Difficulty connecting to an ntp time server - vb.net

I am trying to use the following piece of code to connect to a time server and attain the time but have had no luck:
Dim ntpServer As String = "time.windows.com"
Dim ntpData(47) As Byte
Dim addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList
Dim EndP As IPEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(addresses(0), 123)
Dim soc As Socket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _
SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
Tracing through the program I can't get past the following line of code soc.Receive(ntpData). What am I doing wrong?

you need to provide some basic information to the server:
ntpData(0) = 27
ntpData(0) contains a section called firstByteBits.
This section needs to be set before sending the data to query for a reply.
First byte is
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
|LI | VN |Mode |
LI = leap indicator (0 in sent data)
VN = version number (3, bits 3 and 4 set)
Mode = Mode (client mode = 3, bits 6 and 7 set)
00011011 = 27 = 0x1B
And possibly a better NTP server. The time.windows.com:123 server pool is known to
be slow, sometimes not responding for a while, and of low accuracy. Better: pool.ntp.org:123 (but please read what's written on poo.ntp.org about regular use).
e.g. RFC 5905 for more details.


LoRa, SX1276 transmission power managment

I want to verify if my information about the Tx output power is correct or no, because i'm kinda confused, so if you could bear with me to tell you want i know or at least what i think it's true about this subject:
+ in Tx they are 3 power modes:
1- RFO: from -4 dBm to 15 dBm (Pout=Pmax-(15-OutputPower) = 10.8 + 0.6 * 7 - (15 - 15) = 15) 7 is the max value for the MaxPower and 15 is the max value for the outputPower so that's way the RFO can reach 15 dBm, but i don't know why they said it's only +14dBm? and set the PaSelect to 0 to use this mode and make sure the PA_Dac set to 0x04 (default value)
2- PA_Boost: from 2 dBm to 17 dBm (Pout=17-(15-OutputPower)) this is clear. set PaSelect bit to 1 to activate this mode. and make sure to set the PA_Dac to 0x04 (default value) (PA_DAC register = 0x84)
3- +20dBm: 20 dBm, to use this option we need to be in the PA_Boost mode (set PA_Boost bit to 1) and set the PA_DAC to 0x07 (PA_DAC register = 0x87).
About the RFO where i need to set 2 variable "MaxPower" and "Output Power", i don't know what is the right way to do that, i mean which one should i adjust to get the Tx power the user want to use. or should i set the "MaxPower" to 7 so the Pmax = 15 and from there i set the "Output Power" to get the Pout (which is the Tx power) the user wants, because it's gonna be easy to go from 15 to 0 by step of 1 dBm. hope one of you have a better solution?!
Now the last thing, the OCP, which is require for the PA_Boost and +20 dBm option because both works in high power (PA_HP) and i don't know how to set that register, i mean how to calculate Imax. i need help about this, and do i need to set this register for the RFO mode too?? if yes then how? (by the way, i know about the table of OCP in the datasheet and how to calculate the OCP from Imax, the problem that i don't know how to get or figure about the Imax.
One last question, is the order to configure the PaSelect Variable and MaxPower and Output Power and PA_DAC register and OCP register matters, my real confusion is about PaSelect variable and Output Power variable and PA_DAC register configuration order.
I hope i was clear and i will appreciate your help to correct me and confirm my information. Thank YOU.
Ok, to answer some of my questions:
what i said about RFO was right, but i still don’t know why they said it’s between -4 to 14 dBm and in the same datasheet in other section they said it’s 15 dBm. anyway, about how to set this in the register because you have 2 variable you need to set (maxPower, and outoutPower), you can notice we have 2 regions, from -4 to 0 dbm and from 0 to 15 dBm. for [-4, 0[ set the maxPower to 0 and that will give you a Pmax = 10.8 and from this equation Pout = Pmax - 15 + outputPower = 10.8 -15 + outputPower = -4.2 + outputPower, we can find outputPower = Pout + 4.2, and for the region [0, 15] we set the maxPower to 7 (the max value) so we will have this now , Pout = 15 - 15 + outputPower = outputPower.
About the PA_BOOST it a forward calculation nothing fancy, outputPower = Pout - 2 and don’t forget Pout should be between 2 and 17.
To switch betwen RFO and PA_BOOST, set the bit 7 in PaConfig register. and disable the +20 dBm option in the Pa_Dac register.
About the +20 dBm option, it's the same as PA_BOOST but instead of Pmax = 17, Pmax = 20 so outputPower = Pout - 5 , and you need to enable the PA_BOOST and then set the PA_Dac to 0x87, 7 to enable the +20 dBm option, , note : just by setting the outputPower to 0xf (15) you will get the 20dBm, and to disable this feature just set PaDac varaible to 4 ( set the PaDac register to 0x84) to disable it.
for the OCP, they have a table that gives you how to calculate the ocp value from the Imax,
ocp-trim [0-15], Imax [45, 120 mA] , Imax = 45 + 5 * ocpTrim
ocp-trim [16-27], Imax [130, 240 mA] , Imax = -30 + 10 * ocpTrim
ocp-trim > 27, Imax = 240mA , Imax = 240 mA
and about the Imax which is the current need for the Tx we can find this in the datasheet:
RFOP = 13 dBm uses 28mA
RFOP = 7 dBm uses 20 mA
PA_BOOST = 17 dBm uses 90 mA
+20 dBm opton uses 120mA
the OCP need to be enabled if you want to use the PA_BOOS.
about the order of the settings. i will just try to set the register in order, just in case.

kannel receiving delivery issue

I'm using the following configuration on my kannel on 3 gateways, each gateway contains 2 sessions, one for sending and the other for receiving, the below is for receiving delivery status.
I have no issue with all of them till 3 months before one of them not able to pull the status, at the same time the same gateways is connected with more than 6000 clients with no issue at all.
The provider asked me to change the register_dlr=1
Any idea?
interface-version = 34
host = xx.xx.xx.xx
port = 0
receive-port = 8899
smsc-username = user
smsc-password = pass
system-type = VMA
source-addr-ton = 5
source-addr-npi = 1
dest-addr-ton = 0
dest-addr-npi = 0
keepalive = 600
reconnect-delay = 3
enquire-link-interval = 30
esm-class = 0
msg-id-type = 0x01

How to find every combination of a binary 16 digit number

I have 16 different options in my program and i have a 16 character variable which is filled with 1's or 0's depending on the options that are selected (0000000000000000 means nothing is selected, 0010101010000101 means options 3,5,7,9,14 and 16 are selected, 1111111111111111 means everything is selected.)
When i run my program, the code looks (using an if statement) for a 1 in the designated character of the 16 digit number and if there is one there then it runs the code for that option, otherwise it skips it..
e.g option 3 looks too see if the 3rd character (0010000000000000) is a 1 and if it is it runs the code.
Now what i am trying to do is generate a list of every different combination that is possible so I can create an option for it to just loop through and run every possible option:
I have tried this but i think it may take a couple of years to run jaja:
Dim binString As String
Dim binNUM As Decimal = "0.0000000000000001"
Do Until binNUM = 0.11111111111111111
binString = binNUM.ToString
If binString.Contains(1) Then
If binString.Contains(2) Or binString.Contains(3) Or binString.Contains(4) Or binString.Contains(5) Or binString.Contains(6) Or binString.Contains(7) Or binString.Contains(8) Or binString.Contains(9) Then
End If
End If
binNUM = binNUM + 0.0000000000000001
After the code above is complete i would then take the output list and remove any instances of "0." and then any lines which had fewer than 16 chararcters (because the final character would be a 0 and not show) I would add a 0 until there was 16 characters. I know this bit might be stupid but its as far a ive got
Is there a faster way I can I generate a list like this in VB.net?
You should be able to get the list by using Convert.ToString as follows:
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To 65535
sb.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(16, "0"c))
BTW: This should finish in under one second, depending on your system ;-)
Create an enum with FlagAttributes, which allows you to do the key functions you list. Here is an example of setting it up in a small project I am working on:
Public Enum MyFlags As Integer
None = 0
One = 1
Two = 2
Three = 4
Four = 8
Five = 16
Recon = 32
Saboteur = 64
Mine = 128
Headquarters = 256
End Enum
Dim temp as MyFlags
Dim doesIt as Boolean
temp = MyFlags.One
doesIt = temp.HasFlag(MyFlags.Two)
temp = temp OR MyFlags.Three
The real advantage is how it prints out, if you want something other than 0, 1 and is much more human friendly.

How to Read/Store many files using GrADS?

I would like to know if anyone can help me to find the issue about this code in GrADS language.
I'd like to read many files and compute and store them, but when I perform that in GraDS, I have the same answer for all imput file.
Could anyone help me in this problem, please?
****Modify here******
var = v10
ano = 1980
while(ano <= 2013)
*Desire point
local = IAG
**lat = -22.3
**lon = 314.62
latInitialP = -34.58
lonInitialP = 305.43
'sdfopen C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\V10m_'ano'.nc'
*Storing out
'set gxout print'
'set prnopts %10.2f 1 1'
in = 1
test = 1460
if ( math_fmod(ano,4) = 0 )
test = 1464
while(in <= test)
'set t 'in
in2 = in + 3
say in
say in2
'define m = ave('var',t='in',t='in2')'
'set lat 'latInitialP''
'set lon 'lonInitialP''
'd m'
valor = sublin(result,2)
lixo = write('C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\'var'_'ano'.txt',valor)
in = in + 4
lixo = close(''var'_'ano'.txt')
ano = ano + 1
I don't get an error (message) about that. That works fine, the problem is the result files. All result files have the first result, like a file replication. When I perform that not using a loop, but changing each value for "ano" by myself, I got different result.
The problem is, in my point of view, the command:
'sdfopen C:\Pesquisa_Michelle\dados_amandenha\V10m_'ano'.nc'
This command aren't replace the files for each "ano".
The problem is that you are never closing your input datafile or resetting grads during your main loop. Consider this example where I open a file:
% grads -l
ga-> open data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Scanning description file: data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Data file data/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 1
LON set to -79.5 79.5
LAT set to -79.5 79.5
LEV set to 0.05 0.05
Time values set: 0:7:3:0 0:7:3:0
E set to 1 1
Notice that it says open as file 1. Now I'll narrow down my selection to a single grid point and display the pressure:
ga-> set lat 0
LAT set to 0.125 0.125
ga-> set lon 0
LON set to 0.125 0.125
ga-> set lev 5
LEV set to 4.92368 4.92368
ga-> d prs
Result value = 55198.4
The pressure is 551 hPa. Looks good. Now lets open another data file without closing this one:
ga-> open data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Scanning description file: data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl
Data file data-fine/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 2
Notice this says open as file 2. Lets display pressure from this file:
ga-> d prs
Result value = 55198.4
Wait, this is the same value? Yes, because we are still displaying from file 1, here prs is the same as writing prs.1. If we want pressure from the second file, we need to use prs.2:
ga-> d prs.2
Result value = -9.99e+08
Different result (and this on is missing because there is no data at this time step in the second file.
There are two ways to fix this.
Where you are incrementing ano in your loop, add the command close 1. This will close the input data file so when the next one is loaded the display commands will properly display its content.
At the top of your loop, before sdfopen add reinit, which will reset lots of things, including closing all open files. You set your output up in each loop iteration so this shouldn't be a problem for you.

I'm new to visual basic and trying to understand how to set individual bits in a byte [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Hi, I am new to Visual Basic, I have a project where I need to be able to manipulate individual bits in a value.
I need to be able to switch these bits between 1 and 0 and combine multiple occurrences of bits into one variable in my code.
Each bit will represent a single TRUE / FALSE value, so I'm not looking for how to do a single TRUE / FALSE value in one variable, but rather multiple TRUE / FALSE values in one variable.
Can someone please explain to me how I can achieve this please.
Many thanks in advance.
Does it have to be exactly one bit?
Why don't you just use the actual built in VB data type of Boolean for this.
It's sole reason for existence is so you can define variables that have 2 states, true or false.
Dim myVar As Boolean
myVar = True
myVar = Flase
if myVar = False Then
myVar = True
End If
After reading through the various answers and comments from the OP I now understand what it is the OP is trying to achieve.
As others have said the smallest unit one can use in any of these languages is an 8 bit byte. There is simply no order of data type with a smaller bit size than this.
However, with a bit of creative thinking and a smattering of binary operations, you can refer to the contents of that byte as individual bits.
First however you need to understand the binary number system:
ALL numbers in binary are to the power of two, from right to left.
Each column is the double of it's predecessor, so:
1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8 and so on
looking at this purely in a binary number your columns would be labelled thus:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 (Remember it's right to left)
this gives us the following:
The bit at position 1 = 1;
The bit at position 2 = 2;
The bit at position 3 = 4;
The bit at position 4 = 8;
and so on.
Using this method on the smallest data type you have (The byte) you can pack 8 bit's into one value. That is you could use one variable to hold 8 separate values of 1 or 0
So while you cannot go any smaller than a byte, you can still reduce memory consumption by packing 8 values into 1 variable.
How do you read and write the values?
Remember the column positions? well you can use something called Bit Shifting and Bit masks.
Bit Shifting is the process of using the
A shifting operation takes as a parameter the number of columns to shift.
Dim byte myByte
myByte = 1 << 4
In this case the variable 'myByte' would become equal to 16, but you would have actually set bit position 5 to a 1, if we illustrate this, it will make better sense:
mybyte = 0 = 00000000 = 0
mybyte = 1 = 00000001 = 1
mybyte = 2 = 00000010 = (1 << 1)
mybyte = 4 = 00000100 = (1 << 2)
mybyte = 8 = 00001000 = (1 << 3)
mybyte = 16 = 00010000 = (1 << 4)
the 0 through to 16 if you note is equal to the right to left column values I mentioned above.
given what Iv'e just explained then, if you wanted to set bits 5, 4 and 1 to be equal to 1 and the rest to be 0, you could simply use:
mybyte = 25(16 + 8 + 1) = 00011001 = (1 << 4) + (1 << 3) + 1
to get your bits back out, into a singleton you just bit shift the other way
retrieved bit = mybyte >> 4 = 00000001
Now there is unfortunately however one small flaw with the bit shifting method.
by shifting back and forth you are highly likely to LOOSE information from any bits you might already have set, in order to prevent this from happening, it's better to combine your bit shifting operations with bit masks and boolean operations such as 'AND' & 'OR'
To understand what these do you first need to understand simple logic principles as follows:
Output is one if both the A and B inputs are 1
Illustrating this graphically
A B | Output
0 0 | 0
0 1 | 0
1 0 | 0
1 1 | 1
As you can see if a bit position in our input number is a 1 and the same position in our input number B is 1, then we will keep that position in our output number, otherwise we will discard the bit and set it to a 0, take the following example:
00011001 = Bits 5,4 and 1 are set
00010000 = Our mask ONLY has bit 5 set
if we perform
00011001 AND 0010000
we will get a result of
which we can then shift down by 5
00010000 >> 5 = 00000001 = 1
so by using AND we now have a way of checking an individual bit in our byte for a value of 1:
if ((mybyte AND 16) >> 1) = 1 then
'Bit one is set
'Bit one is NOT set
end if
by using different masks, with the different values of 2 in the right to left columns as shown previously, we can easily extract different singular values from our byte and treat them as a simple bit value.
Setting a byte is just as easy, except you perform the operation the opposite way using an 'OR'
Output is one if either the A or B inputs are 1
Illustrating this graphically
A B | Output
0 0 | 0
0 1 | 1
1 0 | 1
1 1 | 1
00011001 OR 00000100 = 00011101
as you can see the bit at position 4 has been set.
To answer the fundamental question that started all this off however, you cannot use a data type in VB that has any resolution less than 1 byte, I suspect if you need absolute bit wise accuracy I'm guessing you must be writing either a compression algorithm or some kind of encryption system. :-)
01010100 01110010 01110101 01100101, is the string value of the word "TRUE"
What you want is to store the information in a boolean
Dim v As Boolean
v = True
v = False
If number = 84 Then ' 84 = 01010100 = T
v = True
End If
Other info
Technicaly you can't store anything in a bit, the smallest value is a char which is 8 bit. You'll need to learn how to do bitwise operation. Or use the BitArray class.
VB.NET (nor any other .NET language that I know of) has a "bit" data type. The smallest that you can use is a Byte. (Not a Char, they are two-bytes in size). So while you can read and convert a byte of value 84 into a byte with value 1 for true, and convert a byte of value 101 into a byte of value 0 for false, you are not saving any memory.
Now, if you have a small and fixed number of these flags, you CAN store several of them in one of the integer data types (in .NET the largest integer data type is 64 bits). Or if you have a large number of these flags you can use the BitArray class (which uses the same technique but backs it with an array so storage capacity is greater).