3Ds MAx Script for Reading Pixels from an image - scripting

We are trying to read the pixels from an uploaded Bitmap image, yet the line
aBrightness = (0.2126*aPixel[1].red) + (0.7152*aPixel[1].green) + (0.0722*aPixel[1].blue) always gives an error saying "Unknown property: "red" in undefined".
Our current script is:
aBitmap = selectBitMap caption:"Select a Bitmap"
aLength = aBitmap.height
aWidth = aBitmap.width
for i = 0 to (aLength - 10) by 10 do
for j = 0 to (aWidth - 10) by 10 do
aPixel = getPixels aBitmap [i,j] 1
aBrightness = (0.2126*aPixel[1].red) + (0.7152*aPixel[1].green) + (0.0722*aPixel[1].blue)
aBox = box pos:[i,j,0] width:0.1 length:0.1 height:aBrightness
We would really appreciate any help regarding this script.

You have your coordinates wrong. The X value goes first.
It should be
APixels = Getpixels aBitmap [j, i] 1

You can check to see if aPixel is undefined before using it.
aPixel = getPixels aBitmap [i,j] 1
if (aPixel == undefined) do ( format "ERROR!!! [%,%]\n" i, j to:listener; continue )
aBrightness = (0.2126*aPixel[1].red) + (0.7152*aPixel[1].green) + (0.0722*aPixel[1].blue)
This might help you figure where the bug is. Often a function will return 'undefined' to a variable so you need to check if it is undefined. In this case, once you fix the bug, you can remove this type of code since you will have eliminated undefined behavior. Notice I used "format" instead of "print", this is much nicer to use for just a tiny extra code.
I see two suspicious things to check.
1) Most indexing in maxscript starts with 1 not 0. Check the documentation.
2) As Rotem pointed out, [x,y], not [y,x]


tryCatch crashes while nls fit

I am trying to fit a non-linear model using nls function. The model has a conditioning and works by groups therefore I try to implement a loop which covers over 300 combinations of starting values. I am using tryCatch but to my surprise the loop crashes, I guess because of the starting values or lower and upper bounds.
for(r in 1:nrow(st4)){
halfLE3[[r]] <- nls(
inty ~ I(time < (position/velocity) + dinitial) * Inty_S0 +
(time >= (position/velocity) + dinitial) *
I(Intyf[probe] + (Inty_S0[probe] - Intyf) *
(exp(-Decay * (time - (position/velocity) + dinitial)))),
data = Data4,
algorithm = "port",
control = list(warnOnly = TRUE),
start = list(Decay=st4[r,3], dinitial=st4[r,2],
Intyf=rep(st4[r,4], length(levels(Data4$probe))),
Inty_S0=rep(st4[r,5], length(levels(Data4$probe))),
lower = list(Decay= .1, dinitial=0.1, velocity=10, Intyf=0.1, inty_S0=.5),
upper = list(Decay= 1, dinitial=10, velocity=8000, Intyf=1, inty_S0=1.5)
,error = function(e) {e}
st4 is a dataframe with 300 combinations of starting values.
probe refers to group.
Do you have any idea why the loop crashes even using the tryCatch? Do you have any idea what I can improve? I used the nls.control changing the maxiter and other parameters but works same as the control I use here above.
I would be very grateful for any suggestion.
I fixed the issue. The tryCatch should be located inside the for loop adding a bracket.
for(r in 1:nrow(st4)){
},error = function(e) {e}

When, why and how to avoid KeyError in Odoo Development

I´ve noticed that some custom modules that I develop can be installed on databases with records, while others throw the KeyError message, unless the database is empty (no records). Generally the errors appear when the module contains computed fields. So, does anybody know why this happens? and how my code should look like to avoid this kind of errors?
an example computed field that throws this errors looks like this:
from odoo import models, fields, api
from num2words import num2words
Class InheritingAccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
total_amount_text = fields.Char(string='Total', compute='_compute_total_amount_text', store=True)
def _compute_total_amount_text(self):
lang_code = self.env.context.get('lang') or self.env.user.lang
language = self.env['res.lang'].search([('iso_code', '=', lang_code)])
separator = language.read()[0]['decimal_point']
for record in self:
decimal_separator = separator
user_language = lang_code[:2]
amount = record.amount_total
amount_list = str(amount).split(decimal_separator)
amount_first_part = num2words(int(amount_list[0]), lang=user_language).title() + ' '
amount_second_part = amount_list[1]
if len(amount_second_part) == 0:
amount_text = amount_first_part + '00/100'
elif len(amount_second_part) < 2:
amount_text = amount_first_part + amount_second_part + '0/100'
amount_text = amount_first_part + amount_second_part[:2] + '/100'
record.total_amount_text = amount_text
The reason your code has a problem in this situation is that when there are no records in the table(at time of installation) your loop won’t run which result in no value assigning of your computed field so
Add the first line of code in function
self.total_amount_text = False This is required to assign value to the computed field in compute function from Odoo 13 and maybe 12
Other reasons could be :
This error occurs when one tries to access a key from a dictionary that doesn't exist like,
the dictionary may not have 'decimal_point' at the time of installation of the module, which may have returned this error a common way to handle this is by checking if the key exists or not before accessing it like,
if 'decimal_point' in language.read()[0].keys()
also, a dictionary can also be empty in that case the language.read()[0] will throw an error
I´ve changed my code making it specifically for spanish and the error doesn´t appear anymore. I appreciate Muhammad´s answer, maybe he´s right but anyway here is the modified code:
def _compute_total_amount_text(self):
for record in self:
amount = record.amount_total
amount_list = str(amount).split('.')
amount_first_part = num2words(int(amount_list[0]), lang='es').title() + ' '
amount_second_part = amount_list[1]
if len(amount_second_part) == 0:
amount_text = amount_first_part + '00/100'
elif len(amount_second_part) < 2:
amount_text = amount_first_part + amount_second_part + '0/100'
amount_text = amount_first_part + amount_second_part[:2] + '/100'
record.total_amount_text = amount_text

Pine Script: " Can't call 'security' inside: 'if', 'for' "

because I cant find any way to test my Pine Script strategy on multiple symbols, I created a way to loop through my whole Script.
In This I made 10 variables for 10 different Symbols like this:
ersteTicker = "AAPL"
zweiteTicker = "MSFT"
dritterTicker = "..."
Than I loopedfrom 1 to 10 and made 10 If-querys, which give me in every loop the right symbol like this:
a = 1
for i = 0 to 10
if a == 1
tickerID = ersteTicker
if a == 2
tickerID = .....
Now I thougt everything should be all right, but now the console gives back an error message called:
line 75: Can't call 'security' inside: 'if', 'for'
Does anybody know how to bypass this problem??
best regards
P.S.: I already tested a small other script and in this script the console doesn't give me back this error message, even if I also made a for loop with a security function in it..
(looks like this)
strategy("Meine Strategie", overlay=true)
tickerID = "ADS"
vergleichstimeframe = "D"
TaesRSLPeriode = 200
a = 1
myEma() => ema(close, TaesRSLPeriode)
for i = 0 to 10
if ( a == 1)
Daily_ema = security(tickerID, vergleichstimeframe, myEma())
longCondition = crossover(sma(close, 14), sma(close, 28))
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("My Long Entry Id", strategy.long)
shortCondition = crossunder(sma(close, 14), sma(close, 28))
if (shortCondition)
strategy.entry("My Short Entry Id", strategy.short)
Here's an example of global security. The security must not be inside of neither for nor if statements. If you need more symbols - use more securities. But bear in mind, that you can't choose a symbol from a set of symbols and call security with that symbol (because it'll be mutable variable and you cannot use them with security):
strategy("Meine Strategie", overlay=true)
tickerID = "ADS"
vergleichstimeframe = "D"
TaesRSLPeriode = 200
a = 1
myEma() => ema(close, TaesRSLPeriode)
// this always must stay global
Daily_ema = security(tickerID, vergleichstimeframe, myEma())
// here you could put more secureties:
//Daily_ema1 = security(tickerID1, vergleichstimeframe, myEma())
//Daily_ema2 = security(tickerID2, vergleichstimeframe, myEma())
//Daily_ema3 = security(tickerID3, vergleichstimeframe, myEma())
// ...
for i = 0 to 10
if a == 1
if Daily_ema > Daily_ema[i] // actual using of the security's result
strategy.entry("My Long Entry Id", strategy.long)
In general and according to previous comments, the strategy tester isn’t accurate. Just view an indication for the operation. Maybe the only benefit of the testing strategy is to determine the value of (SL, TP). Meanwhile the strategy depends on trusted intermittent periods, you can increase the SL 10 to avoid the temporary reflections

Still not understanding settingwithcopy warning

I want to isolate a string but I keep getting a setting with copy error. I read the other threads on settingwithcopy warnings but I don't understand why those solutions don't work here.
I've tried using:
df['Title'][i] = delBy[i]
df.Title[i] = delBy[i]
df[df.Title][i] = delBy[i]
df.loc[df.Title][i] = delBy[i]
df.loc[i]['Title'] = delBy[i]
Actual code:
delBy = df['Title'].str.extract(r'(.+?)(?= [bB]y)', expand = False)
for i in df.index:
if pd.notna(delBy[i]) == True:
df['Title'][i] = delBy[i]
If title has keywords by or By (ex: Animal by John) keep only title (Animal). Leave other titles alone (ex: Meditations)
It looks that you want to delete "by ..." part, where it can be done.
Then start from:
delBy = df.Title.str.extract(r'(.+?)(?= [bB]y)', expand = False).dropna()
(note that I added .dropna()).
Then, instead of your loop, just update this column (in place):
A shorter solution, isn't it?

How to get an outline view in sublime texteditor?

How do I get an outline view in sublime text editor for Windows?
The minimap is helpful but I miss a traditional outline (a klickable list of all the functions in my code in the order they appear for quick navigation and orientation)
Maybe there is a plugin, addon or similar? It would also be nice if you can shortly name which steps are neccesary to make it work.
There is a duplicate of this question on the sublime text forums.
Hit CTRL+R, or CMD+R for Mac, for the function list. This works in Sublime Text 1.3 or above.
A plugin named Outline is available in package control, try it!
Note: it does not work in multi rows/columns mode.
For multiple rows/columns work use this fork:
I use the fold all action. It will minimize everything to the declaration, I can see all the methods/functions, and then expand the one I'm interested in.
I briefly look at SublimeText 3 api and view.find_by_selector(selector) seems to be able to return a list of regions.
So I guess that a plugin that would display the outline/structure of your file is possible.
A plugin that would display something like this:
Note: the function name display plugin could be used as an inspiration to extract the class/methods names or ClassHierarchy to extract the outline structure
If you want to be able to printout or save the outline the ctr / command + r is not very useful.
One can do a simple find all on the following grep ^[^\n]*function[^{]+{ or some variant of it to suit the language and situation you are working in.
Once you do the find all you can copy and paste the result to a new document and depending on the number of functions should not take long to tidy up.
The answer is far from perfect, particularly for cases when the comments have the word function (or it's equivalent) in them, but I do think it's a helpful answer.
With a very quick edit this is the result I got on what I'm working on now.
PathMaker.prototype.start = PathMaker.prototype.initiate = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.path = function(thePath){};
PathMaker.prototype.add = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.addPath = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.go = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.goE = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.turn = function(angle, distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.continue = function(distance, a){};
PathMaker.prototype.curve = function(angle, radiusX, radiusY){};
PathMaker.prototype.up = PathMaker.prototype.north = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.down = PathMaker.prototype.south = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.east = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.west = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.getAngle = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.toBezierPoints = function(PathMakerPoints, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.extremities = function(points){};
PathMaker.prototype.bounds = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.tangent = function(t, points){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.bezierTangent = function(path, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.splitBezier = function(points, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.arc = function(start, end){};
PathMaker.prototype.getKappa = function(angle, start){};
PathMaker.prototype.circle = function(radius, start, end, x, y, reverse){};
PathMaker.prototype.ellipse = function(radiusX, radiusY, start, end, x, y , reverse/*, anchorPoint, reverse*/ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotateArc = function(path /*array*/ , angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotatePoint = function(point, origin, r){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotate = function(path /*object or array*/ , R){};
PathMaker.prototype.moveTo = function(path /*object or array*/ , x, y){};
PathMaker.prototype.scale = function(path, x, y /* number X scale i.e. 1.2 for 120% */ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.reverse = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.pathItemPath = function(pathItem, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.merge = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.draw = function(item, properties){};