I recently made a code editor in vb.net for personal use. The only issue I am having is using it as my default text editor. I can open the files from inside the program using an open file dialog and the read all text command but when I double click on a text file it opens my program but the text doesn't appear in the box. I didn't expect it to be that easy but I also didn't expect it to this hard to find an answer. If there is already an open topic that I couldn't find that has the answer on it please leave me a link. Thanks.
A markdown file is opened under IntelliJ and from its preview if I do a left click on a link, it will follow it and open it the default browser.
But for my current work, it's not what I'm willing to do.
I need to copy its underlying URL to open it on another browser of my choice, that isn't the default one.
But whatever I attempt:
Right-clicking on the link with the mouse
Attempt to copy it by selecting its text and doing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Ins
the underlying URL of that link isn't copied and I cannot paste it.
Of course, I can enter the .md definition and select that URL part that is between parenthesis, but it's not convenient.
* [COG 2021 : https://www.insee.fr/fr/information/5057840](https://www.insee.fr/fr/information/5057840)
And furthermore, I cannot copy any text content from that preview...
Is there a way to make IntelliJ preview window of a markdown file gaining the expected ability of copying to the clipboard ?
Use markdown editor for this. For example Typora.
Is there a simple way to copy syntax-coloured code block as rtf in intellij IDEA?
UPDATE: there is now a new plug-in for this: 'Copy' on steroids that is maintained by JetBrains.
There is no way to copy colored code block from IDEA directly.
A workaround is to use File | Export to HTML, then open HTML in a browser, then copy from the browser window and paste into Wordpad or MS Word.
Another and more faster way is to install the Copy as HTML plug-in in Settings | Plugins:
Copies a snippet of code as html
Adds menu items "Copy as HTML" to main menu and editor popup. Will copy the current selection or the complete editor buffer. Currently only works if focus is in editor (for example won't work in project tree).
Preserves more formatting than the built-in HTML export.
HTML is only a snippet (without html and body tags) meant to be inserted into a complete HTML document.
Currently HTML format is fixed and uses CSS a lot.
Options: unindent, add border, padding, line numbers, tabs to spaces conversion, include editor's warning and error highlighting (see IDE Settings -> Copy as HTML).
Reuses the editor "Show Line Numbers" setting (see Idea's "View" menu).
IntelliJ IDEA 15
By default, you can copy rich text from IntelliJ to Microsoft Word (for example).
This feature can be found in File > Settings... > Editor > General > Rich-text copy > Copy as rich text by default
You can also change the color scheme only for the copy-paste operation (your current scheme won't be affected).
Go to https://gist.github.com/
Copy code from IntelliJ to the new private gist;
Save it, copy colorful code from the browser to wherever you want;
Delete the gist.
Use external tool notepad++
1) copy code snippet to notepad++
2) apply syntax highlighting
3) copy with nppexport plugin to clipboard as rtf
If you're on a mac and like TextMate, here's a great way to copy styled code from TextMate: https://github.com/bblimke/copy-with-style-tmbundle
It's not as convenient as doing it directly from IntelliJ, but it's a bit more convenient than using gist or pastebin. Also, unlike the Copy as HTML Plugin for IntelliJ, this solution actually works at the time of this writing.
this time I'm fighting against a .txt file which doesn't want to be (programmatically) set to be printed in Portrait-mode instead of Landscape-mode (which is the default apparently).
Thing is I know how to do that with application like Word or Excel, but sadly enough I'm working on a device that has no Office at all.
I'm not providing any code at all since my problem is pretty straightforward, and I think I need a simple command in order to solve it. What I basically (programmatically) do in my subroutine is:
Open the file as #1 (I know this appears so '80, but I don't want to modify an up-and-running system, potentially having errors show up)
Write text to the file
Close #1
Save the file
Call text editor shell to show the file to the user
How can I then automatically set the print format to Portrait?
P.s.= I do not have the possibility to insert a userform or an object to print the txt file in "special ways", the user has to print the file from txt editor itself (wordpad just in case)
First to state the obvious: there are no print settings stored in text files (or indeed anything else except for the text). Print settings would be controlled within whatever you are using to print - in this case Notepad or Wordpad.
There are only very limited command line switches for Notepad and Wordpad, which unfortunately don't include page setup. In theory you may be able to automate setting portrait using SendKeys (see here and here) but if it is possible at all it's likely to be difficult and unreliable (focus and timing are two issues).
I can't see a good way round this within the parameters of your question. Adding an object within your application would probably have been the best solution. You might try looking for an alternative text editor you could install that is easier to automate. The only other alternative might be to set defaults within the printer drivers and hope that those stick when the user opens Notepad.
I'm trying to use jade, i am currently using sublime text 2, when i go to save my file there is no option to save as a jade file, Do i have to use something that can save as a jade file or can i use sublime and just save the file as file.jade. I seen this answer Syntax highlighting for Jade in Sublime Text 2? but, i am not understand what to do im on windows 8, i have never used github before and i see like 10 things i can click on when i click this link, https://github.com/miksago/jade-tmbundle i think i may rather use something from google chrome, i know they have a editor that supports jade. Anyone know of a good free editor or just something i can use to just save jade files.
Maybe you have to activate "file extensions" to do so, in older windows versions it was disabled on default.
To activate just open your explorer, hit view then, under options, click on folder options or something like that. There you find "Hide file extensions", deactivate this checkbox.
After that you can save files in Sublime in every format you want to, like #henguin1001 mentioned before.
You can just Save As -> then add the extension .jade, or rename your txt file with that extension and there is even a sublime text plugin for jade https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Jade
I have a PowerPoint 2010 file saved as a PowerPoint Macro-enabled show (.ppsm) file. I have a hyperlink on a particular page of the PPSM and I've linked it to a PDF file. Great, it all works.
Now I need to put a hyperlink in the PDF file that will jump me back to the specific page in the PPSM, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. The information in another thread says to add "#15" (the page number) to the filename, but the link seems to put the entire file path. I also get an error that this is not a valid file name. I want to be able to just store the files together in the same directory and have them find each other with the file name, not the whole path.
All assistance gratefully accepted.
If you're running the slide show and link to a PDF file, the show is still running and sitting on the slide you linked from.
All you need to add to the PDF is a link that closes the PDF or possibly quits Acrobat/Reader altogether.
Open the PDF in Acrobat, add a link, choose Custom Link, click Next.
In Link Properties dialog box, go to the Actions tab
Select Action: Execute a menu item.
Click Add to get a list of available menu items, choose File, Close
or File, Exit.
If you need to return to some other page than the one you started on in PPT, it gets a bit trickier.