How to launch external tool from custom menu? - eclipse-plugin

Can I run external program programmatically in Eclipse without configuring as an external tool through Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration ?

External tools configuration is just another type of launch configuration.
The id is: org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ProgramLaunchConfigurationType, as used in org.eclipse.ui.externaltools/plugin.xml.
It is declared in org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.internal.model.IExternalToolConstants
You can programmatically create a launch configuration, launch it and after the termination of the launch, you can delete it, so that it won't appear in the menu.
See the corner articles:
We Have Lift-off: The Launching Framework in Eclipse
Launching Java Applications Programmatically

Not that I know of:
that menu (Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration) has been criticized before (bug)
The usual suggestion is to define a key to the command "Run Last Launched External Tool".
But that isn't exactly what you are looking for.


Eclipse Editor monitor file changes from out of Eclipse

I am developing a Plugin for eclipse, and notice that when user changes file from out of IDE, e.g., do a git pull using shell, my editor does not pick up the change. I try to use IResourceChangeListener but realize it only monitors changes happening in the workspace.
I have seen eclipse TextEditor can monitor external file change, but failed to find how it implements this from code. My editor is not a text editor so I cannot extend from TextEditor to get this for free.
Can anyone give me a hint how to properly implement this feature for eclipse? Thanks!
According to Eclipse FAQ you need to monitor non Eclipse file changes in separate thread.
Fortunately Java have file change notification API which can be used to implement this.

How to execute External Tool in IntelliJ

Where can I actually launch an external tool in IntelliJ?
I know where to set up the external tool, and I've that done, but I cannot see where to launch it anywhere!
I don't see it from the Run menu, nor from any right-click menu.
You can run anything from the command line using the Command Line Tool Support plugin from JetBrains. See details here.
On menu Tools ⮕ External Tools:
In IntelliJ IDEA, in your run/test configurations (Run -> Edit Configurations) you have the choice of running an external tool 'before launch'. You can do this by opening up the run configuration menu, creating a new run configuration, and, down the bottom, adding a 'Run External Tool' option.
You can then add an external tool to be ran upon launch. You can run other programs or execute command line commands.
When you want to run the external tool, simply click the run button up the top of IntelliJ's main screen. If you want the external tool to run without the project compiling, simply remove the 'Make Project' and run project in the run configuration.

Defining an external tool for my IDE plug-in via Eclipse launching API

I tried to create, as user from my Xtext plug-in, a new external tool configuration to simply execute a .bat wich launches an external compiler of the language for which I'm implementing an IDE using Xtext. I did so by selecting External Tools -> External Tools Configurations... -> New Program, and then by filling the information about location of the .bat, working directory and arguments. This was very simple.
Now, I'm trying to define directly in my plug-in this external tool which executes my .bat, by using the Eclipse launching API, but I found very difficult to understand how I could obtain this... I don't understand if there is some class which implements ILaunchConfigurationDelegate that I can extend to automatically launch my .bat (or in general, to launch a program!).
Have you any hint, or is there some simple example about implementing an external tool that simply launches a .bat (or program in general), using Eclipse launching API?
Thanks in advance,

Any decent Eclipse plugin for monitoring Jenkins?

I have found an old plugin for Eclipse from 2009 to monitor a Hudson server but it has two major drawbacks:
No support for multiple Hudson/Jenkins servers
Clicking on a Job in the view results in a window showing a 404 exception
Does anyone know a newer (maintained) Eclipse plugin for Jenkins?
There is a Mylyn connector for Hudson, which also works for Jenkins (Update site is
Eclipse Juno includes the Mylyn Builds view. It shows the last built time and a summary of your build plans. You can directly see test results and jump to the corresponding code. Build failures are marked red just as in the Problems view.
Menu -> Windows -> Show View -> Mylyn Builds
If you don't have it, install it:
Menu -> Help -> Install New Software... ->
Mylyn Integrations -> Mylyn Builds Connector: Hudson/Jenkins
Mylyn SDKs and Frameworks -> Mylyn Builds
They are also available for Eclipse Indigo.
Normally the Builds view automatically connects with your Hudson/Jenkins server, just wait a few seconds. If not, add it manually. Just don't add it multiple times, since there is no easy removal mechanism (except removing the plugin's xmi file in your eclipse workspace).
The server preferences allow for adding individual build plans. Click refresh first.
Don't forget to activate "Refresh Automatically" in the view menu.

Where is "File Explorer" in IntelliJ?

If I wanted to browse files, export databases, etc. on Android Emulator in Eclipse, I used File Explorer.
I cannot find this tool in IntelliJ and it seems that Android does not have its own GUI tool.
Does IntelliJ have this tool or I'd have to use adb console tool?
Although, IntelliJ does not have the File Explorer (like Eclipse has), we can use Android SDK native tool DDMS. You can find it in /tools/ folder. Start it, let it connect to Emulator's process and then open its File Explorer (Device/File Explorer). It has the same functionalities like Eclipse's plug-in.
There is a FileExplorer in IntelliJ.
You cand find it via the IntelliJ toolbar: Tools -> Android -> Monitor
There is no such tool in IDEA.
There is a file browser in Intellij, and it can be used to browse both local and remote file systems. It is called Browse Remote Host, which is a bit confusing, but it can be used to browse the local file system as follows:
Add a "server", denoting the local file system you want to browse:
Tools → Deployment → Configuration... → Add (green + sign)
Name: <name that will appear in popup menu in the browser window>
Type: Local or mounted folder
→ OK
Folder: <select the top directory of the file system you want to browse>
→ OK
Now, open the browser window as follows:
Tools → Deployment → Browse Remote Host
The browser window will appear at the right side of the IDE.
To tie a few of these answers together, there is a standalone tool at:
You can launch it from IntelliJ using
Tools -> Android -> Monitor
Or Eclipse using
Window -> Open Perspective -> DDMS
Either way, you get the exact same tool.
Go to Tools->Android->Monitor in your Intellij IDE.
askmo, maybe Intelliji IDEA commander tool will be helpful to you,
Try it in Window -> Tools Windows -> Commander
I'm not sure if its just improved over time over what others have discussed here, but I really like using DDMS with IntelliJ. I access it by: Tools->Android->DDMS.
I access the file explorer by clicking on my device in the top left hand window, then selecting Device->File Explorer.