SiteController cannot find the requested view - yii

I am new to YII framework.I have installed Yii framework and I created one new sample project.
by default one sample application is coming. I am trying to add one new page to that site. i have created one new tab in menu. I copied that file to view folder.
when I click that tab in menu I got bellow error.
SiteController cannot find the requested view "adddep".
please any one can help me to solve this problem.

The file adddep.php should be under views/site folder.

you say copy file to view folder and add a menu tab, you must follow mvc structure,
If you only create view file then you must need to create controller file, its not directly hit view file, first its hit controller file
here some tutorial link:


TYPO3 Extension Builder v10: records from BE not showing up in List View

I created a new extension "lecturers" with the TYPO3 Extension Builder (v.10.0.1).
As default actions, I added list, show and create. After creating the extension, I did not modify any of the files except the list template.
Usually, I add new data within the BE, as it can be seen in the image:
But when I open the list view, no data is shown. Also, the repository is empty (<f:debug>{lecturers}</f:debug>.
However, when I added a record within the create view, the repository as well as the list view includes that one record.
Does anyone know which lines of code I am missing, to include the BE records in my repository as well? Thank you for your help!
After removing the setting of persistence in the generated folder TypoScript/setup.typoscript it worked

How do I create a Robots.txt editor in Sitefinity mvc?

I want to create an editor for the Robots.txt file in Sitefinity. I want to give the user ability to edit this. How do I do this? I am using the latest version of Sitefinity and MVC. Any examples or related articles, etc. will be useful.
If the user has access to Administration > File Manager, then he can go there, download the file, edit it and upload it again. That's the easiest option and does not require custom code.
If that's not an option, then you can create an MVC widget which reads the file and displays it in a textarea for instance.
User can then make changes and submit them to the controller which will save them to the file.
Then you can place this widget on a custom backend page.

Openerp 7 access right layout

i have created security access for the user's. after creating i got the view like below image.
By giving permissions in .csv file like 1, 1, 1, 1 as shown in below image.
My Question is this permissions should be bring to front end. the admin can give access rights/permissions to the different users. Can we bring that permissions to front end?
Admin will directly file access like this.
And can we change the layout like below image.
How can i do this.
Thanks in advance
Your problem will be easily Solved using Creating the Controller in ODOO 8.0
You must have to Follow the Below steps for creating your layout As you want.
Create the new model class (in the form of object) in your module.
the class contain the login of get the detail of ir.model.access (which is base object of odoo)
Create the View file For displaying the your layout in the form of web page
the view file use the bootstrap classes for designing your web page layout.
the view file use as the rendering the detail of ir.model.access object
hear the Layout is based on Qweb Template as well as the web page menu for displaying your data in your webpage
Finally run the controller in your browser and see the detail of your access rights in the form of webpage

NopCommerce 3.3 Add link for custom Plugin Action in ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml, unable to find Controller and model of same view

We had created a Custom Plugin , The Nop.Web Site provided to us by our Client did not had Controller, models, Nop.Web.cs project. Initially We did not require to access much of the Nop.Web project as everything was managed through Plugin
But now there was need to add a custom Link on the ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml view of Nop.Web/Themes/Motion/View/Catalog
Link was to add the product into a custom registry Cart.
The link access ActionResult from "Catalog" Controller supposed to be in Nop.Web Controller.
I need to pass it our Custom Plugin Controller and Action Result. But it throws error as it cannot find the controller nor "Our Custom Plugin Controller" neither the "Catalog" controller.
Can anyone suggest us solution to achieve this in better way.
Any help will be appreciated.
Can you open your controller action in a separate window? Are you sure it's valid?
Have you looked at widgets which are supported by nopCommerce? This way you won't need to edit the cshtml file

Sugarcrm : modify actions on Dashlet quickEdit button

I have a very specific question on Sugarcrm.
I'm using version Enterprise 6.5.16, and i'm coming to a dead-end.
What i currently have :
When the user is on his homepage, he has a Dashlet called "My open Cases", which displays every open Cases assigned to/or created by him.
For each row of this dashlet, we have a quickEdit icon displayed. (you know, the little pen).
When the user clicks on that little icon, it opens the quickcreate (or quickedit?) popup.
What i want to achieve is :
I want, when the user clicks on the icon, that Sugar does not open a popup, but opens a new browser tab on EditView.
So basically, when on Home, when the user wants to edit "Case01--Issue" from the dashlet, instead of poping the quickcreate (or quickedit) form, i want to open a new browser tab with the complete edit view of "Case01 -- Issue".
What do i have to do? I did not see the definition of the icon in custom/modules/Cases/metadata/dashletviewdefs.php nor elsewhere.
Thanks by advance for your help and time!
The "My Cases" dashlet, and most dashlets, extend the DashletGeneric class, found in /include/Dashlets/DashletGeneric.php. This uses the template file DashletGenericDisplay.tpl in the same directory, and this is the template that displays the quick edit button.
To remove or alter the quick edit button, you would extend My Cases and insist that it use a custom smarty template of your own creation. In /custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.php you might have the following:
class CustomMyCasesDashlet extends MyCasesDashlet{
$displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
You would then copy the original template to the new file and location referenced by CustomMyCasesDashlet::displayTpl and adjust as desired.
For your Dashlet to register correctly with the system, you'll also need your CustomMyCasesDashlet.meta.php file. Copy the original to your custom directory and adjust labels as necessary -- the key is to replace references to MyCasesDashlet with CustomMyCasesDashlet.
You should create your own dashlet (with copying existing one in "custom" folder), replace all standart entries to your own. Add copy of DashletGenericDisplay.tpl too and name it like CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl.
It's not necessary to extend MyCasesDashlet class. You can leave "extends DashletGeneric".
In constructor function CustomMyCasesDashlet() just add the line:
$this->displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
Pay attention to $this->. Its necessary to override DashletGeneric field.
Copy the file from modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet.php and paste it to custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet
If you don't have Cases folder inside the custom directory, create one.
After copying the file, add a property to load your custom TPL file.
Default DashletGenericDisplay.tpl file located at include/Dashlets/
class MyCasesDashlet extends DashletGeneric {
var $displayTpl = "custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/DashletGenericDisplay.tpl";