Is there a way to specify a title for the contacts picker? - windows-8

The single / multiple contact pickers don't seem to have any way of specifying a title, so the user is suddenly just confronted with the big list of contacts from the people hub.
We can, of course, tell the user in advance but that adds in a level of design limitation (launching from an app bar button for example).
Am I missing the API for this as well or is this currently an unsupported scenario?


How do I extract user details for Bloomberg Desktop API connection?

If you type IAM <GO> in the terminal you'll be shown the UserID, UUID, CLID etc.
Is it possible to extract this information through blpapi when using the Desktop API to connect via BBComm? I've seen references to Identity and populating that by sending an AuthorizationRequest but it appears that's only relevant for SAPI/B-PIPE.
To the best of my knowledge and after asking a couple of Bloomberg reps - this isn't possible. The best work around which I've found is: each user creates an EQS screen called their UUID. Add some filtering which causes this screening to return nothing. Then the application, upon start up, requests all possible UUIDs as EQS screens and stops when it doesn't get back an error - that's the UUID.
This is a dirty, dirty hack and, granted, this only works if you have few distinct users using your system. You don't want to ask may users to create such a screen and probably don't want to iterate over thousands of EQS screen names.
There is a "SID report" which is provide together with monthly invoices from Bloomberg which contains the UUIDs for users - this can be used to look up existing users but when setting up a brand new account you have to manually copy this information out of the terminal.

using knockout with multiple views - how best to structure API

I have a knockout application I am building that has multiple viewModels in one page.
I have been mocking data so far but I am now building the API that will run it.
My question is what do I do with complex viewModels with regards to the API.
For example I have a 'add company' page that has the following tabs:-
Company info (name, address, etc.)
People at company (multiple people)
Insurance Documentation (3 different types)
I currently have each of these as separate viewModels.
When I press save I am now confused what is the best way to do things.
If I send all 3 viewModels bundled together (add them to one master viewModel) then it becomes easy to ensure that IDs all line up but that doesn't seem very modular or a good idea and breaks the idea of being 'API Centric'.
However if I send each viewModel to a different API end-point how do I ensure that the ID's match-up correctly (people -> company) etc.
At the moment I am looking at two options:-
When press 'add new' create a blank company on the database and grab its ID -> use this to match everything up.
OR -
When I press save send the new company up first, then when response comes back as (hopefully) ok then upload the rest of the information to their respective end-points using the now correct ID.
Both seem messy so I am wondering what is the 'accepted' best way to do this??
Your second approach is how I would do it, pressing Save would send the Company model first. Then once you receive the 'OK' response with the Company id, in the callback you can add it to the other models and send them up.
Nothing messy about that, just standard asynchronous behaviour.

Brand filtering on category pages

In Bigcommerce, is it possible to add brand filtering to category pages?
The current options appear to be that you can select from "all brands" by visiting the brands page, or you could use the search engine to narrow your results but you're forced to type a keyword or space. I want to offer a way to narrow the products by brand for the specific category the user is viewing.
I've spoken to tech support and they've informed me that this is NOT an option through the control panel and would have to be done through the API.
In my attempt to do this with the API however, it doesn't appear there is anyway to dynamically identify which category a user viewing. Outside of hard-coding a template for each individual category, how can this be accomplished?
I was informed by API support that this is NOT possible. Their recommendation was to submit the idea to the support team for future implementation, and that I might be able to accomplish it through a combination of javascript and screen scraping.

Accessing "What are you up to"-comments on foursquare

I am working on a foursquare application where I am depending on user-generated data.
Say for instance that I want to categorize places with rare tap beers on the menu, then I would like users to write in their "What are you up to"-comment something like #RareBeer Pabst Blue Ribbon, and be able to catch that comment.
I understand that my OAuthed user has to befriend users to be able to see this, but how do I proceed from there?
The best way for you to go about this would be to use the Real-Time APIs we detail here:
Once you set up a Push API consumer, you will be able to get checkins from your OAuthed users sent directly to your server as they occur. Each push will include the shout, if there was one, allowing you to parse the comments your users are leaving as they come in. This is the method that apps like Hashtag Mom ( ) use to be able to gather and act upon user shouts ASAP.

Facebook Event - guest list & posting settings

I'm trying to add a "create Facebook event" functionality to my application that uses Graph API. I have read their documentation and I am able to create an event with basic informations, like name, description, time, place etc.
However, the documentation doesn't mention two fields I'm especially interested in: Show the guest list on the event page and Non-admins can write on the wall.
I have investigated the data sent to Facebook while creating new event on site and it seems like these two fields are named respectively guest_list and connections_can_post. Unfortunately, adding these two fields to my request has no effect. I have tried different combinations, but they seem to be ignored.
Is it possible to set those two fields through API?
I don't believe either of those fields can currently be set via the API