Asterisk Realtime and External SIP table - authentication

I'm having spleepless night thanks to Asterisk Realtime.
I have some trouble understanding the documentation ( like ). Too many tables, many parameters, fragmented informations, no exhaustive tutorial.
I have simply to auto-register some users from an external MySQL's table ( id, user, chatkey ).
Which are the columns i HAVE to set to get it work? If there where simply a user and password column, I would have matched them with my.user and my.chatkey, but now I'm very confused.
Is there any side effects using VIEWS instead table + triggers?

You have set ALL columns. Minimum set is something like type,username, host,name,nat,allow,disallow.
You can do it using mysql view from your current tables.But if you do so, you have use cache of realtime friends or organize contact update(update&store of all fields below&including ipaddr). Otherwise your setup will not able determine where your sip devices.
I don't understand your issues. Wiki is very clear. For sip auth you need only one table sip_buddies
and need put in /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
sipusers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
sippeers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
note, general - name of already setuped(in /etc/asterisk/res_mysql.conf) database connection.
From your question i see you not understanding asterisk internals, so i recommending you read Orely's book "Asterisk the future of telephony" or hire expert. Otherwise resulting application will be not scalable and probably will work strange.


Set a filter with distinct values

Is there a way to setup something like a <SelectInput> filter on a column of the list to get only distinct values of this column ?
Something like the <ReferenceInput> but on the same table and with unique values ...
No, but for good reason. Say you have data with billions of distinct records. You don't want your frontend determining what is unique. Instead you want an API that can support that data specifically, and hopefully quickly.
So long story short, you'll need an API for that.
Along the lines of what Shawn K says, perhaps create a View on your backend that represents the state of what is currently 'distinct', acknowledging that it might be stale/non-realtime. Then you could use the contents of that View to represent the choices available to the user. If generating the distinct set of values is non-performant, then if you're in a DB like Postgres (et al), create a Materialized View, refreshed on a timer.
The binding of the view data to the becomes the trick at that point, but there are probably clues to doing that here of SO and you could piece these two together.
BTW, I use Views regularly to handle edge certain edge cases like this. Beats caching data in a middle tier for sure.

Dynamic where clause and operand SQL Server

Having read almost all topics related to dynamic where clauses, I still can't find a way through.
Here is my source table:
Source Table
And the result I want is:
In fact I want to return all values satisfying the Test value condition but don't know how to implement it dynamicly (I have a table with 700K lines).
Thanks a lot for your help.
Following your answers, I will detailed a bit more the approach.
Unfortunately, as I'm a new user, I'm not allowed to post pictures directly in the post.
I'm basicly performing segregation of duties controls over the SAP system.
Basicly, I want to test if some of the access of a customer are conflictual based on SAP extractions against a knowledge template stating potential conflicts.
Here is an simplified example of the SAP extract:
And here is a simplified example of the Potential conflict template:
This is a faxe example of the raw data of the customer:
I thought a way of doing this is to use dynamic where clause.
Thanks a lot for your help

What must be escaped in SQL?

When using SQL in conjunction with another language what data must be escaped? I was just reading the question here and it was my understanding that only data from the user must be escaped.
Also must all SQL statements be escaped? e.g. INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT
EVERY type of query in SQL must be properly escaped. And not only "user" data. It's entirely possible to inject YOURSELF if you're not careful.
e.g. in pseudo-code:
$name = sql_get_query("SELECT lastname FROM sometable");
sql_query("INSERT INTO othertable (badguy) VALUES ('$name')");
That data never touched the 'user', it was never submitted by the user, but it's still a vulnerability - consider what happens if the user's last name is O'Brien.
Most programming languages provide code for connecting to databases in a uniform way (for example JDBC in Java and DBI in Perl). These provide automatic techniques for doing any necessary escaping using Prepared Statements.
All SQL queries should be properly sanitized and there are various ways of doing it.
You need to prevent the user from trying to exploit your code using SQL Injection.
Injections can be made in various ways, for example through user input, server variables and cookie modifications.
Given a query like:
"SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE username= <user input> "
If the user input is not escaped, the user could do something like
' or '1'='1
Executing the query with this input will actually make it always true, possibly exposing sensitive data to the attacker. But there are many other, much worse scenarios injection can be used for.
You should take a look at the OWASP SQL Injection Guide. They have a nice overview of how to prevent those situations and various ways of dealing with it.
I also think it largely depends on what you consider 'user data' to be or indeed orignate from. I personally consider user data as data available (even if this is only through exploitations) in the public domain, i.e. can be changed by 'a' user even if it's not 'the' user.
Marc B makes a good point however that in certain circumstances you may dirty your own data, so I guess it's always better to be safer than sorry in regards to sql data.
I would note that in regards to direct user input (i.e. from web forms, etc) you should always have an additional layer server side validation before the data even gets near a sql query.

Removing privacy data from a database?

Say that I needed to share a database with a partner. Obviously I have customer information in that database. Short of going through and identifying every column that contains privacy information and a custom script to 'scrub' the data, is there any tool or script which can scrub the data, but keep the format in tact (for example, if a string is 5 characters, it would stay 5 characters, only scrubbed)?
If not, how would you accomplish something like this, preferably in TSQL?
You may consider only share VIEW, create VIEWs to hide data that you don't want share.
CREATE VIEW v_customer
LEFT(CreditCard,5) + '****' As CreditCard -- OR, don't show this column at all
FROM customer
Firstly I need to state professional interest I work for IBM which has tools that do exactly this.
Step 1. Ensure you identify all the PII (Personally Identifiable Information). When sharing database information it is typical that the obvious column names like "name" are found but you also need to find the "hidden" data where either the data is embedded in a standard format eg string-name-string and column name is something like "reference code" or is in free format text fields . as you have seen this is not going to be an easy job unless you automate it. The Tool for this is InfoSphere Discovery
Step 2. What context does the "scrubbed" data need to be in. Changing named fields to random characters has problems when testing as users focus on text errors rather than functional failures, therefore change names to real but ficticious. Credit card information often needs to be "valid". by that I mean it needs to have a valid prefix say 49XX but the rest an invalid sequence. Finally you need to ensure that every instance of the change is propogated through the database to maintain consistency. Tool for this is Optim Test Data Management with Data Privacy option.
The two tools integrate to give a full data privacy solution.
Based on the original question, it seems you need the fields to be the same length, but not in a "valid" format? How about:
UPDATE customers
SET email = REPLICATE('z', LEN(email))
-- additional fields as needed
Copy/paste and rename tables/fields as appropriate. I think you're going to have a hard time finding a tool that's less work, unless your schema is very complicated, or my formatting assumptions are incorrect.
I don't have an MSSQL database in front of me right now, but you can also find all of the string-like columns by something like:
WHERE DATA_TYPE IN ('...', '...')
I don't remember the exact values you need to compare for, but if you run the query and see what's there, they should be pretty self-explanatory.

MSAccess SQL Injection

I'm doing some penetration testing for a friend of mine and have total clearance to go postal on a demo environment. Reason for this is because I saw a XSS-hole in his online ASP-application (error page with error as param allowing html).
He has a Access DB and because of his lack of input-validation I came upon another hole: he allows sql injection in a where-clause.
I tried some stuff from:
But this gave limited result:
MSysRelationships is open, but his Objects table is shielded.
' UNION SELECT 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 FROM MSysRelationships WHERE '1' = '1 <-- worked so I know the parent table has at least 9 columns. I don't know how I can exploit the relation table to get tablenames ( I can't find any structures explanation so I don't know on what to select.
Tried brute-forceing some tablenames, but to no avail.
I do not want to trash his DB, but I do want to point out the serious flaw with some backing.
Anyone has Ideas?
Usually there are two ways to proceed from here. You could try to guess table names by the type of data which is stored in them which often works ("users" usually stores the user data ...). The other method would be to generate speaking error messages in the application to see if you can fetch table or column names from there.