List does not exist - sharepoint-2010

I added the webpart for the Nivo Slider to my SharePoint 2010 site. It in the subsite /usc/plantmanagement/Carlsbad/ The image library name is Carlsbad. I enter these get an error...
•Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. ::List does not exist in "/usc/plantmanagement/Carlsbad/" path!!::
::Images cannot be created!!:: ::Cannot get the images::
I have tried the entire url, with and without quotes, created a new image library with another name. Nothing seems to get to the URL I need to make it work. I am going to test at the root site to see if I can get it to work there.
Please assist.

Have you tried web relative url like this 'plantmanagement/Carlsbad/'?


How to get a free Google-provided domain (for example,

I am following an example to add an email link, but after I click on Dynamic Links, it doesn't provide me with a default url, like in the picture ( I get an empty box, no dropdown.
How do I get a Google provided subdomain, like in the picture?
This is what mine looks like:
I figured out. It's very simple. The url is not pre-created, it doesn't show up by default. You have to start typing, and then you can create a url, if the url link is not taken.
Afer this, you will get a message: has been verified and approved for use

Aurelia tutorial stuck building out contact list

I'm an experienced WPF developer, but new to web development.
I'm stuck at point where you replace the Contact List Placeholder
with the contact-list custom element.
When I run it the web page still shows the placeholder text instead of the contact list. I assumed this was a cache issue, but I've tried everything I can think of to clear the cache. I have also tried deleting the app.html and running the site to see what kind of error I'd get, but still I get the template with Contact List Placeholder. I've tried reverting to the original tag and changing the inner text, and I still get "Contact List Placeholder".

Page not displayed on my website

I'm trying to put together my website but I'm experiencing a very weird behaviour. I have an html resource named y6.html in my www directory in the root directory of the website. It worked very fined until yesterday when suddenly when accessing it it sends me a void webpage with an empty head and an empty body (not a 404).
Also I realized after one point that I would change the css on the website but that the changes I made would be on the ftp server at the right place but the website would still display the old version I had not modified even after emptying the cache.
The page is :
Any clue on what's causing this?
This is an HTML error. Your <title> is not closed as usual. You must use </title> to close it.
</title> is missing. Add the slash and try again
Just looking through the page source of that web page, you have made an error with the title tag. On your closing tag you have missed your "/". Put that in and see if it works
Your HTML markup is wrong. Please check nesting of title,head and body inside your html tag. Please consider using a text editor like Notepad++ / Sublime Text and check whether the tags are closed and nested properly.
In your markup Title tag should be closed.

SharePoint 2010 move bcs profile page

Is it possible to move the SharePoint 2010 BCS profile page, normally located under:
It is a work around I guess but works well. I have tried it out.
1.) Create the profile page in the desired location (Web Part page)
2.) Export the web parts(2 web parts) from original profile page and add it to you custom page.
3.) Connect the web parts and test the page whether it is working properly like the OOTB profile page.
4.) Create a new action in the External Content Type and give the above new URL in the below format
5.) Select the other parameters appropriately. Don't forget to give parameter as the identifier(JOB ID). Make sure you select this action as default action.
That's it :)
It should work in the way you expect. Let me know if you face any issues.

Wiki Page Library issue in SharePoint 2010

I would really appreciate it if someone would help me out with this issue.
I'm using SharePoint 2010. I created a Wiki Page Library without changing any of the library settings, and created a new Wiki page, all that went fine but once I started adding text and then tried to save the changes on the page, this message appears:
"You must specify a value for this required field"
I don't know what to do, there is no required field and I can't really fix that... so please help me with that message!!
Fatima, I don't know if you ever got your question answered, but this is a known issue with Publishing features. There is a field that is marked as required, but is not displayed on the page. I beleive it's the column/field called "Name". If you look through the Site Content Types and find "wiki page", you'll see that status is marked as "Required". Changing that should fix the issue for you.
This was caused by a Place holder missing from the Main area of your master page.
Even if you’ve moved it to a asp:Panel and declared it as false at the bottom of your master page you’ll still get the error.
All you need is to move content place holder
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=“PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea” runat=”server”></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
within the s4-bodyContainer div , within the s4-ca div seems to work best. Save the master page and that’s it. that no more irritating message.
Alternatively, you can try the solution suggested here