Valence will give 403 on a GET lp/courses to some student users - authentication

For some reason, some users who try to connect through my app receive a 403 response for the /courses end point of the valence API. See below for details:
The scenario:
User can authenticate with Desire2Learn and is permitted to hit the
/whoami end point. This is always the case as the API does not allow
for this end point to require permissions.
All routes are being retrieved by a GET request
Other routes I receive success responses include:
Once we try to hit lp/courses I receive a 403 forbidden.
I see this route is deprecated in 10.3.0, The D2L instance I am working with is on version 10.1.0
I'm wondering if this is a group permissions issue or if my authentication is incorrect (it does work for multiple other requests)? Any ideas will be appreciated.

It looks like the /courses endpoint did not have the right authentication for my user. IT turns out though that this was for good reason. Luckily I could use the information gathered in /myenrollments instead.


Apache nifi getTwitter Processor returning 403 forbidden

I want to use Apache Nifi to track real time tweets
i pasted in my keys correctly but all requests return this error :
19:15:20 UTC ERROR
GetTwitter[id=59b5cb18-017e-1000-a6a2-991a653ec138] Received error HTTP_ERROR: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden. Will attempt to reconnect
i dont know where the problem is from.
thank you.
403 Forbidden means the Twitter API is rejecting your request - your access keys could be incorrect, or you might not have the right access rights for the endpoint you're accessing.
The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. An accompanying error message will explain why.
Check that your developer account includes access to the endpoint you’re trying to use. You may also need to get your App allowlisted (e.g. Engagement API or Ads API) or sign up for access.
Make sure you follow the advice from Twitter here and make note of:
With Essential access, you are only able to make requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, and not the v1.1 or enterprise endpoints. You are limited to 500K Tweets/month, and unable to take advantage of certain developer portal functionality such as teams and access to additional App environments
There are limits on what you can do with the Essential access level. See here.
If that doesn't help - please include a screenshot of your GetTwitter config and your version of NiFi.
If it raises 403 error while using GetTwitter processor in nifi.
API Key & consumer key aren't only a problem. Change the Twitter endpoint field while configuring the GetTwitter processor from
Filter Endpoint
Firehose Endpoint
In the field of twitter endpoint
Probably this will work!!

403 Access Denied for customers in Magento REST API

I am getting 403 Access Denied error for in Magento Everything in admin side rest & admin roles and resources are proper and set to "All". Though is working but not able to fetch customers and getting Access Denied.
I tried with other Magento version setups also in same server but all gives 403 Access Denied error for customers and working fine for products.
Server is using SUPHP. What could be solution?
How are you making the calls? Is it a php script or are you using something like this? You need to give this detail to identify the erroe
How to use POSTMAN rest client with magento REST api with Oauth. How to get Token and Token Secret?
I have found this tutorial is great to pinpoint where the error are ie the parameters not being encoded with the url etc

Gmail label request fails with http 403 (forbidden)

I have an application that uses OAuth 2 to access Gmail. This is working fine for most users. For some users, however, my application fails at the point of trying to read the Gmail labels, with http error 403 (forbidden). Keep in mind that previous to this API call, I have accessed the user profile successfully. Here is the call that fails:
GET /gmail/v1/users/
I am requesting the following scopes when getting the access token, and the user has logged in to Google and accepted the request for access (and I can see this when we look at his security dashboard):
Note that I just added the gmail.labels scope in at attempt to fix this.
Again, this code is working fine for most users - why do some users fail the label request?
Use the shorthand value me instead of and the user who the access token belongs to will be used automatically.

Occasionally 401 Unauthorized Google Cloud Message

While using Google Cloud Message API I occasionally get 401 Unauthorized status. So, sometimes my push notifications are send and sometimes not, without changing anything in the API request.
I use curl request with server key.
I tried to specify IPs list and set it to "Any IP allowed".
I already tried to create new server keys and projects, as some people here tell it helps them in similar situation. Sadly, it not helps me.
I'm seeing a similar problem with other Google Cloud APIs and I suspect it's related to your authentication being expired. Make sure to refresh any tokens you are using.

What HTTP error codes should my API return if a 3rd party API auth fails?

I'm writing a REST-ish API service the provides the ability to interact with the end user's data in other 3rd party services (themselves REST APIs) via OAuth. A common example might be publishing data from my service to a third-party service such as Facebook or Twitter.
Suppose, for example, I perform an OAuth dance with the end user and Facebook, resulting in some short-term access token that my service can use to interact with the user's Facebook account. If that access token expires and the user attempts to use my service to publish to Facebook, what sort of error do I return to the user?
401 doesn't seem quite right to me; it seems that 401 would apply to the user's auth state with MY service. 403 seems much more appropriate, but also quite generic.
401 is the way to go. Two excerpts from the RFC2616 which defines the HTTP protocol:
Section 10.4.2 (about 401):
If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401
response indicates that authorization has been refused for those
This seems to be appropriate for expired tokens. There are authentication credentials, but they're refused, so the user agent must re-authenticate.
Section 10.4.4 (about 403):
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
This should be used when the resource can't be accessed despite the user credentials. Could be a website/API that works only on US being hit by a asian IP or a webpage that has been declared harmful and was deactivated (so the content WAS found, but the server is denying serving it).
On OAuth2, the recommended workflow depends on how the token is being passed. If passed by the Authorization header, the server may return a 401. When passed via query string parameter, the most appropriate response is a 400 Bad Request (unfortunately, the most generic one HTTP has). This is defined by section 5.2 of the OAuth2 spec
There's nothing wrong with being generic, and it sounds like a 403 status would be relevant - there is nothing stopping you from providing a more human readable version that elaborates in a bit more detail why.
I think the following is a comprehensive list if you have some level of ambition when it comes to error responses.
400 Bad Request
For requests that are malformed, for example if a parameter requires an int between 0-9 and 11 has been sent. You can return this, and in the response body specify parameter x requires a value between 0 and 9
401 Unauthorized
Used only for authorization issues. The signature may be wrong, the nonce may have been used before, the timestamp that was sent is not within an acceptable time window, again, use the response body to specify more exactly why you respond with this. For the sake of clarify use this only for OAuth related errors.
403 Forbidden
Expressly to signify that an operation that is well formed, and authorized, is not possible at all (either right now, or ever). Take for example if a resource has been locked for editing by another user: use the response body to say something along the lines of Another person is editing this right now, you'll have to wait mmkay?.
403 Forbidden can also have to do with trying to reach resources. Say for example that a user has access to a resource /resource/101212/properties.json but not to /resource/999/properties.json, then you can simply state: Forbidden due to access rights in the response body.
404 Not Found
The requested resource does not exist. Or the URL simply does not successfully map to an API in your service. Specify in response body.
405 Method Not Allowed
This is to represent that the API can not be called with for example GET but another method must be used. When this is returned also you MUST return the extra response header Allow: POST, PUT, etc.