How to create a custom interface by using standard directus interfaces as a starter?
an answer in discord uses directus tarball in dependencies and a custom vue.config.js , but the rest of the import statements are still wrong.
Here is my custom interface source code:
Even If all import statements of custom interface's vue file are correct , directus-extension build can't build interface because of other import statements.
Is there a better way to use standard directus interfaces (file-image or input-rich-text) in custom interfaces?
There has not been enough information to provided to help with debugging your issues with the file interface.
Documentation for building interfaces can be found in the Directus Docs.
I have created an interface for Directus that uses the image interface. Perhaps providing the link will be a useful resource to you showing you how I have personally implemented it.
Here's the API doc of Stripe:
They seem to be using a three-columns template.
I am wondering whether they use some API blueprint renderer (markdown-to-html type of script) to generate it, similarly to Aglio:
If they don't use any renderer, what other types of API blueprint renderers exist out there?
Stripe uses an in house doc generation tool, but Slate ( is a tool modeled off of Stripe's documentation. It looks quite similar and may be what you're looking for. I haven't used it myself so unfortunately I can't tell you much more.
If you want to stick to API Blueprint markdown flavor then check out apiary ( as an alternative to aglio. It's not the three column layout but it is nice looking.
My question is very simple, and I want a clear answer with a simple example.
What's the main difference between API, Toolkit, Framework, and Library?
I prefer following:
An API is an abstract description of how to use an application. For example, an API may describe the function syntax (declaration) of a chat server. i.e. login, publish_message, subscribe_messages. And, it describes any protocols to use the application. i.e. must login before sending or recieving messages, or clients are dropped after 2 minutes if not sending or receiving messages.
A library is an implementation of an API, it containes the compiled code that implements the functions and protocols (maintains usage state).
A toolkit is a set of libraries (API) and services grouped together to provide the developer with a wider range of possible solutions. For example, the Globus Toolkit provides services (such as File transfering, Job Subission and Scheduling) that a devleoper can install and start on their servers. They also provide API's to build applications that may use the services deployed in an integrated fashion. For example, the developer may build a program that uses the Job Submission API to communicate with the Job Submission Service.
A Framework is a set of guidelines that prevents inappropriate use or developement. The developer must contruct their applications within the rules and boundaries of the framework. This is done by forcing the developer to extend the current framework to develope new software. by extending the framework, you force adhearence to the framework.
I'm not saying these are completely correct, but its worked ok for me so far!
This has always been my understanding, you will no doubt see differing opinions on the subject:
API (Application Programming Interface) - Allows you to use code in an already functional application in a stand-alone fasion.
Framework - Code that gives you base classes and interfaces for a certain task/application type, usually in the form of a design pattern. (Though not always)
Library - Related code that can be swapped in and out at will to accomplish tasks at a class level
Toolkit - Related code that can be used to accomplish tasks at a component level.
Those terms sometimes are misinterchanged.
Similar posts, read:
What is the major difference between a framework and a toolkit?
Framework vs. Toolkit vs. Library
I prefer to call a library as an alias of module or namespace. Toolkit and A.P.I. is usually a set of libraries for a common task. Altought, A.P.I. is more used for Procedural Programming than Object Oriented Programming.
This is my first time using EA. I used it to generate a class diagram from my C++ header files. Is there a way to add documentation to each method and/or variable and to generate a document that describes all the class' API?
Everything in an EA model includes a Notes property. You can edit this by using the Notes window, among other ways (for instance, when working with a class's properties, the Attributes and Operations windows have an area for entering notes).
These notes will appear when you use the various tools on the Project->Documentation submenu.
Whenever I ask people about the difference between an API and a library, I get different opinions. Some give this kind of definition, saying that an API is a spec and a library is an implementation...
Some will tell you this type of definition, that an API is a bunch of mapped out functions, and a Library is just the distribution in compiled form.
All this makes me wonder, in a world of web code, frameworks and open-source, is there really a practical difference anymore? Could a library like jQuery or cURL crossover into the definition of an API?
Also, do frameworks cross over into this category at all? Is there part of Rails or Zend that could be more "API-like," or "libraryesque"?
Really looking forward to some enlightening thoughts :)
My view is that when I speak of an API, it means only the parts that are exposed to the programmer. If I speak of a 'library' then I also mean everything that is working "under the hood", though part of the library nevertheless.
A library contains re-usable chunks of code (a software program).
These re-usable codes of library is linked to your program through APIs
(Application Programming Interfaces). That is, this API is an interface to library through which re-usable codes are linked to your application program.
In simple term it can be said that an API is an interface between two software programs which facilitates the interaction between them.
For example, in procedural languages like C, the library math.c contains the implementations of mathematical function, such as sqrt, exp, log etc. It contains the definition of all these functions.
These function can be referenced by using the API math.h which describes and prescribes the expected behavior.
That being said, an API is a specification (math.h explains about all the functions it provides, their arguments and data they return etc.) and a library is an implementation (math.c contains all the definitions of these functions).
API is part of library that defines how it will interact with external code. Every library has API, API is sum of all public/exported stuff. Nowadays meaning of API is widened. we might call the way web site/service interact with code as API also. You can also tell that some device has API - the set of commands you can call.
Sometimes this terms can be mixed together. For example you have some server app (like TFS for example). It has API with it, and this API is implemented as a library. But this library is just a middle layer between you and not the one who executes your calls. But if library itself contains all action code then we can't say that this library is API.
I think that Library is a set of all classes and functions that can be used from our code to do our task easily. But the library can contain some of its private functions for its usage which it does not want to expose.
API is a part of library which is exposed to the user. So whatever documentation we have regarding a library, we call it an API Documentation because it contains only those classes and functions to which we have access.
we have first to define an interface ...
Interface :is the means by which 2 "things" talk to each other and exchange information. "things" could be a (1) human or (2) a running code of any sort (e.g. library ,desktop application , OS , web service ... etc).
if a human want to talks to a program he need Graphical user interface (GUI) or command line interface (CLI). both are types of interfaces that humans (but not programs) would like to use.
if however a running code (of any sort) want to talk to another running code (of any sort) it doesn't need or want a GUI or CLI ,it rather need an Application Programming Interface (API).
so to answer the original poster question : library is a type of running code and the API is the means by which this running code talk to other running codes.
In Clear and concise language
Library: Collection of all classes and methods stored for re-usability
API: Part of library classes and methods which can be used by a user in his/her code.
According to my perspective, whatever the functions are accessible to invoker , we can called as api in library file, library file having some of the functions which is private , we cannot access them ..
There are two cases when we speak or think of API
Computer program using library
Everything else (wider meaning)
I think, that in the first case, thinking in terms of API is confusing. It's because we always use a library. There are only libraries. API without library doesn't exist, while there's a tendency to think in such terms.
How about The Standard Template Library (STL) in C++? It's a software library.
You can have different libraries with the same API, meaning set of available classes, objects, methods, functions, procedures or whatever terms you like in some programming language. But it can be said, that we have different implementation of some "standard" library.
Some analogy may be that: SQL is a standard but can have different implementations. What you use is always some SQL engine which implements SQL. You may follow only standard set of features or use some extended, specific to that implementation.
And what "under the hood" in library is not your concern, except in terms of differences in efficiency by different implementations of such library.
Of course I'm aware, that this way of thinking is not what is a "generally binding standard". Just a lot of new terms have been created, that are not always clear, precise, intuitive, that brings some confusion. When Oracle speaks about Collections. It's not library, it's not API, it's a "Collections Framework".
Hello brothers and sisters.
Without using technical terms I would like to share my understanding regarding API and library.
The way I distinguish 'library' and 'API' is imagining a situation where I go to a book library. When I go there, I request a book which I need to a 'librarian' without knowing how a entire library is managed.
I make a simple relation between them like this.
Library = A book library which has a whole system and staffs to manage books.
API = A librarian who provides me a simple access to a book which I need.