iOS 6 simulators in Xcode 5 - ios7

I have installed Xcode5 with iOS 7 SDK but I am not able to test iOS 6 simulator or prior in Xcode 5.
I have tried Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Components but it doesn't show an option for downloading the iOS 6 simulator.

Open Preferences (⌘+,) then go to the Downloads tab. There you can download the simulator for the iOS you want.
This can be found where you choose the simulator and then click on "more simulators..."

To add on to Joan Cardona answer, the "More Simulators" option will only be available if your deployment target is below 7.0 .
Target -> Project Name -> Under 'Deployment Target'
Change your Deployment Target to anything lower than 7.0. The "More Simulators" option will then be visible.

Go to Xcode and it's under Xcode > Preferences.

Still we can use ios 6 simulator in xcode 5.1.
If you cant see iOS 6 simulator in downloads. Try this one,
download xcode 4 sdk and copy the ios 6 simulator sdk from xcode4,
[Application->xcode 4 ->contents->developer->platforms->iphone
simulator platform->developer->sdk folder.]
And paste ios 6 simulator sdk to xcode 5, [Application->xcode5->
platform->developer->sdk folder]
I followed this steps and got ios 6 simulator,. see below

I had this issue and resolved it by closing Xamarin studio.
Makes sense in hindsight...

Please click on active scheme and select "More Simulator",There you can download the simulator for the iOS.
Please check this screen short


How to test my app on ios 7 using Xcode 6 simulator

I'm trying to test my app with ios7 using Xcode 6's simulator but I can't find the option to change it. Currently it only loads ios8 while my deployment target is set to 7.
Also according to this message from Apple:
Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
Does this mean that new apps cannot run on ios7 anymore?
Thank you for your help.
First, Change Deployment Target to 7.You can change Deployment target from target under Deployment Info.
Go to Xcode Preferences, Select Downloads tab and download iOS7 Simulator.
Now go to Xcode, you can find iOS7 Simulator on target device list, if not than quit and restart Xcode.
Hope it will help.
The deployment target is the minimum version of iOS that your application will be expected to run on. It effects how your app is BUILT and not where you run it. You need to choose an iOS 7 device from the run destinations menu and then do a Build&Run to build, install, and run the app on the iOS 7 device.
If you don't have an iOS 7 simulator device in the run destinations menu, go download the iOS 7 runtime from Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
Yes you can, go to xcode(7) preferences>select Components here you can download Simulater and Documents also.

Xcode 5 not detecting iPhone running iOS 8

I have an iPhone with iOS 8 installed on it, but when I connect it to Xcode 5.1, it doesn't recognize it.
As with the other answers, it seemed fairly random whether or not my iOS 8 device was being picked up by Xcode 5.1. It appears that it works if you have the iOS 8 device plugged in before you start Xcode 5.1. When you do that, you will get a screen indicating the symbols are being processed:
After this completes, the device is selectable. I am pretty sure this needs to be performed with each new beta. That might explain why it appears to suddenly stop working.
If this isn't working for you, make sure you have the latest Xcode 6 Beta to match the iOS 8 Beta version, and connect the device while Xcode 6 is running. The same "Processing Symbol" files process will occur and then Xcode 5.1 seems to work.
the only decent way to make it work is to create a symbolic link to a folder that contains binary for iOS8. You can make fool Xcode 5.1 saying "yes, iOS 8 is ok." via a symlink:
In my case I have Xcode 5.1 on Mavericks HD, and Xcode 6.0 beta 4 on Yosemite HD.
I did:
sudo ln -s /Applications/\ (12A4331d) /Volumes/MAVERICKS/Applications/\ (12A4331d)
and Xcode 5.1 did work with my iOS8 iphone.
(note the space before /Volumes/MAVER... )
PS: for every beta, I have to patch again... :(
You need to download the Xcode 6 Beta. It's available in the iOS Developer Center, where you downloaded the iOS 8 Beta.
I have connected my iPhone with iOS 8 installed to Xcode 5.1.First time it doesn't recognize.but when i unplugged device and connect again , Device Recognized.
I dont know the reason Anyway i am sure that you can also connect your IOS8 installed device to Xcode5.1 ....
I've been using Xcode 5 to build on an iOS 8 device just fine. Now all of a sudden, it won't let me anymore.
first use xcode6 build on your iPhone5s.
second open xcode 5 ,unpluge device and connect again.
then device recognized.
Open xcode 6 and wait until device is recognised. When done, close xcode 6 and open xcode 5.1 and your device is going to be automatically recognised.
That way you can run your application on a device with iOS 8 with the old xcode.

Compatibility of Xcode 5 with Xcode 6

Apple has now announced Xcode 6 (and iOS 8). I currently have Mavericks on my Mac (and am not planning to upgrade to Yosemite yet), and am wondering if I can download the Xcode 6 dev preview, while still maintaining my current version of Xcode 5. This is so that I can use the new Xcode 6 features, while still being able to work on, and upload, my current applications. Is that possible?
Also, if I update my phone to iOS 8 Beta, will I be able to run apps from Xcode 5, or only Xcode 6?
Answers would be hugely appreciated! Thanks :)
Even I use Mavericks, I installed Xcode 6. In order to be sure about my maintenance projects, I've also downloaded Xcode5.1.1 from Apple developer portal, copied it into my Desktop, renamed it as XCode 5.1.1 and then moved it to my applications folder.
I have both versions at the moment without any issues and can also select the version of Xcode while opening an existing Xcode project by using open with menu feature.
I hope this helps...
Xcode 6 Beta Release Notes
Xcode 6 Beta requires a Mac running OS X version 10.9.3 (or later) or 10.10.
I think its possible that you can do all things you was able to do with Xcode 5 but I will tell you when my xcode 6 download is finished.
You may install XCode 6 Beta on OS X 10.9.3, and I think that you'll need XCode 6 in order to run iOS8 apps.
One thing that you didn't ask, but that you should keep in mind (as you mentioned your phone):
Devices updated to iOS 8 beta can not be restored to earlier versions
of iOS.
i've installed Xcode6 in Mavericks and iOS simulator crash with message : Unable to boot the iOS Simulator. :-(
You can download the preview of Xcode 6 and use your existing installed Xcode 5 side by side without affecting anything you're doing. Just make sure if you click on a project file that you open it in the correct version of Xcode.
Download xcode dmg file from Apple's developer site. Install it in a different location other than the Applications folder. There you go !!

How to install Xcode 5?

OK, as it turns out, I did not explain my question very well at all. here is a complete re-write.
I have Xcode 4/iOS SDK 6.1 installed. I want to install and use Xcode 5 but want to use iOS6.1 SDK. I know that I can download iOS6.1 SDK from Xcode 5. But, I want to avoid that since the iOS 6.1 is already in my hard drive. Is there any way I can avoid having to download iOS6.1 SDK again.
You download Xcode 5 from the Appstore.
In preferences / Download you can download the iOS 6.0 and 6.1 Simulator
In Project Info you set the iOS Development Target to 6.1 and in the Storyboard you can chose as which iOS (6.1 or 7.0) the Views should be displayed.
EDIT: Also, Xcode5 supports earlier iOS with the same files you already have. There is no need to separate iOS 7 from the earlier Versions.
No need. Xcode 5 supports iOS 6 integration. For more info about this, look at this post: Can one develop for iOS 6 using XCode 5 on Mavericks (OS X 10.9)?
Here is how iOS 6 SDK can be installed in Xcode 5 (requires Xcode 4 to get the SDK)
In finder, go to Applications, and find Xcode (4)
Right Click into Show package Contents
Navigate to
Copy iPhoneOS6.1.sdk
Once you download/update-to Xcode 5, go into the same folder, where you should see iPhoneOS7.0.sdk
Paste the SDK in this folder
Fore more information on setting up Xcode 5 for iOS 6, look here: Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
Although this question isn't really meant for SO (More for Superuser),
Can I have multiple Xcode versions installed?
how to install two versions of xcode
This should answer your question. (The installer gives you the option of where to install it; you can simply choose a different directory)

iPhone Simulator versions below 6.0 no longer appear in Xcode 4.5 scheme drop down

Newbie questions. While learning Objective-C using Xcode 4.5.3 and the book Programming In Objective-C 4th edition, I have reached the final chapter in which two iPhone apps are built. Before building the apps I downloaded iOS simulators 4.1, 5.0 and 5.1.
When I built the first simple iphone app I was able to select iphone 5.0 simulator in the scheme. When I built the second, more complex app I tried to change the scheme which had defaulted to iPhone 6.0 simulator back to iphone 5.0 simulator only to find that that no simulator below 6.0 is available in the drop down any longer.
Having shrugged my shoulders and allowed the launch of my app in the 6.0 simulator I found that one row of the buttons do not display properly in the simulator. This row appears on top of another row with their labels blank or '-'. The xib for this project was created entirely visually according to the book's instructions as I do not yet know how to programatically code the user interface.
I have two questions:
How do I test this app in the iPhone 5 simulator if this scheme is no longer available in the scheme menu;
Why does the iphone 6.0 simulator fail to resemble the xib?
First of all, be sure that you have the Simulator downloaded for 5.0 and 5.1, for this, go to "Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads", and you will see it there.
If you have them, the next step is to check that your project is deployed in those versions. For this, go to your project properties (click in the project in the project navigator) and check the Property "iOS Deployment Target" in the Info tab.
Next step, in the same screen click in your target and check the tab "Build Settings", and check the property "Base SDK" to see which iOS version you have there.
Let me know how it goes!
This is in answer to my second question:
Why does the iphone 6.0 simulator fail to resemble the xib?
Autolayout. Once this option is unticked, display is as expected.