In IOS 7 How to make regular navbar button looks like a back button - objective-c

Sometimes the navigation controller is already on the bottom.
However, I want to add a custom button that will allow user to effectively select a left tab.
That back button doesn't have the left chevron.
How do I make that regular button looks like back button?


How to implement the pull-down search bar in objective c?

In the native Calendar app, the search bar is not shown until I click the search icon and then the search bar is pulled down from top like this
If I tap the Cancel button, the search bar is pulled back to top.
I think i can mimic the effect by hiding a search bar at the top and moving it down with animation upon a button click and so on. But I wonder if there is an SDK-provided way for doing this. Thanks!

Make an NSToolbar's fullScreenAccessoryView visible at launch

I am trying to make an application with a toolbar controller which view is shown, and for each view shown I want to include a second 'row' for the toolbar, and I found out that to do this you had to do [toolbar setFullScreenAccessoryView:view]. However, the view does not appear until the user toggles fullscreen mode and the accessory view remains after toggling the window back to windowed mode. I would like it to look like the following examples from,,
just place a custom view underneath the NSToolbarView .. so at the top of the window.
dont misuse the fullscreenAccessory view. it if meant for something else.
see How to create a toolbar with "Search" Finder style, rounded buttons working like radio
(it could be any other view too btw :D)

Preventing navigationview Back Button

Is there any way to prevent the default back button behavior in the navigation bar of a navigationview?
I'm trying to use Sencha Touch 2 history and linking abilities with routers, but that requires me to essentially intercept all button taps so that I can update the url.
The back button in a navigation bar creates all kinds of nightmares as far as thats concerned, and I can supply code if someone thinks they have an alternate solution, but preventing the default back button behavior seems best (so as to play nice with browser back button)
If you want to handle back button you can use back event of navigation view which fired when the back button of the navigation view was tapped.. Refer to my previous answer on how to do it.
If you want to completely hide the back button just simply use:'.x-button-back').hide();
try this Ext.getCmp('navigationview's id').getNavigatorBar().hide()

iOS presenting modal and navigation controller based views

I'm building an application for the iphone that uses both modal views and navigation-controllers. In my case, the initial screen is a table view within a navigation controller, and if the user clicks on the "+" button, they get a new screen that appears in a modal view sliding up from the bottom of the screen that will allow them to add a new record. Within this modal view I want to have a button that will allow them to select from a list of options.
To provide a quick example, take a look at this screenshot from the Apple documentation: If you look at the "Repeat" option in the second view, that's what I want to emulate -- the user will click on the option and a new view (not a action sheet) will load allowing them to select from a list.
Ideally, I would want this new option screen to slide in from the right like a new view was added to the navigation controller stack. However, since add record screen is a modal view, I can't do that, can I? Or would my modal view need to load my add records view embedded within a new navigation controller?
Hopefully I'm explaining this clearly enough. Sorry for any confusion!
Your last thought is the way to go: you need to add a navigation controller to your modal view, and then when they tap the table view row, you just push your next view onto the navigation stack.

iphone app navigation bar multiple items

how can I have a back button and another button both on the left side of the nav bar?
Do you also need the title? If not, you can simply place the button in the center area. Otherwise, if you also need the title, you will need to create a UIView with a label and a button in it and set that as the center view. You will have to set the label's text manually if the title of the view ever changes.
Or, if you don't care too much about the back button, you can create a button that looks like the back button and put your other button next to it in a parent view that you use as the left view. You would have to manually handle going back when pressing the back button, and unless you got an image that looks like the back button, your button would not have the arrow shape.