When will IronWorkers support Ruby 2.0? - iron.io

The default language version for ruby on IronWorkers is 1.9.3. When will it be bumped to 2.0?
Is there an easy way to upgrade to ruby 2.0 without too much delay when launching a task?

[edit] You can now use multiple different language packs using our Stacks functionality as specified above. Also here's more info in the Iron.io dev center: http://dev.iron.io/worker/reference/environment/#default_language_versions
Currently no there is no way to use Ruby 2. We are working on a way to give users the ability to choose their language versions much easier, but there's no ETA at this point.
If you need any help or support don't hesitate to jump into our live chat http://get.iron.io/chat

Iron Worker is finally supporting custom environments, one of which is Ruby 2.1:


Rails 4 and Locomotive cms workarounds?

I want to try Locomotive CMS, while I was installing it, I realised that only runs with rails 3+ version no 4.
As I am currently working in a couple of other apps in rails and I am pretty new to it, I was wondering if is there any way to run one version of rails for locomotive and another one(rails 4) for my other apps. If so how could it be done?
Thanks in advance.
You definetely want to start using rvm. It will help you not only separate your gems for different projects, but also separate and manage your Ruby versions. Definetely a great tool.

CXF Bundles: Whats the difference?

I'm using maven, but I dont understand the difference between following dependencies:
Option 2 seems newer, but can I use it?
At the moment I use "http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.cxf/cxf-bundle/2.7.14", but I want to upgrade to V. 3.x.x
I haven't found any informations about the cxf-bundle/3.0.0-milestone2 yet, but perhaps someone knows, whre to find more informations about this one.
The big monolithic bundle was removed in 3.0. Use the individual bundles that you need for your application.

what changed in play framework 2.x

doesn't play framework 2.0.4 support some consoles?
when i was using 1.x, i could use the console "play eclipsify"
and "play dependencies" to fbconnect and fbgraph modules
but from when i chaged the version, it's not working.
then how can i connect those modules? i've no idea to do that
i think the new version doesn't support those consoles for modules
is it correct?
is the way totally different? if then please let me know.
also juz awhile ago i checked the 1.2.5 version
and there is no dependencies.yml and module folder
would you let me know what changed and how can i apply and adjust?
Thank you for your time
check this out
and i wanna tell you some people who evaluate my question
what if there is no begginer who really want to learn and ask, how developing survives?
i hate reputations!
Yes, it's TOTALY different, although some ideas are the same, Play 2.x is quite new product (as stated in many topics and questions since many months), there's (fortunately) no backward compatibility between Play 1.x and 2.x!
When you'll visit Play 1.x (only) modules page the first thing you'll see will be that disclaimer:
These modules are for the Play 1.x series only. Play 2.0 modules can be hosted anywhere on any Ivy, Maven or Git repository. We will add a directory for them here shortly.
Thanx to Pere Villega you can also search for Play 2.0 for Java or Scala modules on PlayModules.net site, however you need carefully choose between Play 1.x and Play 2.x series.
For working with eclipse, check the Play's 2.0 IDE documentation.

Grails and plugin-provided views

I was wondering if there has been any development on the bug http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRAILS-2685 ? It says that it's resolved but when I try to use it in 1.3.1 (latest at the time of writing as far as I know) it still does not work.
Great news! With the emergence of Grails 1.3.3 the views provided by plugins in a way described here works again! So the actual solution is to upgrade to 1.3.3 and life is good :D

Are XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter fully implemented in Mono project?

I'm working on a cross-platform solution currently. The solution uses XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter from .NET framework 3.0.
Now i need to know if these two classes (and all the nessasary infrastructure around them) are fully supported in Mono project from the porting-it-to-linux point of view. :)
You can check it on the mono status:
You can also check your code using the mono migration analyser
I checked they are currently not implemented
The APIs are available on the current Mono 2.6 preview, but they are not available on the 2.4 release (the current official release).