XPages - unsorted Dojo Data Grid opens incorrect document - dojo

I'm using a Dojo Data grid together with a REST service to display view data. When I double click on a row, an XPage is opened. My problem is that, if one of the columns in the grid is not sorted, the wrong XPage is opened. What could be the problem here?
<xe:djxDataGrid id="P_Alle_DDG" store="restService2"
styleClass="DojoViewTable" title="Pendenzen - Alle" autoHeight="20"
rowsPerPage="25" selectable="true" selectionMode="multiple"
singleClickEdit="true" rowSelector="2" style="font-size:12pt"
<xe:this.onRowDblClick><![CDATA[var idx = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var unid = restService2._items[idx].attributes["#unid"];
var url = 'Reparatur.xsp?documentId='+unid+'&action=openDocument';
window.document.location.href = url;]]></xe:this.onRowDblClick>
UPDATE: With the following JavaScript code the problem has been solved:
var grid = arguments[0].grid;
var index = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var item = grid.getItem(index);
var unid = item.attributes["#unid"];
var url = 'Reparatur.xsp?documentId='+unid+'&action=openDocument';
window.document.location.href = url;

Tony, try this method of opening the document. The code if very similar to yours, but the key difference is that I made a view column that contains the unid, I called it "docid". This works for me.
var grid = arguments[0].grid;
var index = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var item = grid.getItem(index);
var unid = item["docid"];
var url = "New_PO.xsp?doc=" + unid;
window.document.location.href = url;


Using getBlob() with activesheet to create pdf is missing recent updates [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Creating and Sending sheets in the same function
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to save a single-sheet spreadsheet to pdf. Many blogs explain how to do this using getBlob() so I ended up with this:
var theBlob = jobSpreadSheet.getBlob().getAs('application/pdf');
var newFile = getPdfFolder().createFile(theBlob.setName(fileName + ".pdf"));
To create jobSpreadSheet I have created a new spreadsheet:
var tempSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create(name);
var driveTempFile = DriveApp.getFileById(tempSpreadsheet.getId());
var jobsFolder = getJobsFolder();
var driveNewFile = driveTempFile.makeCopy(name, jobsFolder);
var jobSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.open(driveNewFile);
Next I copy a template into the new spreadsheet and remove the empty first sheet:
var jobCard = jobCardTemplate.copyTo(jobSpreadSheet).setName('Job Card');
Then I update a few cells in the jobCard and finally create the pdf.
All the steps work except creating the pdf. The pdf is created, it contains the template, but not the updated values.
Should I make the create pdf step somehow wait for the updates to be saved?
Are you calling .saveChanges() anywhere in your script? (Before getting the blob.)
Not sure if this is required with sheets, but I had a similar issue in docs because I was not saving changes before getting the blob.
Just tested with the following code and it appears that .saveChanges is not required:
function test() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, 1).setValue("Test");
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(ss.getId());
var blob = file.getBlob().getAs('application/pdf');

Get the value of selectbox in cocoascript

I'm developing a sketch plugin. In the modal window I'm using to get user input there is a select. I can access the value of textField but I can't access value of the select.
Here is where I create the select:
var chooseFormatOptions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.pdf'];
var chooseFormatSelect = NSComboBox.alloc().initWithFrame(NSMakeRect(0, 250, viewWidth, 30));
Here is where I try to get the combo box value
if (response == "1000"){
var projectName = projectField.stringValue();
var deviceName1 = firstDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim1 = firstDimfield.stringValue();
var deviceName2 = secondDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim2 = secondDimfield.stringValue();
var format = chooseFormatSelect.objectValues.indexOfSelectedItem(),
//var scale = chooseScaleOptions.stringValue();
//var pathOption = choosePathOptions.stringValue();
The error that it gives me when I run the plugin (if response == 1000) is: can't find variable chooseFormatSelect.
Do you know why I can get values of input fields (so it can find variables) but not that of the select one?
What about access text field 'text' variable while observing changes?
You may find this link helpfull (to add observe).
For NSComboBox follow this
Simply implement delegate then access value through following method

How do I correct the "Object Expected" Error when it inloves var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();?

Hi have been getting an error stating.. Object Expected for these 2 lines of code:
function AsyncSave(send) {
//alert ('In CustomSave');
var drp = document.getElementById("Sample_sample_DropDownChoice");
var drpValue = drp.options[drp.selectedIndex].value;
var varAnalysis = getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle("textarea","TextField","Principal Comments");
var varAnalysisTextBoxID = RTE_GetEditorDocument(varAnalysis.id);
var varAnalysisText = varAnalysisTextBoxID.body.innerText;
alert ('Save N Send');
alert (drpValue);
alert (varAnalysisText);
Error Happens when it gets to the line below
var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();
var itemID = queryStringVals["itemID"];
What could be the problem.. should I be running different up to date SPServices.. this is 2010 btw.
The goal is to take the values entered, save them, and update them (send) to another form/List.
SharePoint 2010 has a built-in JavaScript method for retrieving values from the query string. Try using the following:
var itemID = GetUrlKeyValue("itemID");
That's assuming the URL of the page on which the script is running actually has a query string parameter of "itemID"

has no method getColumnModel EXTJS4

I am new to EXTJS. I am working on migrating the existing extjs3 code to extjs4.
How can I replace the code in order to work in extjs4?
var cm = this.grid.getColumnModel();
cm is being used as below:
var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
Thanks in advance!
var columns = this.grid.getView().getHeaderCt().getGridColumns();
That will return an array of all the columns in the grid. You can then replicate the actions you listed above:
// replaces cm.getColumnCount();
// replaces var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
var c = columns[i];

Orchard - Creating Query Programmatically

I am creating a custom module in Orchard. After I enable my module I would like to create a query programmatically.
I do that in my Migrations.cs file thanks to implementation of IDependency interface.
I am able to create the query but I do I programmatically set filters of that query?
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
I found out how to do this:
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().ContentItem.ContentType = "Announcement";
var filterGroupRecord = new FilterGroupRecord();
var filterRecord = new FilterRecord()
Category = "Content",
Type = "ContentTypes",
Description = "Announcement",
Position = 1,
State = "<Form><Description>Announcement</Description><ContentTypes>Announcement</ContentTypes></Form>"
filterGroupRecord.Filters.Insert(0, filterRecord);
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().FilterGroups.Insert(0, filterGroupRecord);