. This will prompt you to create your own enhancement.
You should know - enhancement sections will overwrite the original code. SAP should default your new enhancement implementation with the original code - just remember, only your code will execute.
You should probably read the documentation on enhancements.
*Depending on your version, you might not have a create button - you might need to right-click on the enhancement name -> enhancement operations -> create implementation.
Yes it is possible. But you need an access key from your basis people. To avoid needing the access key, you might be able to find an implicit enhancement.
In this question ( i learned that i can use *INDENT-OFF* to exclude uncrustify action on certain parts of code.
Unfortunately i was not able to find this information anywhere else.
Does anybody know where i can look this up? Are there other comments which control uncrustifiy behaviour?
The *INDENT-ON* and *INDENT-OFF* are defined in the uncrustify_types.h file in the source code
See also Ben Gardner's comment:
I want to register to a forum but stuck at a question to register.
Type the secuence
I tried 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,321
What could it be?
Is this just a really badly implemented Captcha?
I read this as they want you to type "GDB123_YTU" in.?
Maybe you have to add 4? So "GDB1234YTU". Is this really a valid question for SO?