SQL help extracting data from one table and based on a backup table, inserting that data - sql

I have the following SQL (SSMS) statement that returns invalid records for endstrands not found in the fiberstrands tabl:
Every record returned here needs to be rectified and placed back into the fiberstrand table based off a backup of the fiberstrand table.
Now, I have a backup table, FiberStrandHAS, that has all of the fiberstrand records that are missing (plus more) as indicated by the above statement. My goal is to insert the specified records from the above statement using the FiberStranHAS backup table into the fiberstrand table. Any ideas on how I could accomplish this task?

Figured out how to get what I needed...
select *
from fiberstrandhas fsh
on (fsh.id = es.endstrand)


Want to bring data from Oracle warehouse to SQL Server

I want to bring data from Oracle Datawarehouse to SQL Server based on condition.
I have 3 segment columns(seg_1,seg_2,seg_3) in table_A in Datawarehouse, want bring them into SQL but I want make them as one column based on column present in SQL server table_B. I will run stored procedure to do it.
CASE WHEN seg_1 in (select seg from [Servername].[dbname].[schemaname].[table_B]) then seg_1
WHEN seg_2 in (select seg from [Servername].[dbname].[schemaname].[table_B]) then seg_2
WHEN seg_3 in (select seg from [Servername].[dbname].[schemaname].[table_B]) then seg_3
from table_A
When I'm trying run above code in Stored Procedure it is giving error as table_B is invalid table name. The table is present in that server and database. Please help me to do it.

SQL check if record exists in table before bulk insert

I currently have a stored procedure that performs bulk insert into a table named "TomorrowPatients" from a .csv file. When performing the bulk insert, I need to determine if the record being added already exists within the table and if so DO NOT add the record. If the record does not exist then I need to APPEND it to the table. What is the most efficient way to go about this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I have created a temp table called "TomorrowPatients_Temp". I am trying to use this table to determine which records to insert.
Insert your the whole data into a temporary table, say #TempData.Then use the following code :
INSERT INTO TommorowPatients
LEFT JOIN TommorowPatients TP ON TT.PatientId = TP.PatienId
AND TT.PatientName = TP.PatientName
AND TT.PatientSSN = TP.PatientSSN
Where PatientId is you primary key for the TommorowPatients table.
DO NOT add the "RoomNumber" column with the LEFT JOIN like : TT.RoomNo = TP.RoomNo. This way even if the room number changes, new data won't be inserted as we have joined only based on patient specific data.

access 2010 append data into table without overwriting existing records

Sorry for the long question/post but need some help as I've been searching for several days but havent found anything that helps. Seems like it should be easy but..here goes
I have table1 in my (Access 2010) database that has exising records. I have another table2 that after I run a query, it first deletes the data in table 2, then imports new records into that table. I run the import into table 2 on a semi regular basis but have yet to copy all those records into table 1 successfully.
I need to copy only the records from table 2 to table 1 if the records don't already exist in table1. So, each time the query or vba code would run, it would be continuing to grow table 1 without duplicating existing data.
To clarify further, it's data from the Outlook GAL so each time table2 imports that data (lname,fname,phone,email) it needs to be added to table1, but only if it doesn't already exist in table 1.
I have a small start of SQL but cannot get it to work properly because I'm not sure how to add the other fields into this SQL statement properly (unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about SQL or creating an append query):
INSERT INTO [Current] ( FirstName )
SELECT DISTINCT tblglobaladdresslistimport.First
FROM tblglobaladdresslistimport LEFT JOIN [Current] ON tblglobaladdresslistimport.First = Current.FirstName
WHERE Current.FirstName Is Null;
How about this :
INSERT INTO [Current](FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email)
, tblglobaladdresslistimport.Last
, tblglobaladdresslistimport.Phone
, tblglobaladdresslistimport.Email
tblglobaladdresslistimport LEFT JOIN [Current]
ON tblglobaladdresslistimport.First = Current.FirstName
AND tblglobaladdresslistimport.Last = Current.LastName
AND tblglobaladdresslistimport.Phone = Current.Phone
AND tblglobaladdresslistimport.Email = Current.Email
WHERE Current.FirstName Is Null
AND Current.LastName Is Null
AND Current.Phone Is Null
AND Current.Email Is Null;
Adjust column names if I guessed it wrong. That assumed that you don't have primary key, so data in tblglobaladdresslistimport considered already exists if there is a row in Current having same value for all columns.

Validate Data in SQL Server Table

I am trying to validate the data present in SQL Server table using a stored procedure.
In one of the validation rules, i have to check whether the value of a particular column is present in another table.
Suppose i have a staging table with following columns Cat_ID, Amount, SRC_CDE
I have a 'maintable' with following columns CatID , Cat_Name
I have to validate whether the Cat_ID present in staging table exists in the 'maintable' for each row
I am using the following statement to validate
if((Select count(*) from maintable where CatID= #Cat_id) >0 )
-- Do something if data present
I want to know if there is any better way of doing the above thing other than using a select query for every row.
Can i use some sort of an array where i can fetch all the CatID from maintable and the check instead of using a select query.
Using a left join to list all the invalid rows.
left join maintable
on staging.catid=maintable.catid
where maintable.catid is null

can't insert records in new table from existing table in sql server 2005

I need to insert records into a new table from an existing table. I used the following query to do this:
Insert into Newtable
Select * from Oldtable where date1 = #date
This query works most of the time, but in one scenario I get 10 million records to be inserted for the date1 value. In this case I'm getting the following error message:
Error : The transaction log for database "tempDB" is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
Should I break the query into parts and insert them sequentially, or is there a way to do this with the current query?
This is, perhaps, a distasteful suggestion. But, you can try exporting the data to a file and then inserting using bulk-insert, with database logging set to SIMPLE or BULK-LOGGED.
More information is at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190422.aspx.