How to find and replace multiple values in Excel? - vba

I have for example a column of 18000 domains and another list with 210.000 domain which those 18000 domains can be found. I need to do smth like CTRL + H, for find and replace, and in the find field I need to add the entire 18000 domains: smth like * *, * *, * * and replace them with blank space. Tried this with find and replace from excel but it doesn't work to add more than 1 value in the Find field. How can i do it for multiple values?

VBA solution
You will need to change the two sheet references (data and edit sheet) data = source, edit = destination. I've also set the replace string to a variable so you can change this from an empty string if required.
If you need any other logic (ie Trim the strings before compare or a change to the strings case comparison) the code should be reasonably easy to tweak.
Hope this helps.
Sub ReplaceValues()
Dim dataSht As Worksheet
Dim editSht As Worksheet
Dim dataRange As Range
Dim dataColumn As Long
Dim editColumn As Long
Dim dataEndRow As Long
Dim editEndRow As Long
'sheet that holds all the values we want to find
Set dataSht = Sheet2
'sheet we want to edit
Set editSht = Sheet1
Dim replaceValue As String
'replace value is empty string
replaceValue = ""
'set the column of the data sheet to A
dataColumn = 1
'set the colmun of the sheet to edit to A
editColumn = 1
dataEndRow = dataSht.Cells(dataSht.Rows.count, dataColumn).End(xlUp).Row
editEndRow = editSht.Cells(editSht.Rows.count, editColumn).End(xlUp).Row
'this is the range of the data that we're looking for
Set dataRange = dataSht.Range(dataSht.Cells(1, dataColumn), dataSht.Cells(dataEndRow, dataColumn))
Dim count As Long
Dim val As String
For i = 1 To editEndRow
val = editSht.Cells(i, editColumn).Value
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dataRange, val)
If count > 0 And Trim(val) <> "" Then
editSht.Cells(i, editColumn).Value = replaceValue
End If
Next i
End Sub
You can use wildcards with find/replace. So in your situation you should be able to use something like
domain* in the find what Field and nothing in the Replace field


Looping through columns to get column numbers based on headers

I have a template with a set number of columns (170) and title headers (row 1 cell name's). This is always the same, until users add columns in between (they're instructed not to change headers). The idea is to make it tamperproof as far as the adding of columns is involved.
I'd like to make variables to hold some of the headers (with the capacity to hold all) and check these with the template to find out the column number (in a loop I reckon). It's probably wisest to make a function to call upon it?
Dim ColHeader1Str as string 'literal row 1, column 1 value (which is always
'the same string and position in the template)
Dim iColHeader1 as integer 'holds the (to be set) value of the column number
Set ColHeader1Str = "ColHeader1"
Now I'd like a loop where it loops trough all the columns (last column = 200) and checks to see what the column number is that matches the ColHeader1Str and store this in the iColHeader1
So something like:
Function find_columnNmbr
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 200 Step 1
If 'ColHeader1Str matches actual column header name
'set found integer as iColHeader1 and so forth
Exit For
End If
End Function`
I know I'm missing a few steps and I'm hoping you guys can help me out.
Update: The template has set column headers. When users interact with it a result could be that columns shift position, or they add more. I have a workbook that needs to load data out of the user's altered template.
I.E. The template has columns 1, 2, 3, 4 and the names are column1, column 2 etc. A user ads a random column so now there are 5. The loop needs to loop through the names of the column headers and identify the column number of the original template columns 1, 2 etc based on a string variable with the original names, which I've hard coded beforehand. These are public constants.
What function LookForHeaders do: input a string, then search for the string in usersheet.range(1:1). If it is found, return the column number of that cell, otherwise it returns 0.
Private Function LookForHeaders(ByVal headerName As String) As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim userSheet As WorkSheet
Set userSheet = 'userSheet here'
On Error GoTo NotFound
LookForHeaders = userSheet.Range("1:1").Find(headerName).Column
Exit Function
LookForHeaders = 0
End Function
Private Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim template As WorkSheet
Set template = 'template here'
For Each rng In template.Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(1,200))
iColHeader1 = LookForHeaders(rng.Value)
'Do something with iColHeader1
Next rng
End Sub
Not sure what your looking for but here is example
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim i As Long
LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
For i = 1 To LastCol
If Cells(i) = "Name" Then
Debug.Print Cells(i).Address
End If
End Sub

Defining cells in VBA

I'm trying to write a macro that allows a user to enter a new banknote serial number. The macro requires 3 inputs (currency, denomination and serial number). I'm a beginner to VBA, but the code I tried to write is below. Can anyone point out where I went wrong, or what needs to be changed to make it work? Thanks!
Sub TestSub()
Dim Note_Serial As Variant
Dim Note_Currency As Variant
Dim Note_Denomination As Variant
'Defining 3 inputs
Note_Currency = InputBox("Enter Currency (in 3 letter form):")
Note_Denomination = InputBox("Enter Note Denomination (with $ sign):")
Note_Serial = InputBox("Enter Serial Number:")
'Getting 3 inputs
Dim Currency_Cell As Range
Dim Denomination_Cell As Range
Dim Serial_Cell As Range
'Defining cells to write inputs
Currency_Cell = (D3)
Denomination_Cell = (E3)
Serial_Cell = (F3)
'Starting cells
Currency_Cell = Note_Currency
Denomination_Cell = Note_Denomination
Serial_Cell = Note_Serial
'Writing inputs to spreadsheet
Currency_Cell.Offset (1)
Denomination_Cell.Offset (1)
Serial_Cell.Offset (1)
'Moving all cells down 1 place
End Sub
Instead of writing Currency_Cell = (D3), you want to write Set Currency_Cell = Range("D3") (Assuming that you don't switch the active Worksheet).
EDIT: To prevent overwriting previously entered data, use instead:
Set Currency_Cell = Cells(Rows.Count, Range("D3").Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
This will select the first empty Cell in Column D.
To move the cell reference, you have to also use the Set keyword, and give the offset in rows and columns:
Set Currency_Cell = Currency_Cell.Offset (1, 0)

Excel VBA CountA method on named range

I've built a name range for 20 cells so that I can input a new list of projects which will vary from 1 to 20. I want to write a macro so that it reads the number of projects and creates the correct number of tabs, and names the tab after the project name listed in the named range. I've done all of this except I can't get the countA function to work. The named range is csCount. if I change the For loop to the correct number in one instance (if I put 7 because right now I have 7 projects) the loop and macro are correct. I want to make it more dynamic using the countA. Thank you very much for the help.
Sub generateDepartments()
Dim tabs As Integer
Dim sName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim csCount As Variant
tabs = Application.CountA(csCount)
j = 5
i = tabs
For i = 2 To Application.CountA(csCount)
sName = Cells(j, 3).Value
Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(i)).Name = sName
j = j + 1
End Sub
First you need to create a variable to access your named range: Set csCount = ActiveWorkbook.Names("csCount").RefersToRange or Set csCount = ActiveSheet.Range("csCount")
Then use Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(csCount)
Also, is better to define as a Range instead of Variant Dim csCount As Range

Group sheets with names in a string variable

I want to group a number of sheets that has sheet names with in a string variable, the group of sheets will be used to format each sheet within the group.
The string (let's call it, SheetsFormat) contains all sheet names that need to be formatted, each value within the string was added into the dynamic string when it was created.
The question is how to create a group of sheets that reference the SheetsFormat string?
Example of the string contents: "Mon Maint", "Mon Mgnt", "Tue Prod" etc.
The code I used was:
Dim ws as worksheet, ws_group As Worksheets
Set ws_group = Sheets(Array(SheetsFormat))
For Each ws In ws_group
'some staff
Here's a sample procedure to get you going. You can build your array in any number of ways, but the end result will follow this patter--iterating through an array (or similar) to do the same operations on the set of worksheets.
Sub SampleDoSomethingToMultipleSheets()
Dim SheetsFormat(3) As String
SheetsFormat(0) = "Mon Maint"
SheetsFormat(1) = "Mon Mgnt"
SheetsFormat(2) = "Tue Prod"
Dim idx As Integer
For idx = 0 To UBound(SheetsFormat) - 1
With Sheets(SheetsFormat(idx))
' put your code here, e.g.
.Range("A1").Value = "StackOverflow is awesome"
End With
Next idx
End Sub
Here's an example that does what you want. It uses the Split function which splits a string into an array based on a separator.
Sub LoopThroughSheetsString()
Dim SheetsFormat As String
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
SheetsFormat = "Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3"
'loop through the array created by splitting SheetsFormat on commas
For Each ws In Sheets(Split(SheetsFormat, ","))
Debug.Print ws.Name
Next ws
End Sub
Note that it's one long string with double-quotes only at the beginning and end.

VBA Excel concatenating two variable values to form a new variable

I am trying to write a code that reads in multiple entities, catorgorizes and sorts them. Each entity has a type (A, B, C, etc.) that should determine what sheet it gets put into and all of them get put into my "All" sheet. Each time I find an entity of any given type I'd also like to increment a variable specific to that type.
What I'd like to do if find the type and do two things:
Set the current sheet to that type.
Set the counter variable to that type.
Dim x As Integer, FindSlot As Integer
Dim CurrentSheet As String, CurrentPropertyNumb As String
Dim APropertyNumb As String, BPropertyNumb As String
Dim CPropertyNumb As String
For x = 1 to 2
If x = 1 Then
CurrentSheet = "All"
CurrentSheet = Range("B" & FindSlot)
CurrentPropertyNumb = CurrentSheet & PropertyNumb
End If
Next x
In the else block, CurrentSheet will get set to "A", "B", "C" or whatever the type is. Then I'd like CurrentPropertyNumb to get set to "APropertyNumb" or "BPropertyNumb" etc. Obviously I could do this with several If statements but it would end up being 12 of them which I'd rather avoid plus I think this would be cool! :)
Is there any way to do this or am I being too lofty with my goals?
If you have a series of values which you'd like to index using a string value then a Dictionary is a good fit:
Dim x As Integer, FindSlot As Integer
Dim CurrentSheet As String, CurrentPropertyNumb As String
Dim PropNums as Object
Dim CPropertyNumb As String
Set PropNums = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
For x = 1 to 2
If x = 1 Then
CurrentSheet = "All"
CurrentSheet = Range("B" & FindSlot)
If Not PropNums.Exists(CurrentSheet) Then
PropNums.Add CurrentSheet, 1 '? what are the initial values here?
PropNums(CurrentSheet) = PropNums(CurrentSheet) +1
End If
CurrentPropertyNumb = PropNums(CurrentSheet)
End If
Next x