Phonegap SQLite Plugin vs build-in functionality? - sql

I need to work with a database which can be >20MB.
I read a lot about the size Limit of 5 MB and how the SQLite Plugin would
solve this issue.
I wrote a little test filling a table with dummy data, using the build in Phonegap functionality. Turns out (on iOS) I can easily create a database with 20MB without warnings.
It is stored under AppData/Library/WebKit/LocalStorage/file_0/0000000000000001.db
So what is the real difference between the mentioned Plugin and Phonegap 3.1 database functionality?

Could it be that the limit only applies to Mobile Safari and not to a UIWebView?

Check out the link and it says under Maximum Database Size as shown:
The maximum size of a database file is 2147483646 pages. At the
maximum page size of 65536 bytes, this translates into a maximum
database size of approximately 1.4e+14 bytes (140 terabytes, or 128
tebibytes, or 140,000 gigabytes or 128,000 gibibytes).
The third party sqlite plugin you mentioned has these features over built in sqlite (as their claim, you can check it). And you don't need to worry about db size limit in your case since 5MB limit is about Web SQL API not for built in sqlite support of phonegap.

You are using the WebSQL-Database under iOS. The WebSQL-Database is limited to 50 MB (see here).
The 5 MB you read about is the limit of the (localstorage API).
The Phonegap SQLLite-Plugin provides a database with no limits (except the storage cap of the device itself).


CodeName One size of 1mb

If I have the free account,with a JAR size limit of 1mb,I want to understand
approximately what can or can't I do with this limit;Is this limit too small to make an app?I want that my app have access to camera,web browsers and that cointains images,few videos,a lots of documents??
The 1mb size applies to the jar sent to the server, this is around 6kb for a barebones application. All of our demos and many 3rd party apps in the stores fall under this limit which is generally a good approach.
It doesn't limit the size of the final application or 3rd party libraries used which means you can still use a large library like google maps without hitting this limit. If you use a very heavy theme or many images (within the app JAR not downloaded dynamically) you will hit this limit.
There is a bit of an overview here on how to shrink the JAR overhead
Notice that I'm currently working on a fully functioning clone of the Uber application which is currently under 600kb.

What is the maximum database size in Titanium?

What is the maximum database size? Is there a chart that shows maximum database size across different devices? Can you store a pre-populated database on an SD card and plug that into the device and read that database with titanium?
There is no limit (as far as I know besides SQL limits) on the size of a database except available storage on device, but obviously your app wont really function responsively if you have a ridiculous (a million rows) amount of data stored on the device.
The chart would just be comparing phone flash memory.
Probably, but there hasn't been a lot of success. Check here, and here and here.

Storage limit for indexeddb on IE10

We are building a web-app that store lots of files as blobs with indexedDB. If the user uses our app at its maximum, we could store as much as 15GB of file in indexeddb.
We ran into a problem with IE10, that I strongly suspect is a quota issue.
After having successfully saved some files, a new call to store.put(data, key); will never ends.
Basically, the function will be called, but no success event nor error event will be called.
If I look into the IndexedDB folder of IE 10 I'll see a handfull of what looks like temporary files (of 512 kB each) getting created and removed indefinitely.
When looking at the "Cache and Database" paramaters window, I see that my site's database has reached 250 MB.
Looking further, I found this blog entry which incidently says that the storage limit for Windows Store apps is 250 MB.
I am not using any Windows Store mechanism, but I figured I could be victim of the same arbitrary limit.
So, my question is :
Is there any way to bypass this limit ? User is asked for permission to exceed a 10 MB limit, but I saw no question popping to the user when the 250 MB was reached.
Is there any other way to store more than 250 MB of data with IE10.
Thanks, I'll take any clues.
I afraid you can't. Providing the storage limit and asking the user to allow more space is the responsibility of the browser vendor. So I don't think the first option is applicable.
I know the user can allow a website to exceed a give limit (internet options > General > Browsing history > settings > caches and databases), but I don't know if that will overrule the 250MB. It can be that this is a hardcoded limit you can't exceed.
This limit is bound to a domain meaning you can't solve it by creating multiple databases. The only solution would be to store on multiple domains, but in that case you can't cross access them. Also as I see the 250MB limit will be for indexeddb API and File API combined

Saving data to local memory restriction windows 8 metro style apps

I was wondering if there are memory limits for metro style apps. I am not talking about the RAM. That I already found out has a limit of 150 mb, right?
I want to know, if there is a restriction of using the local memory (the hard discstorage). I am creating a database to save alot of data. Can i do so until the device runs out of storage? (I am not actually planning to do so. But occupying like 80mb of the memory would be nice)
Thanks in advance.
There is no limit on local data.
Local application data should be used for any information that needs to be preserved between application sessions and is not suitable type or size wise, for roaming application data. Data that is not applicable on other devices should be stored here as well. There are no general size restriction on local data stored. Location is available via the localFolder property. Use the local app data store for data that it does not make sense to roam and for large data sets.
From here. There is a limit on roaming data. Same document has that.

Couchbase Mobile (ios) replicated data size too large

I am working on a mobile game that uses Couchbase mobile on the client and Iris Couch to store data on the cloud. In order for the app to work off line each user has a database on the server which is replicated on the device. Everything looks promising except for one detail: when the data is replicated on the deice it takes too much disk space. For example, a remote database contains 400 documents and it is approximately 100 MB, the replicated database on the device is approximately 390 MB with the same number of documents. Has anyone experienced such issue? Any help would be appreciated.
TouchDB stores data in a completely different format than CouchDB — it actually writes into SQLite tables. Another factor that may be coming into play is the lack of snappy compression on the TouchDB side, which CouchDB recently added and significantly decreased its on-disk requirements.
Considering your documents seem to be relatively large, I suspect that the difference you are seeing may be mostly compressed vs. raw related. You could try filing a feature request for similar compression to be implemented on the TouchDB project if you can determine that this is indeed where the difference is coming from.