Pass function as a parameter in -

I have class that performs many similar yet different read/write operations to an excel file.
All of these operations are defined in separate functions. They all have to be contained within the same long block of code (code that checks and opens a file, saves, closes, etc). What is reasonable way to not have to duplicate this code each time?
The problem is that I can't just one method containing all of the shared code before I execute the code that is different for each method because that code must be contained within many layers of if, try, and for statements of the shared code.
Is it possible to pass a function as a parameter, and then just run that function inside the shared code? Or is there a better way to handle this?

Focusing on the actual question:
Is it possible to pass a function as a parameter
Yes. Use AddressOf TheMethod to pass the method into another method. The argument type must be a delegate whose signature matches that of the target method. Inside the method, you treat the parameter as if it were the actual method. Example:
Sub Foo()
End Sub
Sub Bar()
End Sub
Sub CallSomething(f As Action)
End Sub
' … somewhere:
CallSomething(AddressOf Foo)
CallSomething(AddressOf Bar)
As I said, the actual parameter type depends on the signature of the method you’d like to pass. Use either Action(Of T) or Func(Of T) or a custom delegate type.
However, in many cases it’s actually appropriate to use an interface instead of a delegate, have different classes implement your interface, and pass objects of those different classes into your method.

Declare your parameter as Func(Of T) or Action(Of T).
Which one you should use depend on your methods signature. I could give you more precise answer if you gave us one.

You can also use a delegate so you can pass function/subs that have a certain signature.


What exactly are parentheses around an object reference doing in VB.NET?

I have some procedures that take Control object references as a parameter.
I have a bunch of Controls throughout my project of varying derived types such as Button, TextBox, PictureBox, ListBox, etc.
I was calling the procedure and passing the reference as normal:
I changed some of the Warning Notifications in my project configuration. I'm guessing it was changing the Implicit Conversion Notification from 'None' to 'Warning' that caused warnings similar to the following to appear everywhere these procedures were called:
"Implicit conversion from 'Control' to 'Button' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter 'parControl' back to the matching argument."
This makes sense, I'm doing an Implicit Conversion, but hang on a second, I'm passing a Button in to a Control parameter, not a Control to a Button like it says, I'm slightly confused what's happening here.
Anyway, I take a look at the "Show potential fixes" and there is no fix suggestion, only Suppress or Configure options, okay. So I do a explicit cast using DirectCast(controlRef, Control) to see if that'll remove the warning on Implicit Conversion, which it does, but it gets replaced by a Redundant Cast warning, again, this makes sense. So I remove the cast using the potential fixes and the argument in the procedure call is left with parentheses around it and no more warnings.
What is going on here exactly?
Since the signature for Procedure is Sub Procedure(ByRef param As Control) and you're passing a Button to the method, the compiler is correctly warning you about an implicit conversion.
Imagine that this were the definition of Procedure:
Sub Procedure(ByRef param As Control)
param = New Label()
End Sub
And if you called it this way:
Dim button = New Button()
Then you're effectively calling this code:
Dim button As Button = New Button()
button = New Label()
Hence the compiler warning.
If you change the signature to Sub Procedure(ByVal param As Control) then there is no possibility of assignment back to the calling variable and the warning will go away.
The use of the extra parenthesis forces the call to be ByVal instead of ByRef. See
This is not an answer to the question but it may be a solution to the actual problem. It also requires significant code, so I decided an answer was the best option.
One has to wonder why you have declared that parameter ByRef in the first place. Many people do so when it is not required because, as in VB6, they think that it will prevent an object being copied. That is not the case because reference type objects, i.e. class instances, don't get copied when passed by value anyway. That's the whole point of reference types, i.e. the value of a variable is a reference, not an object, so passing by value only copies the reference, not the object. If you are not assigning anything to that parameter inside the method then it should be declared ByVal.
If you are assigning to the parameter inside the method then the solution is to declare the method to be generic. That way, the parameter won't be Control but will actually be the type you pass in. In its simplest form, that would be:
Private Sub Procedure(Of T)(ByRef control As T)
End Sub
That's probably not enough though, because that would allow you to pass any object as an argument. To restrict the method to only accept controls:
Private Sub Procedure(Of TControl As Control)(ByRef control As TControl)
End Sub
Now you will only be able to pass a control to the method but, inside the method, the parameter will be treated as the actual type of the argument you passed, e.g. if you pass a Button then TControl is fixed to be Button. If you need to create a control of the appropriate type inside the method then you need another restriction too, which enables you to assume a parameterless constructor, e.g.
Private Sub Procedure(Of TControl As {New, Control})(ByRef control As TControl)
control = New TControl With {.Location = New Point(100, 100),
.Size = New Size(50, 25)}
End Sub
That code means that, inside the method, you know that the type of the parameter is Control or derived from that type and that you can create new instances by invoking a parameterless constructor. How can I pass a reference to a structure from one thread to two other threads? [duplicate]

I get a build error when I try to pass a structure reference into a thread.
dim antenna_frame_buffer as Antenna_Frame_Buffer_structure
new_buffer_write_thread = new Thread( AddressOf frame_buffer_write_Thread )
new_buffer_write_thread.Start( antenna_frame_buffer )
sub frame_buffer_write_Thread( ByRef antenna_frame_buffer as Antenna_Frame_Buffer_structure )
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error BC30518 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New'
can be called with these arguments:
'Public Overloads Sub New(start As ThreadStart)': Method 'Public Sub frame_buffer_write_Thread(ByRef antenna_frame_buffer As
Embedded_Communication_Interface.Antenna_Frame_Buffer_structure)' does
not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub
'Public Overloads Sub New(start As ParameterizedThreadStart)': Method 'Public Sub frame_buffer_write_Thread(ByRef
antenna_frame_buffer As
Embedded_Communication_Interface.Antenna_Frame_Buffer_structure)' does
not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub
ParameterizedThreadStart(obj As Object)'. SYS HUB and HW
HUB\SOURCE\Embedded_Communication_Interface.vb 1030 Active
You can't. You're not actually calling that method directly anyway, so how could the ByRef parameter be of use? You're calling the Thread.Start method and it doesn't have a ByRef parameter, so you couldn't get the value back that way. That's even ignoring the fact that Thread.Start returns immediately and you don't know when the method it invokes will return, so you couldn't know when the modified value was available anyway. In short, ByRef parameters don't make sense in such a context so don't try to use them.
You may be able to use a Lambda expression that calls your method as the delegate when you create the thread and then you will be able to get the code to run:
new_buffer_write_thread = New Thread(Sub() frame_buffer_write_Thread(antenna_frame_buffer))
I don't think that that will ever return the parameter value after the method completes to the original variable though and, if it did, you'd not know when it did so because you don't know when the method completed, which is exactly why it shouldn't happen at all. I think that LINQ creates a closure that shields the original variable from changes via that parameter, even though it appears like they'd be linked.
Structure cannot be passed by reference to a thread.
However, and fortunately, an object of a class CAN be passed by reference.

In Visual Basic .NET, how can I list and call all class functions with a given custom attribute?

I have a Windows Forms / Visual Basic .NET application which basically acts as an editor. One of the functions it should provide its users with is the ability to run a set of rules on their current project and report any problems it finds. These rules will all be run by a BackgroundWorker object living in a form, so execution progress can be reported.
My strategy for implementing this is to give the form a bunch of private instance methods which take in the user's project data (contained in, say, a ProjectData object), run whatever check is needed at that step, and return an object containing displayable information about the test and whether it passed or failed. (Let's call this class CheckResult for discussion purposes). So, just to be clear, all of these methods would have a signature along the lines of:
Private Function SomeCheckToRun(data As ProjectData) As CheckResult
I could just define all these methods as usual and manually list them out one-by-one to be called in the BackgroundWorker's DoWork event handler, but that approach seems like it would get tedious for a potentially large number of checks. It would be nice if I could just define each method I want to run and have it decorated as such, so that a loop could automatically find each such method definition and run it.
What I'm thinking I would like to do instead is to define a custom attribute class used to indicate which instance methods are meant to be run as checks (maybe called CheckToRunAttribute), then use reflection somehow to get a list of all these methods currently implemented in the form and execute each one in sequence, perhaps by setting up a delegate to run for each one. The number of these methods in total, and how many have been executed so far, can be used by the BackgroundWorker to indicate overall progress.
So far, the structure of my code would look something like the following in my mind:
Private Sub MyBackgroundWorker_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles MyBackgroundWorker.DoWork
' TODO: Get a list of all the <CheckToRun()> methods here,
' run each one in a loop, and report progress after each one.
End Sub
' Further down...
Private Function SomeCheckToRun(data As ProjectData) As CheckResult
' Check code in here.
End Function
Private Function AnotherCheckToRun(data As ProjectData) As CheckResult
' Check code in here.
End Function
Private Function YetAnotherCheckToRun(data As ProjectData) As CheckResult
' Check code in here.
End Function
' And so on...
This is not something I have much experience with doing though. I know about the Type.GetMethods() function, how to write custom attributes, and the Func(T, TResult) delegate, but I'm not sure how to put it all together for what I want.
tl;dr: Given a class with multiple private instance functions following the same signature and all marked with the same custom attribute, how can I count how many there are and then run each one?
You can use Reflection to list all the methods with your custom attribute. This is a Linq solution:
Dim methods = Me.GetType.GetMethods(Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)_
.Where(Function(m) m.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(CheckToRun), False)_
.Length > 0).ToArray()
And then run them like:
For Each method As Reflection.MethodInfo In methods
method.Invoke(Me, New Object() {methodParams})

Excel VBA store functions or subroutines in an array

In C/C++, when I have a bunch of functions (pointers), I can store them in an array or a vector and call some of them together in a certain order. Can something similar be done in VBA?
Yes, but I don't recommend it. VBA isn't really built for it. You've tagged this question with Excel, so I will describe how it is done for that Office Product. The general concept applies to most of the Office Suite, but each different product has a different syntax for the Application.Run method.
First, it's important to understand the two different methods of dynamically calling a procedure (sub/function) and when to use each.
Application.Run will either run a subroutine or call a function that is stored in a standard *.bas module.
The first parameter is the name of the procedure (passed in as a string). After that, you can pass up to 30 arguments. (If your procedure requires more than that, refactor for the love of code.)
There are two other important things to note about Application.Run.
You cannot use named arguments. Args must be passed by position.
Objects passed as arguments are converted to values. This means you could experience unexpected issues if you try to run a procedure that requires objects that have default properties as arguments.
Public Sub Test1()
Application.Run "VBAProject.Module1.SomeFunction"
End Sub
The takeaway:
Use Application.Run when you're working with a standard module.
CallByName executes a method of an object, or sets/gets a property of an object.
It takes in the instance of the object you want to call the method on as an argument, as well as the method name (again as a string).
Public Sub Test2()
Dim anObj As SomeObject
Dim result As Boolean
result = CallByName(anObj, "IsValid")
End Sub
The takeaway:
Use CallByName when you want to call a method of a class.
No pointers.
As you can see, neither of these methods use actual pointers (at least not externally). They take in strings that they then use to find the pointer to the procedure that you want to execute. So, you'll need to know the exact name of the procedure you want to execute. You'll also need to know which method you need to use. CallByName having the extra burden of requiring an instance of the object you want to invoke. Either way, you can stores these names as strings inside of an array or collection. (Heck, even a dictionary could make sense.)
So, you can either hard code these as strings, or attempt to extract the appropriate procedure names at runtime. In order to extract the procedure names, you'll need to interface with the VBIDE itself via the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library. Explaining all of that here would require far too much code and effort, but I can point you to some good resources.
Articles & SE Questions:
Chip Pearson's Programming The VBA Editor
Extending the VBA Extensibility Library
Ugly workaround to get the vbext_ProcKind is breaking encapsulation
Automagic testing framework for VBA
How to get the procedure or function name at runtime
Import Lines of Code
Meta Programming in VBA: The VBIDE and Why Documentation is Important
The code from some of my Qs & As:
A workaround is to enumerate and use a switch statement. You can store enumerated types (longs) in an array. E.g.:
Enum FType
End Enum
Sub CallEnumFunc(f As FType, arg As String)
Select Case f
Case func1: MyFunction1(arg)
Case func2: MyFunction2(arg)
Case func3: MyFunction3(arg)
End Select
End Sub
Dim fArray(1) As FType
fArray(0) = func1
fArray(1) = func2
CallEnumFunc fArray(1), "blah" Invoke and Inheritance Design

this is my first post here.
I like to have some advice on designing a new module for our software.
It's written in vb6 and i want to rewrite it in So I want to refactor it.
It does the following:
We got many templates for OpenOffice Documents. (about 300)
Each one has an unique identifier which is in a database and comes as the input.
Dending on this number i want to create the document. e.g. calc or writer or later something else.
Then call a method named doc[template_num] or sth.
I read about invoking methods. I think this as a good way to dynamically call methods by number. Tried to do this. I think I understood now how it works.
But I dont know how to handle the document type.
I want to reuse big parts of code due to all calc documents are created equal at the beginning. But filling the cells is just bit diffrent.
I dont know how to inherit and do method calls with invoke.
Maybe someone has a little code snip for me which can explain this to.
Or maybe some other good idea how to handle this problem.
I am thankful for any new thought on this.
You could, of course, just have a giant Select Case block, like this:
Public Sub CreateDoc(templateNum As Integer)
Select Case templateNum
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub
If you had a fairly small number of case statements that would probably be the better, simpler method. If however, as you described, you have many different possible ID's to look for, then that becomes impractical and I can appreciate your desire to invoke the correct method without a big Select Case block.
However, before I get into that, I feel like I should give you another option. Perhaps you don't really need to have that many different methods. Is it possible, for instance, that half of the template ID's actually all need to be handled in the same way, and the only difference is the template file name that needs to be different. If so, it is conceivable that the Select Case block wouldn't need to be that big. For instance:
Public Sub CreateDoc(templateNum As Integer)
Select Case templateNum
Case 1 To 100
Case 101 To 200
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CreateWriterDoc(templateFilePath As String)
' Launch Writer with given template file
End Sub
Private Sub CreateCalcDoc(templateFilePath As String)
' Launch Calc with given template file
End Sub
Private Function GetTemplateFilePath(templateNum As Integer) As String
' Retrieve template file path for given ID
' (from DB, Array, List, Dictionary, etc.) and return it
End Sub
To me, that seems like a much simpler solution, if such a thing is possible. If not--if you really have entirely different logic which needs to be executed for each template ID, then there are several ways to do it. The first option would be to create a list of delegates which point to the appropriate method to call for each ID. For instance, you could store them in an array, like this:
Dim createDocDelegates() As Action =
AddressOf CreateDoc1,
AddressOf CreateDoc2,
AddressOf CreateDoc3
So now, those three delegates are indexed by number (0 through 2) in an array. You can invoke them by number, like this:
createDocDelegates(1).Invoke() ' Calls CreateDoc2
Or, if your ID's aren't sequential, you may want to use a Dictionary(Of Integer, Action), instead, like this:
Dim createDocDelegates As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Action)()
createDocDelegates.Add(1, AddressOf CreateDoc1)
createDocDelegates.Add(7, AddressOf CreateDoc7)
createDocDelegates.Add(20, AddressOf CreateDoc20)
Then you can call one by ID, like this:
createDocDelegates(7).Invoke() ' Calls CreateDoc7
Another option would be to create an Interface for an object that creates a document, like this:
Public Interface IDocCreator
Sub CreateDoc()
End Interface
Then you could implement a separate class for each type of template (each implementing that same interface). For instance:
Public Class Doc1Creator
Implements IDocCreator
Public Sub CreateDoc() Implements IDocCreator
' Do work
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Doc2Creator
Implements IDocCreator
Public Sub CreateDoc() Implements IDocCreator
' Do different work
End Sub
End Class
Then, you can create a list of those objects, like this:
Dim docCreators() As IDocCreator =
New DocCreator1(),
New DocCreator2()
Dim docCreators As New Dictionary(Of Integer, IDocCreator)()
docCreators.Add(1, New DocCreator1())
docCreators.Add(7, New DocCreator7())
docCreators.Add(20, New DocCreator7())
Then you can call one like this:
The IDocCreator approach is very similar to the Delegate approach. Neither is the right or wrong way to do it. It depends on your style, what you are comfortable with, and your requirements. The main advantage of the IDocCreator approach is that you could easily add more properties and methods to it in the future. For instance, lets say that you also want to somewhere store a user-friendly, descriptive name for each template. It would be very easy to add a ReadOnly Property Name As String property to the IDocCreator interface, but if you go the list-of-delegates route, that would be more difficult and sloppy.
In any of the above examples, however, you still have to add the complete list of methods or delegates somewhere. So, while it's slightly less ugly than a giant Select Case block, it may still not be enough. If so, the technology you need to use is called Reflection. The System.Reflection namespace contains much of the reflection-related functionality. Reflection allows you to dynamically access and invoke portions of your code. For instance, you can use reflection to get a list of all of the properties or methods that are defined by a given class. Or you can use reflection to get a list of types that are defined by your assembly. Using reflection, it would be possible to get a method, by string name, and then invoke it. So, for instance, if you want to call the "CreateDoc1" method on the current object, you could do it like this:
Me.GetType().GetMethod("CreateDoc1").Invoke(Me, {})
Since you are calling it by its string name, you could build the method name via concatenation:
Dim methodName As String = "CreateDoc" & templateNum.ToString()
Me.GetType().GetMethod(methodName).Invoke(Me, {})
However, if you are going to use the reflection approach, instead of using the name of the method, like that, it would be cleaner, in my opinion, to use a custom attribute to tag each method. For instance, you could create an attribute class which allows you to decorate your methods like this:
Public Sub CreateDoc1()
' ...
End Sub
Then, at run-time, you can use reflection to find all of the methods that have that particular attribute and then invoke the right one.
The reason that I saved the discussion on reflection for last is because it is not as efficient and it can lead to brittle code. As such, it's best to only use reflection as a last-resort. There's nothing wrong with reflection, if you really need it, but, as a general rule, if there is another reasonable way to do something, which doesn't require reflection, then you probably ought to be doing it that other way.