How to create screenshots on a 'clean' OS? [closed] - screenshot

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am an individual developer and I wish to showcase some of my software to upload to my website. However, my C drive is obviously littered with different files, most of which for development, which I don't want to be featured in the screenshots. I preferably would like to screenshot my software on a 'clean' install of Windows 7 without any clutter.
How to create this type of screenshots, etc.? The lower cost the better.

Just create a new user account on windows, that should get rid of a lot of clutter.

A fresh VM seems like it would be your best bet. From the fact that you said C drive I'll assume you're on Windows. If you have Windows 8 you can install Hyper-V from the control panel. If not, use something like Virtual Box (
Using a VM means you will not only have a completely clean Windows installation, but also a completely clean file system.


How to deploy an iPad app to apple store? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This client wants to deploy our app to apple store. Before this, i have worked upon either enterprise app or other clients deploy app to apple store themselves. Now, this client wants me to guide them step by step to deploy on to app store.
I googled and found few articles about that process. It would be good if someone can share the document or link they referred while doing so.
I have development profile as well as enterprise profile.
Please help me in this.
This document should get you started in all the right directions:
If the account is set up properly and the actual app binary is there as well (and is working and was tested and all, you know), then the actual release shouldn't be all too difficult. You have to have icons and screenshots and descriptions and everything ready at the time when you release, but don't worry, you can always pause the release process and get back to it later if you realize you're missing anything.
Is this too general? Do you need any more specific answers (for more specific questions)?

Any experience with drop in website User Feedback services like Usersnap? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We've used the JIRA Issue Collection plugin to handle our websites user feedback form in the past, but would like to give users more capabilities like screenshots and annotations. Usersnap looks interesting, but I can't find much information on it beyond what is on their site.
Has anyone else used it or a similar library or service?
Usersnap offers a JIRA integration (Installation Docs), so it should be a drop in replacement for the JIRA Issue Collection plugin.
Moreover, your users don't need to install anything, it's fully browser based.
Having a screenshot from your customer is often a live saver - imagine "The button is too small" bug reports without knowing which exact button.

How to tell if an app is using Okuma API [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a simple way to tell if an app is using the Okuma API. There are several applications running on a control and I don't see any indication. I've tried renaming the Okuma API dll's and I can make some of them crash by not being able to find them but that can't be the best way.
I'm writing my own app too, I want to follow the standard. Is there any built in splash screen or standard way to show an app is using the API? (Something like Intel-Inside but Okuma THINC Inside, etc) I've tried searching for the Okuma logos and I see several different versions being used but none that signify anything about API and none that really look standard for indicating API usage.
At this time there is no official logo for the purpose your describing.

Load testing for authenticated users [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a couple of options to load test some applications with authenticated users. Does anyone have any suggestions? I prefer open source or not very expensive tools. Thanks.
Open source tools will have some limitations. A good value tool like StressTester would be my recommendation as you'll get more reliable results (based on personal experience). Depends how important the applications you're testing are as to what you go for.
Apache JMEter
Fore more, Google for "open source load testing libraries"
Alos look at this post How good is JMeter for testing ASP .NET webpages?
AppLoader works well with authenticated users. Though not free, you can get a free trial.

Lua COM Programming [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Anyone know of any examples that shows COM programming via Lua? Could require a library.
I need to write some external scripts for Photoshop, so wondering if it's possible with Lua.
Have a look at Lua for Windows. It contains LuaCOM. I haven't tried it myself, though.
As gimpf said, take a look at LuaCOM. You can either get it from its official site, which is the latest version (1.4). Unzip it somewhere and take a look at the folder "Demo", which includes examples for:
SAPI (Speech API)
They are more like test cases than examples but you can get the idea.
You can roll your own system using CInvoke and some custom C/C++ code combined with Lua meta-tables.
From experience though I can't recommend this, it is pretty complicated and requires a lot of effort to get it right and make it bulletproof.