T SQL Information schema? - sql

We have a lot of data and to save time on making backups I have been tasked with creating a copy of the current database which only contains specified company codes/companies.
I have been told to research into TSQL scripts, information schemas and bulk copies.Im just wondering what the best route is to go down and how to make a start I do have the latest database copy locally.
The script would work by
Allow us at the top to specify name of new database and a list of company codes or ids from company table.
And create a new database and copy over only the data that is relevant

Probably not even close to the best way... but 1 of 100 ways you can do it.
declare #databasename nvarchar(100) = 'roflcopter'
, #destination = 'myschema.mytable'
declare #companylist nvarchar(max) = (select stuff( select ',' +convert(nvarchar(5),companyid) from companytable where database = #databasename),1,1,'')
declare #query nvarchar(max)
= N'use ['+#databasename+']
insert into '+#destination+' /* maybe add dynamic columns here */
select /*same dynamic columns */
from mytable /*or another variable*/
where companyid in('''+#companylist+''')
exec (#query)
add your other variables and such to declare destination, future database name (if creating) and anything you want... dynamic sql can be slow, cumbersome and does reconnect. Might want to check the sp_executesql for differences between exec () and executesql
there are a ton of system procedures... ones that find FKs, column names, data types, pks... you can complicate it by building dynamically creating your current schema using (no help from me here) those system procedures, C# to easily 'generate scripts' and execute them.
May also be in the wrong direction you were thinking of.


create dynamic temp table in sql

Is there a way to create a dynamic temp table. Below sql code is declaring a variable #tic. I am planning to insert contents from table1 to temp table #df. So instead of giving directly as #df, I am passing as a variable. But below is code is not successful. Can anyone help me here?
declare #tic as varchar(100) = 'df'
select *
into '#' + #tic from (
select * from [dbo].[table1])
select * from #df
Is there a way? Well, I think of the answer as "yes and no and maybe".
As far as I know, there is no way to do this using a local temporary table. As Stu explains in the comment, you would need dynamic SQL to define the table name and then the table would not be visible in the outer scope, because it is a local temporary table.
The "yes" is because one type of temporary table are global temporary tables. These are tables that persist across different scopes. And they are defined using ## instead of # as the prefix. So this works:
declare #tic as varchar(100) = 'df'
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
set #sql = 'select * into ##' + #tic + ' from table1';
select #sql;
exec sp_executesql #sql;
select * from ##df;
(Here is a db<>fiddle.)
The "maybe" is because I'm quite skeptical that you really need this. Dynamic table names are rarely useful in SQL systems, precisely because they depend on dynamic SQL. Introducing dynamic names into SQL (whether columns or tables) is dangerous, both because of the danger of SQL injection and also because it can introduce hard-to-debug syntax errors.
If you are trying to solve a real problem, there might be alternative approaches that are better suited to SQL Server.

how to redirect to another database and its table when selecting a specific row from a table in another database

kind people! I have a question about the database.
There are several databases, in each of them there are several tables.
And there is a main database, in which there is only one table containing information
about these databases and tables.
The question is: how to make so that when you select specific information from the table in the main database it automatically forwards you to another database outputting its tables? Sorry for asking this kind of bit tricky question, i have been googling all day and still cannot find solution. i have tried by my own.. but no results.
For now I made something like this, but I am not sure whether I am right
DECLARE #a nvarchar(100)
SET #a= (select * from MasterDB.dbo.Clients_Master_Table);
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(MAX)
SET #SQL = 'select * from '+ #a +' where Client_Name= somedatabse name'

SQL JOIN based on table contents

I have a single table that contains questions with corresponding references to another table and field that contain the answers. Something like:
I would like to query the questions table and return QID, QuestionText and the value contained in the [ResponseTable].[ResponseField] for each QID. The design seamed flexible at the time. However the app developer is expecting a stored procedure and the SQL developer was counting on an in app solution for this issue.
I am at the end of my rope trying to build this query. How would you suggest accomplishing this task?
I don't think you'll like hearing this answer because it will likely mean some major rework, but I think it's the right answer. Get rid of the questions table and put the questions into new Question fields in the Client1, Client9, and Jobs tables; one for each response.
For example the Client1 table will have these fields:
...and so on
Working around that design will be manageable where working around the design you have now will be a headache.
It sounds like a redesign should be considered (storing all responses in one table, for example), but if that's not a possibility then dynamic SQL (using sp_executesql) can be used. However, it can be dangerous to use as it is vulnerable to SQL injection. There are some precautions that can be taken, such as using QUOTENAME on table and column names. This is also a good read before using dynamic SQL: The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL.
DECLARE #columnName NVARCHAR(50)
SET #tableName = 'Client1'
SET #columnName = 'ColorPref'
SET #query = 'SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(#columnName) + ' FROM ' + QUOTENAME(#tableName)
EXEC sp_executesql #query
Until you get to the rewrite you mentioned, consider the idea of using a view to bring these response tables together.
CREATE VIEW ClientResponses AS
SELECT QID, ResponseField FROM [Client1]
SELECT QID, ResponseField FROM [Jobs]
SELECT QID, ResponseField FROM [Client9]
-- ..... add the new tables as they are created
This will
Avoid dynamic SQL
Give you a single place to maintain querying
Provide a pretty simple, readable way to hobble this together

SQL Server - find SPs which don't drop temp tables

(1) Is there a good/reliable way to query the system catalogue in order
to find all stored procedures which create some temporary tables in their
source code bodies but which don't drop them at the end of their bodies?
(2) In general, can creating temp tables in a SP and not dropping
them in the same SP cause some problems and if so, what problems?
I am asking this question in the contexts of
SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012 mostly.
Many thanks in advance.
Not 100% sure if this is accurate as I don't have a good set of test data to work with. First you need a function to count occurrences of a string (shamelessly stolen from here):
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CountOccurancesOfString
#searchString nvarchar(max),
#searchTerm nvarchar(max)
return (LEN(#searchString)-LEN(REPLACE(#searchString,#searchTerm,'')))/LEN(#searchTerm)
Next make use of the function like this. It searches the procedure text for the strings and reports when the number of creates doesn't match the number of drops:
WITH CreatesAndDrops AS (
SELECT procedures.name,
dbo.CountOccurancesOfString(UPPER(syscomments.text), 'CREATE TABLE #') AS Creates,
dbo.CountOccurancesOfString(UPPER(syscomments.text), 'DROP TABLE #') AS Drops
FROM sys.procedures
JOIN sys.syscomments
ON procedures.object_id = syscomments.id
SELECT * FROM CreatesAndDrops
WHERE Creates <> Drops
1) probably no good / reliable way -- though you can extract the text of sp's using some arcane ways that you can find in other places.
2) In general - no this causes no problems -- temp tables (#tables) are scope limited and will be flagged for removal when their scope disappears.
and table variables likewise
an exception is for global temp tables (##tables) which are cleaned up when no scope holds a reference to them. Avoid those guys -- there are usually (read almost always) better ways to do something than with a global temp table.
Sigh -- if you want to go down the (1) path then be aware that there are lots of pitfalls in looking at code inside sql server -- many of the helper functions and information tables will truncate the actual code down to a NVARCHAR(4000)
If you look at the code of sp_helptext you'll see a really horrible cursor that pulls the actual text..
I wrote this a long time ago to look for strings in code - you could run it on your database -- look for 'CREATE TABLE #' and 'DROP TABLE #' and compare the outputs....
, [ObjectText]
so.[name] AS [ObjectName]
, REPLACE(comments.[c], '#x0D;', '') AS [ObjectText]
sys.objects AS so
FROM syscomments AS sc
WHERE sc.[id] = so.[object_id]
AS comments ([c])
so.[is_ms_shipped] = 0
AND so.[type] = 'P'
AS spText
spText.[ObjectText] LIKE '%' + #SearchString + '%'
Or much better - use whatever tool of choice you like on your codebase - you've got all your sp's etc scripted out into source control somewhere, right.....?
I think SQL Search tool from red-gate would come handy in this case. You can download from here. This tool will find the sql text within stored procedures, functions, views etc...
Just install this plugin and you can find sql text easily from SSMS.

How do I paramaterise a T-SQL stored procedure that drops a table?

I'm after a simple stored procedure to drop tables. Here's my first attempt:
CREATE PROC bsp_susf_DeleteTable (#TableName char)
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = #TableName)
When I parse this in MS Query Analyser I get the following error:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure bsp_susf_DeleteTable, Line 6
Line 6: Incorrect syntax near '#TableName'.
Which kind of makes sense because the normal SQL for a single table would be:
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tbl_XYZ')
Note the first instance of tbl_XYZ (in the WHERE clause) has single quotes around it, while the second instance in the DROP statement does not. If I use a variable (#TableName) then I don't get to make this distinction.
So can a stored procedure be created to do this? Or do I have to copy the IF EXISTS ... everywhere?
You should be able to use dynamic sql:
declare #sql varchar(max)
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = #TableName)
set #sql = 'drop table ' + #TableName
Hope this helps.
Update: Yes, you could make #sql smaller, this was just a quick example. Also note other comments about SQL Injection Attacks
Personally I would be very wary of doing this. If you feel you need it for administrative purposes, please make sure the rights to execute this are extremely limited. Further, I would have the proc copy the table name and the date and the user executing it to a logging table. That way at least you will know who dropped the wrong table. You may want other protections as well. For instance you may want to specify certain tables that cannot be dropped ever using this proc.
Further this will not work on all tables in all cases. You cannot drop a table that has a foreign key associated with it.
Under no circumstances would I allow a user or anyone not the database admin to execute this proc. If you havea a system design where users can drop tables, there is most likely something drastically wrong with your design and it should be rethought.
Also, do not use this proc unless you have a really, really good backup schedule in place and experience restoring from backups.
You'll have to use EXEC to execute that query as a string. In other words, when you pass in the table name, define a varchar and assign the query and tablename, then exec the variable you created.
Edit: HOWEVER, I don't recommend that because someone could pass in sql rather than a TableName and cause all kinds of wonderful problems. See Sql injection for more information.
Your best bet is to create a parameterized query on the client side for this. For example, in C# I would do something like:
// EDIT 2: on second thought, ignore this code; it probably won't work
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand();
sc.Connection = someConnection;
sc.CommandType = Command.Text;
sc.CommandText = "drop table #tablename";
sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tablename", "the_table_name");