How to execute External Tool in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Where can I actually launch an external tool in IntelliJ?
I know where to set up the external tool, and I've that done, but I cannot see where to launch it anywhere!
I don't see it from the Run menu, nor from any right-click menu.

You can run anything from the command line using the Command Line Tool Support plugin from JetBrains. See details here.

On menu Tools ⮕ External Tools:

In IntelliJ IDEA, in your run/test configurations (Run -> Edit Configurations) you have the choice of running an external tool 'before launch'. You can do this by opening up the run configuration menu, creating a new run configuration, and, down the bottom, adding a 'Run External Tool' option.
You can then add an external tool to be ran upon launch. You can run other programs or execute command line commands.
When you want to run the external tool, simply click the run button up the top of IntelliJ's main screen. If you want the external tool to run without the project compiling, simply remove the 'Make Project' and run project in the run configuration.


How to open external console window in intellij platform on run?

I'm write console application on C++ and wanna use CLion (JetBrains). But when i'm runned exe, it use internal IDE console output. Is there way to say to CLion that it should use cmd.exe directly without internal console?
I don't think there is a way to use cmd.exe (default command-line interpreter), while using CLion (JetBrains). But you can amend setting to have CLion console in a separate window.
Press Alt+F12.
Console will appear at the bottom.
In the right top corner of console there is a "gear" symbol ⚙️ (settings), click on it.
Go to "View mode" and select "Float".

How do i use idealGraphVisualizer?

I build the idealgraphVisualizer in openjdk9 using "ant build" command. Also I generated a file.xml by running my java file. After this, how can i see file.xml using the visualizer. I am running all these in a Linux system
IdealGraphVisualizer is made on top of NetBeans platform. The easiest way to run it is to open the project in NetBeans and to build and run it from IDE.
After the IGV main windows appears, choose File -> Open... from the menu.

Stop all servers in one action in IntelliJ

I am developing with IntelliJ. In this project, I need to run 3 servers.
Is there a way to create a shortcut to :
Stop all those servers in one click or keyboard shortcut
Optionally, restart them.
There doesn't seem to be a direct method to do this in IntelliJ, but if you can stop each one from a script, then you could just write a script and run it from IntelliJ. Personally, I'd just go to the terminal and run the script rather than configuring it directly in IntelliJ (which also has an embedded terminal, btw).

Custom command for Run/Debug configurations in IntelliJ?

Is it possible to run a custom (shell) command from the Run/Debug configuration system in IntelliJ? I'm working with a framework that is not yet supported at all by IntelliJ (PhoneGap) and I want to add a few commands there.
This should work for you:
Edit Configurations > Before Launch > Add > Run External Tool
You can you Batch script plugin if you have windows or BashSupport for linux (and probably mac) os.
By putting bat or sh file inside your project you can execute them by adding new run configuration.

How to launch external tool from custom menu?

Can I run external program programmatically in Eclipse without configuring as an external tool through Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration ?
External tools configuration is just another type of launch configuration.
The id is: org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ProgramLaunchConfigurationType, as used in org.eclipse.ui.externaltools/plugin.xml.
It is declared in org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.internal.model.IExternalToolConstants
You can programmatically create a launch configuration, launch it and after the termination of the launch, you can delete it, so that it won't appear in the menu.
See the corner articles:
We Have Lift-off: The Launching Framework in Eclipse
Launching Java Applications Programmatically
Not that I know of:
that menu (Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration) has been criticized before (bug)
The usual suggestion is to define a key to the command "Run Last Launched External Tool".
But that isn't exactly what you are looking for.