SQL Table Design: Multiple foreign key columns or general "fkName" and "fkValue" columns - sql

Given a table (Contacts) which could apply to distinct items in a database (Employers, Churches, Hospitals, Government Groups, etc.) which are stored in different tables, when leveraging this single contacts table in the end I've found there exist two choices for relating a contact back to one particular "item"
One column for each "item" type with a Foreign Key association, this results in a table looking like:
contactID empID churchID hospID govID conFN conLN ...
One column indicating the type of "item" (fkName) and one column for the value corresponding to the item of that type (fkValue). This results in a table looking like:
contactID fkName fkValue conFN conLN ...
The first means that out of the X possible foreign keys, X-1 will be NULL, but I get the advantages of hard-associated foreign keys.
The second means that I can set fkName and fkValue as NOT NULL but I don't get the advantages of DB-supported foreign keys.
Ultimately, is there a "right" answer? Are there other advantages / disadvantages that I haven't thought about (performance, security, growth/expansion)?

The second approach is an anti-pattern.
You need to set up many-to-many relationship tables between each entity (Hospitals, Churches, Employers, Government Groups, etc.) and Contacts.
If you want to make it easier to query for all of the entities a contact is related to, consider creating a view on top of the many-to-many relationship tables.

I think the second option is better as it will allow you to maintain referential integrity of your database using the in-built SQL features (foreign keys), rather than relying on your code to maintain it.

This is the solution that you should be going towards:
typeId name
1 hospital
2 church
contactId firstName LastName typeId (fk)
1 bob is 1
2 your uncle 2
If Bob can be a contact for more than one type, than you will need a junction table.


In a SQL database, when should a one-to-one relationship be in the same table and when in separate tables?

Can anyone provide some examples of when in a SQL database it's a better choice to keep one-to-one relationships on the same table, and when instead it makes more sense to have them on separate tables?
When you have several entities which all must be able to act as a foreign key to another entity, and the "several entities" have both common properties and unique properties, and you want a NOT NULL constraint on the unique properties (or less important don't want a bunch of NULL values for the unique properties not applicable to the other entity). Even if you didn't have the unique/common properties and didn't care about the NULL values, you might still wish to do so if you wanted individual foreign constraints on each subtpye table as well as the supertype table. This strategy is called supertype/subtype modelling.
Let me give you an example.
id (PK)
id (PK, and FK to people.id)
years_teaching NOT NULL
whatever NOT NULL
id (PK, and FK to people.id)
grade NOT NULL
whatever NOT NULL
As you see, teachers and students can have a single common table for some of the properties and can each have their own NOT NULL unique properties. Furthermore, you can JOIN people, teachers, and students to other tables and keep referential integrity.
Another application "might" be if you had separate databases for the each record with some of the properties in one and some in the other, however, I have never done this.

How to model many-to-many relationships in SQL?

I have a major problem with my SQL design.
I need to create a database which models the following situation:
I have a list of capitals, it looks like this: Berlin, London, Prague, you get it. The other list is a list of travellers: John, Kyle, Peter etc.
The database needs to be able to answer queries such as: List of cities a given Traveller has visited, what Travellers has visited a given City and so on.
My problem is that when I create the two tables I just freeze and am unable to figure out the connection between them that would allow me to implement the intended behaviour.
I read up on it on the internet and I was told to use intersection entities, which I can, but I just don't see how that would help me. Sorry if this is a FAQ, but I just could not get my head around the proper keywords for a search.
Isn't it easier to create third table like travelers_cities with to foreign keys traveler and city, than you jan join that table with table you need and look for result there?
Follow the following schema
First Table: Capital
Let say two columns: cid (Primary Key), Name
Second Table: Travellers
Let say two columns: tid (Primary Key), Traveller_Name
Now there is a many to many relationship that one traveller can travel/visit one or many capitals and one capital can be visited by one or many visitors.
Many to many relationship can be acheived by creating a new table which will act as reference/mapping table. let say "capital_travellers"
So, This third table will have following columns
id (Primary key): Its optional
cid (Primary key of Capital Table will work as Foreign key)
tid (Primary key of traveller Table will work as Foreign key)
Now when you want to fetch records, you will look into this table(capital_travellers).
I hope it helps.
In a many to many relationship it is necessary to implement a third junction table between the two entities. We could, say, name it travel. This table uses two foreign keys, one from each entity, to form one compound key.
Now you have 3 tables. One table called 'Traveller', one called called 'City' and a third junction table called 'Travel'. Lets assume the primary key for traveller is travellerId and for city it's cityId. The junction table takes these two keys to form a primary key for the entity 'Travel'. When u query the database for which cities a traveller with travelId '031' has travelled to it would make use of this junction table and return the cityId's to you.
If this doesn't help or if you need more clarification I recommend searching these terms:

Database Modeling - Either/Or in Many-to-Many

I have an either/or type of situation in a many-to-many relationship I'm trying to model.
So I have these tables:
EmployeeID (nullable)
TeamID (nullable)
So, a Message can have either a list of Employees, or a list of Teams as a MessageTarget. Is the MessageTarget table I have above the best way to implement this relationship? What constraints can I place on the MessageTarget effectively? How should I create a primary key on MessageTarget table?
Database in question is SQL Server 2008
So you want to ensure that MessageTargets for a single message all have the employeeID set or the teamID, but not a mixture of both?
Depending on your RDBMS you might be able to create Materialized view and put a constraint on that. The view would look like
select messageId, count(employeeId), count(teamId) from messageTarget
On that you would place a check constraint ensuring that one of the counts is zero.
Alternatively you could replace the MessageTarget with two tables: EmployeeMessageTarget and TeamMessageTarget, each only containing a TargetId and either an EmployeeId in the first table, and a TeamId in the second table.
Your Message table would get two new fields: an EmployeeMessageTargetId and a TeamMessageTargetId plus a check constraint ensuring at least one of those is null. If you make both fields unique you can have a foreign key from the *MessageTarget tables.
The way you present this, it seems that an Employee is-a MessageTarget and also the Team is-a MessageTarget.
So a Message has a Target which is either an Employee or a Team.
Seems to me this is like inheritence (or composition) problem in SQL.
Check this out "Implementing Table Inheritance in SQL Server" .
An Employee is not a MessageTarget per se but perhaps the readings on this can help you on your modelling
Since employees and teams cannot mix in the same message, you'll need to do something like this:
MessageEmployee.MessageIdForEmployee references Message.MessageIdForEmployee.
MessageTeam.MessageIdForTeam references Message.MessageIdForTeam.
And there is the following constraint on the Message table:
(MessageIdForEmployee = MessageId AND MessageIdForTeam IS NULL)
(MessageIdForEmployee IS NULL AND MessageIdForTeam = MessageId)
Note how we have a separate junction table for each kind of child table, and junction tables don't reference parent's PK. Instead each junction table references a separate UNIQUE field. Since only one of these fields can be non-NULL, only one kind of child items can be connected to any given message.
NOTE: It is not strictly necessary to match MessageId with MessageIdForEmployee or MessageIdForTeam, but it may simplify querying somewhat.
you may also consider
targetID (not nullable)
then set the type to whichever it should be...
is-a relationships are often instances of the gen-spec pattern. Class Table Inheritance is one way to design tables for cases of gen-spec.
Consider removing the the "Team ID" field in the MessageTarget entity so that you only have messageId and employeeId. To cater for the team thing (if it is a requirement that each employee must be a member of a team), you can have another entity "Team Messages" where a database trigger will ensure that on insert into that table, you can insert a row in the message target table for each employee in the team. This way you can conveniently link back from each message to an employee from the MessageTarget table or back to a team from the "Team Messages" table. Also gonna make for convenient access in an ORM framework where the Employee entity simply has a List and the Team also has the same

How to design a circular reference to a single database table with an added relationship?

I'm not sure how best to phrase the question, but essentially I have a table of contacts, and instead of doing the typical -- a contact has a reference to a table with spouse information, and a table with children, I want each of those people to be a contact, but then define a relationship between those contacts (brother, sister, child, spouse, etc.). So the contacts would exist in a single table, but I'm having trouble determining how best to define the relationship based upon their contact id and the relationship type. Any advice would be appreciated.
contact_id, pk
contact_relationship_type_code, pk
parent_contact_id, pk, foreign key to CONTACTS table
child_contact_id, pk, foreign key to CONTACTS table
contact_relationship_type_code, foreign key to CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CODE table
If you see the need to support multiple relationship types to a pair of people, add the CONTACTS_RELATIONS.contact_relationship_type_code column to the composite primary key
This is called a self join, it is pretty common and fairly easy to provide the functionallity you mention above. Take a look at this article.
Just implement an intersect table with four columns - key, contactid #1, contact id#2, and relationship.
Why do it this way? Because a contact can have several relationships.

Can I have 2 unique columns in the same table?

I have 2 tables:
features(example: Internet in room, satelite tv)
Can both id and name field be unique in the same table in mysql MYISAM?
If the above is posible, I am thinking of changing the table to:
features[id(PK),name,roomtypeID] ==> features[id(PK),name,roomtypeNAME]
...because it is helping me not to do extra querying in presentation for features because the front end users can't handle with IDs.
Of course, you can make one of them PRIMARY and one UNIQUE. Or both UNIQUE. Or one PRIMARY and four UNIQUEs, if you like
Yes, you can define UNIQUE constraints to columns other than the primary key in order to ensure the data is unique between rows. This means that the value can only exist in that column once - any attempts to add duplicates will result in a unique constraint violation error.
I am thinking of changing the FEATURES table to features[id(PK), name, roomtypeNAME] because it is helping me not to do extra querying in presentation for features because the front end users can't handle with IDs.
There's two problems:
A unique constraint on the ROOM_TYPE_NAME wouldn't work - you'll have multiple instances of a given room type, and a unique constraint is designed to stop that.
Because of not using a foreign key to the ROOM_TYPES table, you risk getting values like "Double", "double", "dOUBle"
I recommend sticking with your original design for sake of your data; your application is what translates a room type into its respective ROOM_TYPE record while the UI makes it presentable.
I would hope so otherwise MySQL is not compliant with the SQL standard. You can only have one primary key but you can mark other columns as unique.
In SQL, this is achieved with:
create table tbl (
colpk char(10) primary key,
coluniq char(10) unique,
colother char(10)
There are other ways to do it (particularly with multi-part keys) but this is a simple solution.
Yes you can.
Also keep in mind that MySQL allow NULL values in unique columns, whereas a column that is a primary key cannot have a NULL value.
1 RoomType may have many Features
1 Feature may be assigned to many RoomTypes
So what type of relationship do i have? M:N ?
You have there a many-to-many relationship, which has to be represented by an extra table.
That relationship table will have 2 fields: the PK of RoomTypes and the PK of Features.
The PK of the relationship table will be made of those 2 fields.
If that's usefull, you can add extra fields like the Quantity.
I would like to encourage you to read about database Normalization, which is he process of creating a correct design for a relational database. You can Google for that, or look eventually here (there are plenty of books/web pages on this)
Thanks again for very helpful answers.
1 roomType may have many features
1 feature may be assigned to many roomTypes
So what type of relationship do i have? M:N ?
If yes the solution I see is changing table structure to
features[id(PK),name,roomtypeIDs] multiple roomTypesIDs separated with comma?