Refering to a particular parent, in case of multiple, and then retrieving its attribute - tactic

If an sobject has more then one parent, how do we lexically refer any one its parent in order to get its attributes?
I need it to write a naming convention for that particular sobject.
The sobject and its parent sobjects are connected in the schema by code.
What I tried was something like:
which works but {sobject.parent01_code} is not what I want, because it is not quite self-explanatory and cryptic to be used for naming of files and directories.
I rather want to something like ../{}/.. or ../{}/.. which returns Reported Error: "too many values to unpack" error.
So how can I achieve such a thing? Given, if I am not wrong, the absence of a full brunt expression language in the setting of naming conventions, which, if a present, would enable something like #SOBJECT(parent01["code", {sobject.parent01_code}]).name.
These are two separate questions but put into one because it relates to one particular problem.

This used to be unsolved in earlier versions of tactic. In 4.1 however, you can also use the expression language in the braces.
ex: {project.code}/{#GET(example/}/versions
If some_stype is the parent of to the current stype's, you'll get the corresponding sobject's name.


SPARQL triple filter is not an exact match

I am using an IBM wrapper solution around SPARQL to get information from our database. I set a triple variable to act as a filter but it doesnt return an exact match, only a 'contains' match.
More specifically, we are looking at requirements that live in a collection. The SPARQL query returns all requirement objects and the collection that they live in. Each collection has a unique identifier associated with it which is accessed via the predicate 'dcterms:identifier'. The exact line in the SPARQL code which does this is:
?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_uri dcterms:identifier ?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier
This works as expected. In the output I get a table containing each collection with the list of requirements associated with each one.
The problem arises when I want to look at requirements in only a specific collection. To do this I set the variable oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier in IBM's wrapper, and it generally works. If I enter '18732' it only shows me requirements from the collection with id 18732. However, this is not an exact match only a contains. For example if I enter '867', I am shown two collections: 867 and 38674.
How can I modify this to exclude 38674 and only show the exact match? I cannot use a string literal because the wrapper does not allow this.

NHibernate query with restriction on child collection

I've looked at plenty of examples on this site, but I'm still not sure how to do this:
For illustration, let's say I have persistent Venues, each of which has a collection of Events, where each Event has ReservationDate. If I want to get all the Venues whose next Event is of type "Wedding", how would I go about it? It requires selecting based on a value of a specific element (in this case the first ReservationDate > Today) in the child collection, that element being determined by a different restriction (Type == "Wedding").
I've looked at various queries using CreateCriteria, QueryOver, DetachedCriteria, JoinOver and the whole gamut of NH query options (I don't want to use HQL), but I'm still at a loss.
Your help is appreciated.
I've created very detailed example how to handle these situations. Please see all the details here:
Query on HasMany reference
The point is to create few Subqueries represented as DetachedCriteria. Using aliasing we can communicate among them (passing the ID).
At the end, we can SELECT clean/flat structure of the ROOT entity... while having full power of filtering based on referenced collecitons.
This approach has the biggest advantage in the fact, that we can apply the paging (Take(), Skip()) because the final select is on top of the root table

Hibernate reverse engineering of a PostgreSQL database

I am having some trouble generating my DAO/POJO code using Hibernate for a PostgreSQL database written using the CamelCase notation. Everything works fine until the code generation time: only my lowercase tables are generated!
If I have a table called Person, the Hibernate Configurations View will show it but without any attributes. Say I have another table, car, it will be shown with all of its attributes. On code generation time, furthermore, car will appear in the destination package, while the CamelCase tables won't, as it is completely ignored.
I found a way of overriding the default metadata generation class (JDBCMetaDataDialect), but it doesn't work. Even if it did work, I think my POJO/DAO objects would not work, because the PostgreSQLDialect dialect would handle the lowercase tables (and attributes?) in a wrong way.
How can I solve this issue? It looks like a bug, but I'm not sure of it.
I ended up always returning true from my generation method:
public boolean needQuote(String name) {
return true;

Fluent NHibernate - HasMany mapping with condition

I have a HasMany mapping that needs a condition. I have this partially working, but there's got to be a better way than what I'm doing. The condition I'm using needs to look at a property on another table that I'm joining to. What I have so far is:
HasMany<MetaData>(x => x.MetaData).Table("MetaData")
.Where("metadatade1_.SourceTable = 'Providers'")
In the code above, the where clause is referencing "metadatade1_", because it's trying to fully qualify the name, and that is the name NH is generating. I've tried using "MetaDataDefinitions.SourceTable" (MetaDataDef... is the physical table name), and also just "SourceTable" by itself, however none of these worked.
Is there a way to not have it try and fully qualify the name on the condition and just pass "SourceTable='Providers'" OR is there a way I can have it reference the generated name without me having to manually plug it in?
In short, no. The Where method (and respectively the where= attribute in HBM.XML) accept only raw sql, and as such is prone to the problems you're seeing.
Your best option is to not use a collection and instead rely on a query to retrieve your metadata instances.

NHibernate: Return A Constant In HQL

I need to return a constant from an HQL query in NHIbernate
SELECT new NDI.SomeQueryItem(user, account, " + someNumber + ")
FROM NDI.SomeObject object
I am trying for something like above. I've tried this:
SELECT new NDI.SomeQueryItem(user, account, :someNumber)
FROM NDI.SomeObject object
And then later:
.SetParameter("someNumber", 1).List<SomeQueryItem>();
But in the first case I get a 'Undefined alias or unknown mapping 1'. Which makes some sense since it probably thinks the 1 is an alias.
For the second I get a 'Undefined alias or unknown mapping :someNumber' which again makes some sense if it never set the parameter.
I have to believe there's some way to do this.
Please feel free to continue to believe there is some way to do this - but with HQL there isn't!
Why would you want to anyway? If you want to update the value this property to the value you specify, then do so after you've loaded the objects. Alternatively, if your result set doesn't quite match to your objects, you could alway use a SQL query (which you can still do via an NHibernate session). But the purpose of NHibernate is to map what's in your database onto objects, so specifying a manual override like this is quite rightly not allowed.
It sounds like there is a (small?) disconnect between your domain objects and your database model. What about creating a small "DTO" object to bridge this gap?
Have your query return a list of SomeQueryItemDTO (or whatever you want to call it) which, due to the naming, you know is not a true part of your domain. Then have some function to process the list and build a list of true SomeQueryItem objects by incorporating the data that is extraneous to the database.
If you're already using the Repository Pattern, this should be easier since all the ugly details are hidden inside of your repository.