How to implement the pull-down search bar in objective c? - objective-c

In the native Calendar app, the search bar is not shown until I click the search icon and then the search bar is pulled down from top like this
If I tap the Cancel button, the search bar is pulled back to top.
I think i can mimic the effect by hiding a search bar at the top and moving it down with animation upon a button click and so on. But I wonder if there is an SDK-provided way for doing this. Thanks!


Is it possible to hide the bottom tab bar upon a button press and then draw it up when necessary by a simple touch?

Hey their fellow stack over flowers!
As the question states, is it possible to perform such a feat?
If possible how would you go about doing it?
So the situation we have here is that there is a drawer and on top of it lies the bottom tab bar which annoys the whole view of the screen. That's why we should find a way to hide it. Isn't it?
Here's what you've got:
What's required is, hiding the tab bar when clicking on the hamburger menu and taking it back up when you touch or press down the bottom tab area. Obviously, I went through other quality questions with qualities answers here. But nothing seems to provide a providence a least bit
Do you know any clever way to handle this?
If you are using custom tabBar, you could use React.Context or some kind of global state to trigger hiding your tabBar when you press a button. I would "hide" my tabBar by rendering the tabBar as a transparent Pressable with a certain height that when you click on it, it will rerender the original tabBar. You could also use setTimeout to rehide it automatically.

In IOS 7 How to make regular navbar button looks like a back button

Sometimes the navigation controller is already on the bottom.
However, I want to add a custom button that will allow user to effectively select a left tab.
That back button doesn't have the left chevron.
How do I make that regular button looks like back button?

How to make a tab bar that shows colored icons , on iOS?

I need to make a toolbar on the bottom of the screen with some buttons. I want in every button to have a small image and a small text under it. The closest i can find from "Xcode" is the "Tab Bar" where you can put icons and text but the problem is that when you add an image you can only see the shadow of the image and not its colors.. Can i change that? Or is another way to make a toolbar like the one i am describing?
I need the buttons to change controllers and i just noticed that i cant create actions for the tabs but only outlets. So i guess the tab bar is not what i should use. Any ideas for a toolbar?
Yes Tab Bar is the Best approach for it and it is very easy to customize the tab bar if u are using IO5
This LINK will be helpful.
There is another approach (which was applicable uptil IOS4 for customization of Tab bar) was to Create Custom buttons with tab bar look alike Images. it will give u the same feel, but like i said it is very easy now to customize IOS Tab bars
Here is a couple of Links for u
LINK 1 With Story BOARD
LINK 2 Without Storyboard
One More thing Try searching Google before Posting a question here if have some problem then feel free to post along with the code or tutorial u tried.
Let me know if i Worked

Cocoa: hide NavigationBar

I'm using UIXOverlayController to show custom popup in my application.
Popup has some buttons, one of them is "Send SMS" which uses MFMessageComposeViewController.
When i click "Send SMS" button, sms composer appears, but without it's TOP bar (where "Cancel" button is located).
Suppose, that my application's Navigation Bar overlaps SMS composer Bar and i need to bring sms top bar to front.
I also tried to hide navigation bar when popup window is active, but there is no method "self.navigationBar" in overlayController ".m" file. And i think that all work with hide/show navbar should been done in overlaycontroller.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Have you tried adding self.navigationBar.hidden = YES;? That should hide the navigation bar.

iphone app navigation bar multiple items

how can I have a back button and another button both on the left side of the nav bar?
Do you also need the title? If not, you can simply place the button in the center area. Otherwise, if you also need the title, you will need to create a UIView with a label and a button in it and set that as the center view. You will have to set the label's text manually if the title of the view ever changes.
Or, if you don't care too much about the back button, you can create a button that looks like the back button and put your other button next to it in a parent view that you use as the left view. You would have to manually handle going back when pressing the back button, and unless you got an image that looks like the back button, your button would not have the arrow shape.