Sending AT commands from an embedded system to a Fastrack Supreme Wavecom Module - embedded

I have an embedded system that controls a motor using pwm and some other things, I send commands through a serial connection, which is connected to a Fastrack Wavecom Supreme GSM Module. However, the module connected to the embedded system (the client), fails to send the message to the server module.
I have been able to send messages back and forth between the two wavecom modules, however, when I try and send from my PIC18F45k22 to the wavecom module, it fails.
Any ideas of what could be going wrong?

You did not specify what type of serial communication you are using. For instance, if you are using the PIC's SPI module you may be sampling on the wrong edge of the clock. There are at least 2 common SPI modes widely used and 4 all together. If you are using the PIC's UART there are "a whole bucket full" of setting that may be off. Speed, number of bits, in band signaling, out of band signaling, parity, ect.


Why are my 2 USB connected devices, using separate FTDI Virtual COM Ports (COM3 and COM2), communicating over the same COM port?

I have a program written in Visual Basic (.NET Framework 3.0) that communicates with a power supply via a D2XX driver (over COM3) and a pump via a VCP driver (over COM2). Currently, if both USB devices are plugged in when I start the program, it tries to communicate with the pump, (COM2) when trying to communicate with the power supply (COM3). I found a temporary solution to this issue by only have the power supply connected when starting the program. Then I initialize communication with the power supply, and afterwards plug in the pump; this allows the program to communicate with both separately for the rest of the time running the program. But this process is tedious and I am hoping there is an alternative solution where I can keep both units connected via USB and the computer communicates separately. What is confusing is that this communication issue was not always the case, a week ago it worked without having to disconnect the pump (all drivers are updated, and on the device manager they are listed as their respective COM ports as well) ; I am struggling to find some correlation between what is the underlying issue.
I tried to delete other hidden additional COM ports. I made sure all drivers were updated. When the pump is communicating via the same port as the power supply, and then I try to communicate with the pump, I receive this error:
Message=Access to the port 'COM2' is denied.
Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
<Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>
But again, If I start the program with only the power supply plugged in and initialize communication with the power supply, and THEN plug in the pump, this issue is evaded. I hope someone can give some sort of direction at all troubleshooting this issue because I am completely stumped. Thank you!
Most likely your program implicitly relied on the correct enumeration order. If you use devices with an FTDI product with internal flash or with dedicated eeprom, you may be lucky: Many can configured via FT_PROG to be visible only for D2XX and not as VCP. This way you can avoid the problem. Alternatively, you can try to modify your program so that it accesses D2XX first. Make sure to filter out the correct device using device informations. E.g. the serial number or the VID:PID if the device manufacturer has made the effort to aquire its own IDs. Check 3.4 FT_GetDeviceInfoList of D2XX Programmer's Guide for details.

STM32f103 HAL USB - UART bridge

I have a third party device that is UART programmable.
I need to create a USB - UART bridge with a functional password (programming only after entering the correct password)
generated the code using the latest version of STM32CubeMX for Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 9.3.0 ...
I transfer data between USB and UART through a buffer (one for usb-uart, and another one for uart-usb)
when I try to transfer several characters everything is OK, but when I try to transfer a large data packet, problems start due to the fact that the USB speed is much higher than the UART ...
there are two questions:
1.How do I tell USB that I need to stop transferring data and wait until the UART (buffer) is busy
2.How on the side of the microcontroller to get the baud rate set on the PC (set when the terminal is connected to the virtual COM port)
USB provides flow control. That's what you need to implement. A general introduction can be found here:
Basically, the setup for the USB-to-UART direction should be:
Indicate that the code is ready to receive a USB packet
Receive a USB packet
Indicate that you are no longer ready to receive a USB packet
Transmit the data via UART
Start over
Step 0: Initial setup
Call USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer to set the buffer for receiving the USB data. Unless you use several buffers to achieve higher throughput, a single call at the start of the program is sufficient.
Step 1: Ready to receive data
Call USBD_CDC_ReceivePacket. Other than what the name implies, this function indicates that the app is ready to receive data. It immediately returns before the data has actually been received.
Step 2: Receive a USB packet
You don't need to do anything here. It will happen automatically. Once it's complete, CDC_Itf_Receive will be called.
Step 3: Indicate that you are no longer ready to receive a USB packet
Nothing to do here. This happens automatically whenever a packet has been received (and double buffering is not enabled).
Step 4: Transmit the data via UART
I guess you know how to do this. It's up to you whether you want to do it in a blocking fashion or using DMA.
Since a callback is involved, you cannot put this code into the main loop. It might be possible to put all code into CDC_Itf_Receive if blocking UART is used. It would appear in the order 2, 3, 4, 1. Additionally, initialization is needed (0 and 1).
In the UART-to-USB direction, you would need to implement flow control on the UART. The USB flow control is managed by the host. Even though USB is much faster than UART, flow control is relevant as the application on the host can process data as slow as it likes to.
Regarding question 2: I'm not sure I understand it... The microcontroller cannot set the baud rate on the host. Either the host can specify a baud rate (transmitted over USB and applied to UART), or if the UART has a fixed baud rate, you can ignore baud rate (any baud rate set on the host side will work as it does not apply to USB).

Thermal Printer interfacing with the AM1808

I have to interface the thermal Printer with my AM1808 based on the Embedded linux.
I have interfaced a printer having only unidirectional communication, means i need to send only data and no need to receive anything from the printer for verification.
I have my own printer that need the bidirectional communication in which i have to send the data and same way i need to receive something from the printer to verify wether it has successfully printed the data or not.
Yes my printer gets hung when it has printed around 4000 bytes so i have to reinitialize it to empty its inbuild buffer.
Now my question is Once i have configured a UART port. do i have to enable or disable transmission or reception ? means it can work with both the transmission and reception enabled ? How can i do this please help me.
Wether I have to put printer on interrupt. ????
Thank you.
All UART's I've ever worked with have independent tx and rx hardware. Assuming no hardware flow-control enabled, then if you can tx OK, your should be able to rx.
Wether I have to put printer on interrupt? - Well, on a preemptive multitasker, it's usual to use an interrupt driver, (or some variant, eg. DMA with interrupt on completion), yes.
I have interfaced a printer having only unidirectional communication, means i need to send only data and no need to receive anything from the printer for verification.
"... no need to receive anything ..." is probably a faulty assumption.
Your printer should have somekind of flow control to prevent data overrun. Character displays & line printers often can receive the data faster than they can display or print it. These devices use a simple comm protocol that does not have any facility for retransmission of lost data. So there's flow control to notify the host to (temporarily) stop sending data when the device's receive buffer is full.
A EIA/RS-232 serial interface can use either hardware (typically using the CTS control line) or software (embedded data, typically using the XON and XOF characters) for single-ended flow control. Linux serial port drivers and line discipline make flow control invisible to the application program once the serial port is configured.
Yes my printer gets hung when it has printed around 4000 bytes so i have to reinitialize it to empty its inbuild buffer.
This appears to be evidence that you are ignoring whatever flow control the printer is providing, and causing data overrun.
Now my question is Once i have configured a UART port. do i have to enable or disable transmission or reception ?
That's not the salient question. You need to determine what kind of flow control the printer needs, and then implement (i.e. configure) that.

Is there way to tell terminal wait before send more data?

I have embedded firmware which have terminal over serial transmission. I am doing command from terminal which waits data (text file) which it should save to flash chip. However, writing flash is much slower than terminal transmission.
Text file may be pretty big (many kB), so in small embedded environment I cannot simply dump it to RAM. I though if it possible to communicate with standard terminal emulator (which have drag/dop support for files) to pause transmission every time when write buffer is full and tell continue again after write is done? I haven't find anything which may help me throught this.
Well, offcourse I can make PC frontend which understands this trick, but in basic level it should be nice if all function can be used through normal terminal if needed.
For a basic serial connection you could see if the hardware supports flow control. This would be the CTS, RTS lines (clear to send, request to send).
However many simple embedded systems do not implement this type of flow control.
If the hardware does not support flow control, then you will have to look at using some form of software flow control. You maybe able to implement the Xon/Xoff flow control ( ) or could implement a simple file transfer protocol, like XMODEM, or ZMODEM, or even tftp. This depends on what your terminal can support.
I always use XMODEM when programming data into FLASH via a serial link from a PC. When using XMODEM it only sends one data packet at a time and waits for you to acknowledge the packet before sending the next one.
This means we control the flow via software on the receiving side:
Get packet ->
Write packet ->
Ack packet ->
Repeat util done...
XMODEM can be implemented on the smallest of devices (less than 1K RAM) and the code is very simple. All serial terminals support XMODEM (upto windows XP ship with an XMODEM capable terminal). XMODEM requires no special hardware.
Here is the spec.
Here is an example implementation.

Compact Framework serial port and balance

So, to open up a serial port and successfully transmit data from the balance through the serial port, i need to make sure that the settings on the serialPort object match the actual settings of the balance.
Now, the question is how do i detect that the connection hasn't been established due to the settings being different? No exception is thrown by serialPort.Open to indicate that the connection has been established. Yes, the settings are valid, but if they don't match the device (balance) settings; I am in the dark as to why the weight off the balance is not being captured.
Any input here?
Without knowing any more information on the format of the data you expect from your balance, only general serial port settings mismatch detection techniques are applicable.
If the UART settings are significantly incorrect, you'll likely see a lot of framing errors: when the UART is expecting a 1 stop bit, it will in fact see a 0. You can detect this with the ErrorReceived event on the port.
private void OnErrorReceived(object sender, SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs e)
if ((e.EventType & SerialError.Frame) == SerialError.Frame)
// your settings don't match, try something else
If things are close, but still incorrect, the .NET serial port object may not even give you an error (that is, until something catastrophic occurs).
My most common serial port communication failure occurs due to mismatched baud rates. If you have a message that you know you can get an 'echo' for, try that as part of a handshaking effort. Perhaps the device you're connecting to has a 'status' message. No harm will come from requesting it, and you will find out if communication is flowing correctly.
For software handshaking (xon xoff) There's very little you can do to detect whether or not it's configured right. The serial port object can do anything from ignore it completely to have thread exception errors, depending on the underlying serial port driver implementation. I've had serial port drivers that completely ignore xon/xoff, and pass the characters straight into the program - yikes!
For hardware handshaking, the basic echo strategy for baud rate may work, depending on how your device works. If you know that it will do hardware handshaking, you may be able to detect it and turn it on. If the device requires hardware handshaking and it's not on, you may get nothing, and vice versa.
Another setting that's more rarely used is the DTR pin - data terminal ready. Some serial devices require that this be asserted (ie, set to true) to indicate that it's time to start sending data. It's set to false by default; give toggling it a whirl.
Note that the serial port object is ... finicky. While not necessarily required, I would consider closing the port before you make any changes.
Thanks to your comments, it looks like this is your device. It says the default settings should be:
1200 baud
Odd parity
1 stop bit
Hardware handshaking
It doesn't specify how many data bits, but the device says it supports 7 and 8. I'd try both of those. It also says it supports 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 baud.
If you've turned on hardware handshaking, enabled DTR (different things) and cycled through all the different baud rates, there's a good chance that it's not your settings. It could be that the serial cable that's being used may be wired incorrectly for your device. Some serial cables are 'passthrough' cables, where the 1-9 pins on one side match exactly with the 1-9 pins on the other. Then, you have 'crossover' cables, where the "TX" and "RX" cables are switched (so that when one side transmits, the other side receives, a very handy cable.)
Consider looking at the command table in the back of the manual there; there's a "print software version" command you could issue to get some type of echo back.
Serial ports use a very, very old communications technology that use a very, very old protocol called RS-232. This is pretty much as simple as it gets... the two end points have synchronized clocks and they test the line voltage every clock cycle to see if it is high or low (with high meaning 0 and low meaing 1, which is the opposite of most conventions... again an artifact of the protocol's age). The clock synchronization is accomplished through the use of stop bits, which are really just rest time in between bytes. There are also a few other things thrown into the more advanced uses of the protocol such as parity bits, XON/XOFF, etc, but those all ride on top of this very basic communication layer. Detecting a mismatch of the clocks on each end of the serial line is going to be nearly impossible -- you'll just get incorrect data on the recieving end. The protocol itself has no way built in to identify this situation. I am unaware of any serial driver that is smart enough to notice the input data being clocked an an inappropriate frequency. If you're using one of the error detection schemes such as parity bits, probabilistically every byte will be declared an error. In short, the best you can do is check the incoming data for errors (parity errors should be detected by your driver/software layer, whereas errors in the data received by your app from that layer will need to be checked by your program -- the latter can be assisted by the use of checksums).