SPARQL triple filter is not an exact match - sparql

I am using an IBM wrapper solution around SPARQL to get information from our database. I set a triple variable to act as a filter but it doesnt return an exact match, only a 'contains' match.
More specifically, we are looking at requirements that live in a collection. The SPARQL query returns all requirement objects and the collection that they live in. Each collection has a unique identifier associated with it which is accessed via the predicate 'dcterms:identifier'. The exact line in the SPARQL code which does this is:
?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_uri dcterms:identifier ?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier
This works as expected. In the output I get a table containing each collection with the list of requirements associated with each one.
The problem arises when I want to look at requirements in only a specific collection. To do this I set the variable oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier in IBM's wrapper, and it generally works. If I enter '18732' it only shows me requirements from the collection with id 18732. However, this is not an exact match only a contains. For example if I enter '867', I am shown two collections: 867 and 38674.
How can I modify this to exclude 38674 and only show the exact match? I cannot use a string literal because the wrapper does not allow this.


How do you write a test for dynamic API content?

I am working on a wrapper for an API, and one of the endpoints returns data that doesn't have the same results each time.
What is a good strategy to test that the endpoint is still valid?
This is a general question, although I am mostly interested in getting this to work in Python.
You need to define what you actually expect from the result. What are the statements that always hold for the result?
Popular candidates/examples are
it is valid JSON/HTML/XML
it contains certain substrings
it has certain "fields"
certain fields can be parsed as a date using a specific format, and the resulting date is within +/-1h of now.

Google Places API - RadarSearch results are confusing

I'm running a query vs the Google Places RadarSearch API and don't entirely understand the results. I'm trying to find nearby Tesco Supermarkets. My query is structured like this:,-0.126446&types=store&keyword=tesco&name=tesco&radius=5000&key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I've tried a bunch of variations of the fields types, keyword and name. None of the results are Tesco stores. Am i missing something?
The Google docs show the fields as:
keyword — A term to be matched against all content that Google has indexed for this place, including but not limited to name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party content.
name — One or more terms to be matched against the names of places, separated by a space character. Results will be restricted to those containing the passed name values. Note that a place may have additional names associated with it, beyond its listed name. The API will try to match the passed name value against all of these names. As a result, places may be returned in the results whose listed names do not match the search term, but whose associated names do.
I always get the maximum of 200 results which maybe includes 1 or 2 Tescos. When I check on Google maps there are 10 Tescos in the radius I am searching. It's as if the api is ignoring the name field. It doesn't matter what I populate in the name field, I still get the same results
UPDATE: Seems this is a known bug
maybe I am wrong, but I believe it is a commercial issue, google will show all business filtering them with a particular criteria they are no publishing the rules, for example in your search, the type you used was "store" , so they are returning to you all stores, and using the name or keyword in their own way who knows which criteria they are internally using, and there is something else, on the API description, the sample that they provide for radar search shows the name of the place in the result, but in the tests i am doing, they are not even sending the name, so you couldn't iterate those results, and filter by your own, for you to get the name, you have to do another call using:
Maybe there is another way but I don't see it.
I find the radar search is returning strange results today. It worked differently a couple of days ago.
The keyword-parameter has no effect at the moment and I have breaking integration-tests that were working before. I hope this is a temporary issue.
I filed a bug report for it:

Refering to a particular parent, in case of multiple, and then retrieving its attribute

If an sobject has more then one parent, how do we lexically refer any one its parent in order to get its attributes?
I need it to write a naming convention for that particular sobject.
The sobject and its parent sobjects are connected in the schema by code.
What I tried was something like:
which works but {sobject.parent01_code} is not what I want, because it is not quite self-explanatory and cryptic to be used for naming of files and directories.
I rather want to something like ../{}/.. or ../{}/.. which returns Reported Error: "too many values to unpack" error.
So how can I achieve such a thing? Given, if I am not wrong, the absence of a full brunt expression language in the setting of naming conventions, which, if a present, would enable something like #SOBJECT(parent01["code", {sobject.parent01_code}]).name.
These are two separate questions but put into one because it relates to one particular problem.
This used to be unsolved in earlier versions of tactic. In 4.1 however, you can also use the expression language in the braces.
ex: {project.code}/{#GET(example/}/versions
If some_stype is the parent of to the current stype's, you'll get the corresponding sobject's name.

Multiple searches within a search result set (stored procedure)

Multiple searches within a search result set while using all the search terms used in in that session.
For example, I have a table User (UserId, UserName, UserAddress, UserCity)
What I am trying to do is, I want to search all the columns in the table, for example using a user's name, (which might give me a result set consisting of more than 1 result). I want to be able to search within the result set again using a new search term (not necessarily have to have the first search term in the search field), but this time, it must search within the result set of the 1st search. This might go on breaking down the result set until what is required is found.
Sorry if I might sound very confusing with my request. I've tried and still got no clue to where to start with. I've tried googling and browsed through this website, but couldn't find what i am really trying to find.
I want to be able to search within the result-set again using a new
search term [...], but this time, it must search within the result set
of the 1st search .This might go on breaking down the result-set until
what is required is found.
It seems to me that you have not yet understood that SQL is a declarative language, not an imperative one. And yes, there are stored procedures, but these are a procedural extension to SQL and don't alter the fact that SQL is essentially declarative.
So instead of "breaking down the result-set until what is required is found", you specify all criteria at once, and preferably do so without resorting to a stored procedure until you've understood non-procedural SQL.
To give you an example, a query using multiple predicates (facts about the desired result specified in a WHERE clause) might look like this:
WHERE UserName LIKE 'cook%'
AND UserAddress LIKE 'sesam%'
AND UserCity = 'Hamburg';

How do i include other fields in a lucene search?

Lets use emails for an example as a document. You have your subject, body, the person who its from and lets say we can also tag them (as gmail does)
From my understanding of QueryParser i give it ONE field and the parser type. If a user enter text the user only searches whatever i set. I notice it will look in the subject or body field if i wrote fieldName: text to search however how do i make a regular query such as "funny SO question unicorn" find result(s) with some of those strings in the subject, the others in the body? ATM because i knew it would be easy i made a field called ALL and combined all the other fields into that but i would like to know how i can do it in a proper way. Especially since my next app is text search dependent
Use MultiFieldQueryParser. You can specify list of fields to be searched using following constructor.
MultiFieldQueryParser(Version matchVersion, String[] fields, Analyzer analyzer)
This will generate a query as if you have created multiple queries on different fields. This partially addresses your problem. This, still, will not match one term matching in field1 and another matching in field2. For this, as you have rightly pointed out, you will need to combine all the fields in one single field and search in that field. Nevertheless, you will find MultiFieldQueryParser useful when query terms do not cross the field boundaries.