Brand filtering on category pages - bigcommerce

In Bigcommerce, is it possible to add brand filtering to category pages?
The current options appear to be that you can select from "all brands" by visiting the brands page, or you could use the search engine to narrow your results but you're forced to type a keyword or space. I want to offer a way to narrow the products by brand for the specific category the user is viewing.
I've spoken to tech support and they've informed me that this is NOT an option through the control panel and would have to be done through the API.
In my attempt to do this with the API however, it doesn't appear there is anyway to dynamically identify which category a user viewing. Outside of hard-coding a template for each individual category, how can this be accomplished?

I was informed by API support that this is NOT possible. Their recommendation was to submit the idea to the support team for future implementation, and that I might be able to accomplish it through a combination of javascript and screen scraping.


How to create 2 unique Headers with complete different navigations on Venture Free Theme of shopify?

I just want to ask the community if you have any idea, how to create a unique header for a specific page on shopify.
Theme is Venture(Free Version)
I want to have UK page and US page on my shopify store. My index page is UK based or international clients. While the US page is for US customers only. I want to have a different header and navigation for US page since there are products that are not available for US customers. I just want to post US only products.
Anyone can help me with this? Thank you!
This will require more than just a header change, but it is possible to have two separate headers.
However, the localization may be tricky.
According to Shopify docs:
Your theme's primary language cannot be a regional variant when using
Shopify Markets. For example, you should not change your primary
language to English (United States). It should be English.
This can be done by assigning an array of IP addresses to an variable that is placed in several conditionals.
This process is far too advanced for laymen. If you are not comfortable with liquid and javscript, You can use Nosto or the app Geo-targeting.
If you are looking to do this yourself, please refer to the docs regarding the ‘browsing_context_suggestions.json’ endpoint.
This will then need to be compared to an array of some sort that will assign your customers to a region.
Then, assign that endpoint to a variable and use that variable as a conditional to display your menu with:
{% assign menu = [british menu] %}
I know how to do this, so if you need help I can set it up. It just won't be free, and I recommend trying the apps before you hire unless you are scaled properly for development.
You will then need to lock your products by region, which is done in ruby. You have limited access to ruby through liquid, and backend editing of this sort requires an app. You cannot region lock products in front end without a ton of work and it will be extremely unstable, expensive, and will not lock search results regionally.
So try Locksmith to region lock products. I haven't used it, so my suggestion is blind there, and some experimentation may be required.

Best Approach for integrating Microdata

I am developing a simple website and want to implement microdata on it.
The website is for a local business and simply has the default structure (about, services, contact, etc..).
My question is if microdata can be cloned on every page or if I should change from page to page. Logically I would say that I should change from page to page, but on the other hand information like facebook page, twitter and map will keep the same so I don't know what should I do.
I take the chance to ask if there is any better category to list a software company, I am using local business but maybe there should be better ones that I am missing (this applies for meta description and keywords also on the different sections of the site)
You should declare only the start- or contact/aboutme site with your Local Buissiness Information.
On all other site depend on the content like article, product etc. mandatory fields and the time needed until Google shows changes

I have implemented (using Microdata) inside my product pages and when I check Google Webmaster Tools it is crawled by Googlebot and interpreted successfully. The point is I have not implemented some properties inside Product type like brand.
I need to know whether there is some subset of all product attributes should be implemented essentially?
And the second question is how much it takes for Google to show product rating and price as rich snippet inside search results?
There are no mandatory properties/types in
However, consumers of the data, like Google Search, might have rules under which conditions they will make something with your data (e.g., they are looking for specific properties). So you’d have to check their documentation.
For Google Search, their Rich Snippets are documented at The Products Rich Snippets lists the required and optional properties/types. As you can see, the brand property is not required by Google for showing their Rich Snippet in the search results.
As google has pointed out the structured data required for a snippet are :
Pricespecifications (to include:)
First you should consider checking if the validfrom and availability attributes are added because both of them are the most common mistakes when you write your first SEO codes.
Then there are some attributes that while they are not in required list by Google's developers there seem to be the once that all successful snippets have (you might have noticed that too ) , the : review and vote attributes including the expect values from libraries. In some people's opinion ,mine also, having those will "almost" make sure they will get noticed.
Those are not pretty easy to get because u will have to create a way for getting reviews and votes.
Otherwise try using the webmaster new tool search console to highlight data for product snippet. Just make sure that the required attributes have their expected values in the text so you can mark all the above attributes with the tool.
Make sure all the attributes are markup and not meta data as it shows you are just making information up.
About the time , check that the structured data have increase for the peoduct and if not then fetch and submit to index.

Drupal 7 Commerce Search API

I would like to create a searchbox like the standard one in Drupal but for Drupal Commerce (1.4). I did not use a product display, but all my products are created.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found this:
and this: (funny english :-) )
I've tried the second one, but I don't need a price ruler. I just want to give the visitor the possibility to search through my products. Not only the title field, but also the description field and if possible the taxonomy terms. It didn't work anyway.
Need help! Thx!
I thought to create this with views, but all good suggestions are welcome.
You could disable the Search API modules and simply use the default Search module provided by Drupal, this would enable searching through nodes, users, etc as usual.
The Search API may be over kill for what you want, unless you have a good mix of variations, prices, product attributes, etc that you would like users to use as search filters (price range, per attribute, etc).

Is there a way to specify a title for the contacts picker?

The single / multiple contact pickers don't seem to have any way of specifying a title, so the user is suddenly just confronted with the big list of contacts from the people hub.
We can, of course, tell the user in advance but that adds in a level of design limitation (launching from an app bar button for example).
Am I missing the API for this as well or is this currently an unsupported scenario?